Judges 9:1-22
Abimelech <040> [Abimelech.]
Shechem <07927> [Shechem.]
said <01696> [communed.]
want <02896> [Whether, etc. Heb. What is good? whether, etc. threescore.]
blood <06106> [your bone.]
spoke <01696> [spake.]
Abimelech <0310> [to follow. Heb. after. our brother.]
temple <01004> [house.]
lawless <07386> [vain, etc.]
{Anashim raikim oophochozim,} "worthless and dissolute men;" persons who were living on the public, and had nothing to lose. Such was the foundation of his Babel government. By a cunning management of such unprincipled men most revolutions are brought about.
Ophrah <06084> [at Ophrah.]
murdered <02026> [slew.]
Beth <01004> [the house.]
Millo <04407> [Millo.]
Probably the name of a person of note in Shechem.
oak <0436> [plain. or, oak.]
Mount Gerizim <01630 02022> [mount Gerizim.]
Listen ........... listen <08085> [Hearken.]
trees <06086> [The trees.]
This is the most ancient fable or apologue extant; and is extremely beautiful, apposite, and intelligible.
olive tree <02132> [olive tree.]
The {zayith,} or olive tree, in the Linnean system, is a genus of the {diandra monogynia} class of plants. It is of a moderate height, and grows best in sunny places. Its trunk is knotty; bark smooth, of an ash colour: wood solid and yellowish; leaves oblong, almost like those of the willow, of a dark green colour on the upper side, and whitish below. In June it puts forth white flowers, growing in bunches, each of one piece, widening towards the top, and dividing into four parts. After this succeeds the fruit, which is oblong and plump; first green, then pale, and when quite ripe, black. Within it is enclosed a hard stone, filled with oblong seeds. It was the most useful of all trees in the forest; as the bramble was the meanest and most worthless.
king <04427> [Reign.]
honor <03513> [wherewith.]
gods <0430> [God.]
{Elohim,} rather gods; the parable being adapted to the idolatrous Shechemites.
sway ..... trees <05128 06086> [to be promoted over the trees. Heb. up and down for other trees.]
makes <08055> [cheereth.]
thornbush <0329> [bramble. or, thistle.]
branches <06738> [shadow.]
fire <0784> [let fire.]
cedars <0730> [the cedars.]
repaid <01576> [according.]
fought <03898> [fought.]
risked ... life <05315 07993> [adventured his life. Heb. cast his life.]
attacked <06965> [are risen.]
Abimelech <040> [Abimelech.]
happiness ....... happiness <08055> [rejoice.]
fire blaze from ............. fire ... blaze from <03318 0784> [let fire come out.]
Beer <0876> [Beer.]
Probably the Beer mentioned by Mr. Maundrell, three hours and a half, or about ten miles, north of Jerusalem, towards Shechem. It is situated toward the south, on an easy declivity; and has a fountain of excellent water at the bottom of the hill, from which it has taken its name. Close to the well are the mouldering walls of a ruined {khan;} and on the summit of the hill two large arches still remain of a ruined convent. Dr. Richardson says, that it seems to have been once a place of considerable consequence.