Jeremiah 28:5-9
temple <01004> [the house.]
Amen <0543> [Amen.]
Nu 5:22 De 27:15-26 1Ki 1:36 1Ch 16:36 Ps 41:13 72:19 89:52
Ps 106:48 Mt 6:13 28:20 1Co 14:16 2Co 1:20 Re 1:18 3:14 5:14
Re 19:4 22:20,21 [All]
make <03068 06965> [the Lord perform.]
prophets <05030> [The prophets.]
As Hosea, Joel, Amos, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and others, all of whom had denounced similar evils against a corrupt people. So that they who opposed Jeremiah also opposed those who preceded him; and it was altogether unprecedented for a true prophet to promise deliverance to a guilty nation, without calling them to repentance.
prophesied <05012> [prophesied.]
Le 26:14-46 De 4:26,27 28:15-68 29:18-28 31:16,17 32:15-44
1Sa 2:27-32 3:11-14 1Ki 14:7-15 17:1 21:18-24 22:8 Isa 5:1-8
Isa 6:9-12 13:18 24:1-23 Joe 1:2-20 3:1-11 Mic 3:8-12
Na 1:1-3:19 Am 1:2 [All]
prophesied <05012> [which.]
<0227> [then.]