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Jeremiah 17:17

Be not a terror
unto me: thou [art] my hope
in the day
of evil

Psalms 18:1-2

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)_,
[A Psalm] of David
the servant
of the LORD
who spake
<01696> (8765)
unto the LORD
the words
of this song
in the day
[that] the LORD
<05337> (8689)
him from the hand
of all his enemies
<0341> (8802)_,
and from the hand
of Saul
And he said
<0559> (8799),>>
I will love
<07355> (8799)
thee, O LORD
my strength
[is] my rock
and my fortress
and my deliverer
<06403> (8764)_;
my God
my strength
in whom I will trust
<02620> (8799)_;
my buckler
and the horn
of my salvation
[and] my high tower
{my strength: Heb. my rock}

Psalms 19:14

Let the words
of my mouth
and the meditation
of my heart
be acceptable
in thy sight
my strength
and my redeemer
<01350> (8802)_.
{strength: Heb. rock}

Psalms 27:5

For in the time
of trouble
he shall hide
<06845> (8799)
me in his pavilion
in the secret
of his tabernacle
shall he hide
<05641> (8686)
me; he shall set me up
<07311> (8787)
upon a rock

Psalms 46:1

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)
for the sons
of Korah
A Song
upon Alamoth
[is] our refuge
and strength
a very
<04672> (8738)
in trouble
{for: or, of}

Psalms 46:7

of hosts
[is] with us; the God
of Jacob
[is] our refuge
{our...: Heb. an high place for us}

Psalms 46:11

of hosts
[is] with us; the God
of Jacob
[is] our refuge

Psalms 62:2

He only [is] my rock
and my salvation
[he is] my defence
I shall not be greatly
<04131> (8735)_.
{defence: Heb. high place}

Psalms 62:7

In God
[is] my salvation
and my glory
the rock
of my strength
[and] my refuge
[is] in God

Psalms 91:1-2

He that dwelleth
<03427> (8802)
in the secret
place of the most High
shall abide
<03885> (8698)
under the shadow
of the Almighty
{abide: Heb. lodge}
I will say
<0559> (8799)
of the LORD
[He is] my refuge
and my fortress
my God
in him will I trust
<0982> (8799)_.

Psalms 144:1-2

<[A Psalm] of David <01732>.>>
<01288> (8803)
[be] the LORD
my strength
which teacheth
<03925> (8764)
my hands
to war
[and] my fingers
to fight
{strength: Heb. rock} {to war...: Heb. to the war, etc}
My goodness
and my fortress
my high tower
and my deliverer
<06403> (8764)_;
my shield
and [he] in whom I trust
<02620> (8804)_;
who subdueth
<07286> (8802)
my people
under me. {My goodness: or, My mercy}

Proverbs 18:10

The name
of the LORD
[is] a strong
the righteous
<07323> (8799)
into it, and is safe
<07682> (8738)_.
{safe: Heb. set aloft}

Isaiah 25:4

For thou hast been a strength
to the poor
a strength
to the needy
in his distress
a refuge
from the storm
a shadow
from the heat
when the blast
of the terrible ones
[is] as a storm
[against] the wall

Isaiah 32:2

And a man
shall be as an hiding place
from the wind
and a covert
from the tempest
as rivers
of water
in a dry place
as the shadow
of a great
in a weary
{great: Heb. heavy}

Ezekiel 11:16

Therefore say
<0559> (8798)_,
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Although I have cast them far off
<07368> (8689)
among the heathen
and although I have scattered
<06327> (8689)
them among the countries
yet will I be to them as a little
in the countries
where they shall come
<0935> (8804)_.

Nahum 1:7

[is] good
a strong hold
in the day
of trouble
and he knoweth
<03045> (8802)
them that trust
<02620> (8802)
in him. {strong hold: or, strength}

Habakkuk 3:19

[is] my strength
and he will make
<07760> (8799)
my feet
like hinds
[feet], and he will make me to walk
<01869> (8686)
upon mine high places
To the chief singer
<05329> (8764)
on my stringed instruments
{chief...: or, overseer} {stringed...: Heb. Neginoth}

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