Jeremiah 4:19
pit .... stomach <04578> [My bowels.]
9:1,10 13:17 14:17,18 23:9 48:31,32 Ps 119:53,136 Isa 15:5
Isa 16:11 21:3 22:4 La 1:16 2:11 3:48-51 Da 7:15,28 8:27
Hab 3:16 Lu 19:41,42 Ro 9:2,3 10:1 Ga 4:19 [All]
pain <07023> [my very. Heb. the walls of my. O my.]
sound <06963> [sound.]
Jeremiah 4:21
see <07200> [How long.]
see <07200> [shall I.]