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Jeremiah 2:24-37

A wild ass
to the wilderness
[that] snuffeth up
<07602> (8804)
the wind
at her pleasure
<0185> <05315>_;
in her occasion
who can turn her away
<07725> (8686)_?
all they that seek
<01245> (8764)
her will not weary
<03286> (8799)
themselves; in her month
they shall find
<04672> (8799)
her. {A wild...: or, O wild ass, etc} {used: Heb. taught} {her pleasure: Heb. the desire of her heart} {turn...: or, reverse it?}
<04513> (8798)
thy foot
from being unshod
and thy throat
from thirst
but thou saidst
<0559> (8799)_,
There is no hope
<02976> (8737)_:
no; for I have loved
<0157> (8804)
<02114> (8801)_,
and after
them will I go
<03212> (8799)_.
{There...: or, Is the case desperate?}
As the thief
is ashamed
when he is found
<04672> (8735)_,
so is the house
of Israel
<03001> (8689)_;
they, their kings
their princes
and their priests
and their prophets
<0559> (8802)
to a stock
Thou [art] my father
and to a stone
Thou hast brought me forth
<03205> (8804)_:
for they have turned
<06437> (8804)
[their] back
unto me, and not [their] face
but in the time
of their trouble
they will say
<0559> (8799)_,
<06965> (8798)_,
and save
<03467> (8685)
us. {brought...: or, begotten me} {their back: Heb. the hinder part of the neck}
But where [are] thy gods
that thou hast made
<06213> (8804)
thee? let them arise
<06965> (8799)_,
if they can save
<03467> (8686)
thee in the time
of thy trouble
for [according to] the number
of thy cities
are thy gods
O Judah
{trouble: Heb. evil}
Wherefore will ye plead
<07378> (8799)
with me? ye all have transgressed
<06586> (8804)
against me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
In vain
have I smitten
<05221> (8689)
your children
they received
<03947> (8804)
no correction
your own sword
hath devoured
<0398> (8804)
your prophets
like a destroying
<07843> (8688)
O generation
<07200> (8798)
ye the word
of the LORD
Have I been a wilderness
unto Israel
a land
of darkness
wherefore say
<0559> (8804)
my people
We are lords
<07300> (8804)_;
we will come
<0935> (8799)
no more unto thee? {We are...: Heb. We have dominion}
Can a maid
<07911> (8799)
her ornaments
[or] a bride
her attire
yet my people
have forgotten
<07911> (8804)
me days
without number
Why trimmest
<03190> (8686)
thou thy way
to seek
<01245> (8763)
therefore hast thou also taught
<03925> (8765)
the wicked ones
thy ways
Also in thy skirts
is found
<04672> (8738)
the blood
of the souls
of the poor
I have not found
<04672> (8804)
it by secret search
but upon all these. {secret...: Heb. digging}
Yet thou sayest
<0559> (8799)_,
Because I am innocent
<05352> (8738)_,
surely his anger
shall turn
<07725> (8804)
from me. Behold, I will plead
<08199> (8737)
with thee, because thou sayest
<0559> (8800)_,
I have not sinned
<02398> (8804)_.
Why gaddest thou about
<0235> (8799)
so much
to change
<08138> (8763)
thy way
thou also shalt be ashamed
<0954> (8799)
of Egypt
as thou wast ashamed
<0954> (8804)
of Assyria
Yea, thou shalt go forth
<03318> (8799)
from him, and thine hands
upon thine head
for the LORD
hath rejected
<03988> (8804)
thy confidences
and thou shalt not prosper
<06743> (8686)
in them.

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