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Jeremiah 7:6


oppressing <06231> [oppress.]

killing <08210> [and shed.]

<03212> [neither walk.]

Jeremiah 7:9


steal <01589> [steal.]

sacrifice <06999> [and burn.]

allegiance <01980> [and walk.]

Jeremiah 35:15


sent ....................................................... gave <07971 05414> [I have.]

<07725> [Return.]

live in <03427> [ye shall dwell.]

pay <05186> [ye have.]

Exodus 20:3


Exodus 20:23


Deuteronomy 6:14


<03212> [not go.]

gods <0430> [of the gods.]

Deuteronomy 8:19


testify .... today <05749 03117> [I testify against.]

Deuteronomy 13:2


Deuteronomy 28:14


turn <05493> [thou shalt.]

right <03225> [the right.]

Joshua 24:20


turn <07725> [he will turn.]

Joshua 24:1


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

This must have been a different assembly from that mentioned in the preceding chapter, though probably held not long after the former.

Shechem <07927> [Shechem.]

As it is immediately added, that "they presented themselves before God," which is supposed to mean at the tabernacle; some are of opinion that Joshua caused it to be conveyed from Shiloh to Shechem on this occasion, to give the greater solemnity to his last meeting with the people. The Vatican and Alexandrian copies of the Septuagint, however, read [Selo,] both here and in verse 25; which many suppose to have been the original reading. Dr. Shuckford supposes that the covenant was made at Shechem, and that the people went to Shiloh to confirm it. But the most probable opinion seems to be that of Dr. Kennicott, that when all the tribes were assembled as Shechem, Joshua called the chiefs to him on that mount, which had before been consecrated by the law, and by the altar which he had erected.

summoned <07121> [called.]

appeared <03320> [presented.]

Joshua 11:4-10


sand <02344> [as the sand.]


kings <04428> [all these.]

gathered <03259> [met together. Heb. assembled by appointment. waters.]

This is what Josephus calls the lake Semechon, now called Bahr-el-Houl‚ (Lake Julius) between the head of the Jordan and the lake of Tiberias. According to Josephus it was seven miles long; and according to modern authorities, it is not above two miles broad, except at the north end, where it may be four.


afraid <03372> [Be not.]


hamstring <06131> [hough.]

horses <05483> [horses.]


by surprise <06597> [suddenly.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

[great Zidon. or, Zidon-rabbah.]

Misrephoth <04956> [Misrephoth-maim. or, salt pits. Heb. burning of waters.]


hamstrung <06131> [he houghed.]


Hazor ........... Hazor <02674> [Hazor.]

Joshua 14:1-2


Eleazar <0499> [which Eleazar.]


drawing lots <01486> [lot.]

Though God had sufficiently pointed out by the predictions of Jacob and Moses what portions he designed for each tribe, yet we readily discern an admirable proof of His wisdom, in the orders he gave to decide them by lot. By this means the false interpretations which might have been given to the words of Jacob and Moses were prevented; and by striking at the root of whatever might occasion jealousies and disputes among the tribes, he evidently secured the honesty of those appointed to distribute the conquered lands of Canaan. Besides, the success of this method gave a fresh proof of the divinity of the Jewish religion, and the truth of its oracles. Each tribe finding itself placed by lot exactly in the spot where Jacob and Moses foretold, it was evident that Providence had equally directed both the predictions and that lot; and it would be the greatest folly and presumption not to acknowledge the inspiration of God in the words of Jacob and Moses; the direction of his hand in the lot, and his providence in the event.

Joshua 17:1


firstborn son ........... firstborn <01060> [the firstborn.]

Makir <04353> [Machir.]

Gilead ........... Gilead <01568> [Gilead.]

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