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Jeremiah 44:17-19


vowed <01697> [whatsoever.]

Queen ... Heaven <08064 04446> [queen of heaven. or, frame of heaven.]

As the Sun was worshipped, not only under the name of {baal shamayim,} "Lord of heaven," but also by that of {Molech,} or King; it is likely also that the Moon was adored as {melecheth hashshamayim,} "the Queen of heaven." So the Orphic hymn addressed to the Moon begins [Klythi thea BASILEIA,] Hear, goddess Queen. And Homer, in his Hymn to the Moon, addresses her, [Chaire, anassa, thea] All hail, Queen, goddess. In Epiphanius, we find some women of Arabia, towards the end of the fourth century, had set up another queen of heaven, the Virgin Mary, too well known since under that name and character, whom they likewise worshipped as a goddess, by holding stated assemblies every year to her honour, and by offering a cake of bread in her name; whence these heretics were called Collyridians, from the Greek [kollyris,] a cake.

do .................................... did <06213> [as we.]

ancestors <01> [our fathers.]

towns <05892> [in the cities.]

plenty <07646> [then.]

food <03899> [victuals. Heb. bread.]


have been .......... wars <02637> [we have.]


sacrifice <06999> [we burned.]

But <01107> [without.]

husbands <0582> [men. or, husbands.]

Jeremiah 44:25


women <0802> [Ye and.]

carry out ..................... Carry ... out <06213> [We will.]

fulfill <06965> [ye will.]

Jeremiah 44:1


spoke <01697> [Cir. A.M. 3433. B.C. 571. The word.]

Dahler supposes this discourse to have been delivered in the seventeenth or eighteenth year after the taking of Jerusalem.

Judeans <03064> [concerning.]

Migdol <04024> [Migdol.]

Tahpanhes <08471> [Tahpanhes.]

{Tahpanhes,} rendered [Taphne] and [Taphnai] by the LXX., is no doubt the [Daphnai] of Herodotus, a royal city of Lower Egypt, situated, according to the Itinerary of Antoninus, sixteen miles south from Pelusium, from which it was called Daphn‘ Pelusic‘. Forster says that there is now a place situated in the vicinity of Pelusium called Safnas, which may be a vestige of the ancient name. It appears to have been the very first town in Egypt, in the road from Palestine, that afforded tolerable accommodation for the fugitives. It was at this place that, according to Jerome and several of the ancients, tradition says the faithful Jeremiah was stoned to death by these rebellious wretches, for whose welfare he had watched, prayed, and suffered every kind of indignity and hardship.

[Tehaphnehes. Noph.]

southern <06624> [Pathros.]


Colossians 1:22


body <4983> [the body.]

to present <3936> [to.]

his ............... him <846> [in his.]

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