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Kidung Jemaat
James 2:18-22
Marilah, Marilah, Hai Saudara [KJ.338]
R:Mat 5:14-16; Flp 2:15; Yak 2:14-18; 2 Kor 9:8-9; 1 Ptr 4:9-10; 1 Yoh 3:17-18
1. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
2. Banyak orang kemalangan menderita, diliputi kegelapan kemelut. (2x) Kembali ke Reff.
3. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
4. Ada juga yang digoda kemewahan, tapi tidak mengenal bahagia. (2x) Kembali ke Reff.
1 Tim 6:9-10 2 Tim 3:2 Yak 5:1-6
5. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
6. Tak terbilang yang sengsara dalam hati, kekurangan cinta kasih yang benar. (2x) Kembali ke Reff.
7. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
8. Tuhan Allah mengasihi dunia ini, Yesus Kristus menerangi yang gelap. (2x) Kembali ke Reff.
Yoh 3:16 Yoh 8:12 Yoh 12:46
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James 2:18-22
[Jam 2:20] Christian, Rise And Act Thy Creed
Christian, rise and act thy creed; Let thy prayer be in thy deed; Seek the right, perform the true, Raise thy works and life anew. Hearts around thee sink with care; Thou canst help their load to bear; Thou canst bring inspiring light, Arm their faltering wills to fight. Let thine aims be hope and joy, And thy worship God’s employ; Give Him thanks in humble zeal, Learning all His will to feel. Come, then law divine, and reign; Freest faith assailed in vain, Perfect love bereft of fear, Born in heaven and radiant here. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |