Job 1:12
Context1:12 So the Lord said to Satan, “All right then, 1 everything he has is 2 in your power. 3 Only do not extend your hand against the man himself!” 4 So Satan went out 5 from the presence of the Lord. 6
Job 1:19
Context1:19 and suddenly 7 a great wind 8 swept across 9 the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell on the young people, and they died! And I – only I alone – escaped to tell you!”
Psalms 107:23-31
Context107:23 10 Some traveled on 11 the sea in ships,
and carried cargo over the vast waters. 12
107:24 They witnessed the acts of the Lord,
his amazing feats on the deep water.
107:25 He gave the order for a windstorm, 13
and it stirred up the waves of the sea. 14
107:26 They 15 reached up to the sky,
then dropped into the depths.
The sailors’ strength 16 left them 17 because the danger was so great. 18
107:27 They swayed 19 and staggered like a drunk,
and all their skill proved ineffective. 20
107:28 They cried out to the Lord in their distress;
he delivered them from their troubles.
107:29 He calmed the storm, 21
and the waves 22 grew silent.
107:30 The sailors 23 rejoiced because the waves 24 grew quiet,
and he led them to the harbor 25 they desired.
107:31 Let them give thanks to the Lord for his loyal love,
and for the amazing things he has done for people! 26
Jonah 1:4
Context1:4 But 27 the Lord hurled 28 a powerful 29 wind on the sea. Such a violent 30 tempest arose on the sea that 31 the ship threatened to break up! 32
Acts 27:14-20
Context27:14 Not long after this, a hurricane-force 33 wind called the northeaster 34 blew down from the island. 35 27:15 When the ship was caught in it 36 and could not head into 37 the wind, we gave way to it and were driven 38 along. 27:16 As we ran under the lee of 39 a small island called Cauda, 40 we were able with difficulty to get the ship’s boat 41 under control. 27:17 After the crew 42 had hoisted it aboard, 43 they used supports 44 to undergird the ship. Fearing they would run aground 45 on the Syrtis, 46 they lowered the sea anchor, 47 thus letting themselves be driven along. 27:18 The next day, because we were violently battered by the storm, 48 they began throwing the cargo overboard, 49 27:19 and on the third day they threw the ship’s gear 50 overboard with their own hands. 27:20 When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and a violent 51 storm continued to batter us, 52 we finally abandoned all hope of being saved. 53
Acts 27:41
Context27:41 But they encountered a patch of crosscurrents 54 and ran the ship aground; the bow stuck fast and could not be moved, but the stern was being broken up by the force 55 of the waves.
Acts 27:2
Context27:2 We went on board 56 a ship from Adramyttium 57 that was about to sail to various ports 58 along the coast of the province of Asia 59 and put out to sea, 60 accompanied by Aristarchus, a Macedonian 61 from Thessalonica. 62
Colossians 1:25
Context1:25 I became a servant of the church according to the stewardship 63 from God – given to me for you – in order to complete 64 the word of God,

[1:12] 1 tn The particle הִנֵּה (hinneh, “behold”) introduces a foundational clause upon which the following volitional clause is based.
[1:12] 2 tn The versions add a verb here: “delivered to” or “abandoned to” the hand of Satan.
[1:12] 3 tn Heb “in your hand.” The idiom means that it is now Satan’s to do with as he pleases.
[1:12] 4 tn The Hebrew word order emphatically holds out Job’s person as the exception: “only upon him do not stretch forth your hand.”
[1:12] 5 tn The Targum to Job adds “with permission” to show that he was granted leave from God’s presence.
[1:12] 6 sn So Satan, having received his permission to test Job’s sincerity, goes out from the
[1:19] 7 tn The use of the particle הִנֵּה (hinneh, “behold”) in this sentence is deictic, pointing out with excitement the events that happened as if the listener was there.
[1:19] 8 sn Both wind and lightning (v. 16) were employed by Satan as his tools. God can permit him such control over factors of the weather when it suits the divine purpose, but God retains ultimate control (see 28:23-27; Prov 3:4; Luke 8:24-25).
[1:19] 9 tn The word מֵעֵבֶר (me’ever) is simply “from the direction of”; the word עֵבֶר (’ever) indicates the area the whirlwind came across.
[107:23] 13 sn Verses 23-30, which depict the Lord rescuing sailors from a storm at sea, do not seem to describe the exiles’ situation, unless the word picture is metaphorical. Perhaps the psalmist here broadens his scope and offers an example of God’s kindness to the needy beyond the covenant community.
[107:23] 14 tn Heb “those going down [into].”
[107:23] 15 tn Heb “doers of work on the mighty waters.”
[107:25] 19 tn Heb “he spoke and caused to stand a stormy wind.”
[107:25] 20 tn Heb “and it stirred up its [i.e., the sea’s, see v. 23] waves.”
[107:26] 25 tn That is, the waves (see v. 25).
[107:26] 26 tn Heb “their being”; traditionally “their soul” (referring to that of the sailors). This is sometimes translated “courage” (cf. NIV, NRSV).
[107:26] 28 tn Heb “from danger.”
[107:27] 31 tn Only here does the Hebrew verb חָגַג (khagag; normally meaning “to celebrate”) carry the nuance “to sway.”
[107:27] 32 tn The Hitpael of בָלַע (vala’) occurs only here in the OT. Traditionally the form is derived from the verbal root בלע (“to swallow”), but HALOT 135 s.v. III בלע understands a homonym here with the meaning “to be confused.”
[107:29] 37 tn Heb “he raised [the] storm to calm.”
[107:29] 38 tn Heb “their waves.” The antecedent of the third masculine plural pronominal suffix is not readily apparent, unless it refers back to “waters” in v. 23.
[107:30] 43 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the sailors) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
[107:30] 44 tn Heb “they”; the referent (the waves) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
[107:30] 45 tn The Hebrew noun occurs only here in the OT.
[107:31] 49 tn Heb “and [for] his amazing deeds for the sons of man.” See v. 8.
[1:4] 55 tn The disjunctive construction of vav + nonverb followed by a nonpreterite marks a strong contrast in the narrative action (וַיהוָה הֵטִיל, vayhvah hetil; “But the Lord hurled…”).
[1:4] 56 tn The Hiphil of טוּל (tul, “to hurl”) is used here and several times in this episode for rhetorical emphasis (see vv. 5 and 15).
[1:4] 57 tn Heb “great.” Typically English versions vary the adjective here and before “tempest” to avoid redundancy: e.g., KJV, ASV, NRSV “great...mighty”; NAB “violent…furious”; NIV “great…violent”; NLT “powerful…violent.”
[1:4] 59 tn The nonconsecutive construction of vav + nonverb followed by nonpreterite is used to emphasize this result clause (וְהָאֳנִיָּה חִשְּׁבָה לְהִשָׁבֵר, vÿha’oniyyah khishvah lÿhishaver; “that the ship threatened to break up”).
[1:4] 60 tn Heb “the ship seriously considered breaking apart.” The use of חָשַׁב (khashav, “think”) in the Piel (“to think about; to seriously consider”) personifies the ship to emphasize the ferocity of the storm. The lexicons render the clause idiomatically: “the ship was about to be broken up” (BDB 363 s.v. חָשַׁב 2; HALOT 360 s.v. חשׁב).
[27:14] 61 tn Grk “a wind like a typhoon.” That is, a very violent wind like a typhoon or hurricane (BDAG 1021 s.v. τυφωνικός).
[27:14] 62 sn Or called Euraquilo (the actual name of the wind, a sailor’s term which was a combination of Greek and Latin). According to Strabo (Geography 1.2.21), this was a violent northern wind.
[27:14] 63 tn Grk “from it”; the referent (the island) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
[27:15] 67 tn Or “was forced off course.” Grk “The ship being caught in it.” The genitive absolute construction with the participle συναρπασθέντος (sunarpasqento") has been taken temporally; it could also be translated as causal (“Because the ship was caught in it”).
[27:15] 68 tn BDAG 91 s.v. ἀντοφθαλμέω states, “Metaph. of a ship τοῦ πλοίου μὴ δυναμένοι ἀ. τῷ ἀνέμῳ since the ship was not able to face the wind, i.e. with its bow headed against the forces of the waves Ac 27:15.”
[27:15] 69 sn Caught in the violent wind, the ship was driven along. They were now out of control, at the mercy of the wind and sea.
[27:16] 73 tn BDAG 1042 s.v. ὑποτρέχω states, “run or sail under the lee of, nautical t.t.…Ac 27:16.” The participle ὑποδραμόντες (Jupodramonte") has been taken temporally (“as we ran under the lee of”). While this could also be translated as a participle of means (“by running…”) this might suggest the ship was still under a greater degree of control by its crew than it probably was.
[27:16] 74 sn Cauda. This island was located south of Crete, about 23 mi (36 km) from where they began. There are various ways to spell the island’s name (e.g., Clauda, BDAG 546 s.v. Κλαῦδα).
[27:16] 75 sn The ship’s boat was a small rowboat, normally towed behind a ship in good weather rather than stowed on board. It was used for landings, to maneuver the ship for tacking, and to lay anchors (not a lifeboat in the modern sense, although it could have served as a means of escape for some of the sailors; see v. 30). See L. Casson, Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World, 248f.
[27:17] 79 tn Grk “After hoisting it up, they…”; the referent (the ship’s crew) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
[27:17] 80 tn The participle ἄραντες (arantes) has been taken temporally.
[27:17] 81 tn Possibly “ropes” or “cables”; Grk “helps” (a word of uncertain meaning; probably a nautical technical term, BDAG 180 s.v. βοήθεια 2).
[27:17] 82 tn BDAG 308 s.v. ἐκπίπτω 2 states, “drift off course, run aground, nautical term εἴς τι on someth….on the Syrtis 27:17.”
[27:17] 83 tn That is, on the sandbars and shallows of the Syrtis.
[27:17] 84 tn Or perhaps “mainsail.” The meaning of this word is uncertain. BDAG 927 s.v. σκεῦος 1 has “τὸ σκεῦος Ac 27:17 seems to be the kedge or driving anchor” while C. Maurer (TDNT 7:362) notes, “The meaning in Ac. 27:17: χαλάσαντες τὸ σκεῦος, is uncertain. Prob. the ref. is not so much to taking down the sails as to throwing the draganchor overboard to lessen the speed of the ship.” In spite of this L&N 6.1 states, “In Ac 27:17, for example, the reference of σκεῦος is generally understood to be the mainsail.” A reference to the sail is highly unlikely because in a storm of the force described in Ac 27:14, the sail would have been taken down and reefed immediately, to prevent its being ripped to shreds or torn away by the gale.
[27:18] 85 tn BDAG 980 s.v. σφόδρῶς states, “very much, greatly, violently…σφ. χειμάζεσθαι be violently beaten by a storm Ac 27:18.”
[27:18] 86 tn Or “jettisoning [the cargo]” (a nautical technical term). The words “the cargo” are not in the Greek text but are implied. Direct objects were often omitted in Greek when clear from the context, but must be supplied for the modern English reader.
[27:19] 91 tn Or “rigging,” “tackle”; Grk “the ship’s things.” Here the more abstract “gear” is preferred to “rigging” or “tackle” as a translation for σκεῦος (skeuos) because in v. 40 the sailors are still able to raise the (fore)sail, which they could not have done if the ship’s rigging or tackle had been jettisoned here.
[27:20] 97 tn Grk “no small storm” = a very great storm.
[27:20] 98 tn Grk “no small storm pressing on us.” The genitive absolute construction with the participle ἐπικειμένου (epikeimenou) has been translated as parallel to the previous genitive absolute construction (which was translated as temporal). BDAG 373 s.v. ἐπίκειμαι 2.b states, “of impersonal force confront χειμῶνος ἐπικειμένου since a storm lay upon us Ac 27:20.” L&N 14.2, “‘the stormy weather did not abate in the least’ or ‘the violent storm continued’ Ac 27:20.” To this last was added the idea of “battering” from the notion of “pressing upon” inherent in ἐπίκειμαι (epikeimai).
[27:20] 99 tn Grk “finally all hope that we would be saved was abandoned.” The passive construction has been converted to an active one to simplify the translation. This represents a clearly secular use of the term σῴζω (swzw) in that it refers to deliverance from the storm. At this point those on board the ship gave up hope of survival.
[27:41] 103 tn Grk “fell upon a place of two seas.” The most common explanation for this term is that it refers to a reef or sandbar with the sea on both sides, as noted in BDAG 245 s.v. διθάλασσος: the “τόπος δ. Ac 27:41 is a semantic unit signifying a point (of land jutting out with water on both sides).” However, Greek had terms for a “sandbank” (θῖς [qis], ταινία [tainia]), a “reef” (ἑρμα [Jerma]), “strait” (στενόν [stenon]), “promontory” (ἀρωτήρον [arwthron]), and other nautical hazards, none of which are used by the author here. NEB here translates τόπον διθάλασσον (topon diqalasson) as “cross-currents,” a proposal close to that advanced by J. M. Gilchrist, “The Historicity of Paul’s Shipwreck,” JSNT 61 (1996): 29-51, who suggests the meaning is “a patch of cross-seas,” where the waves are set at an angle to the wind, a particular hazard for sailors. Thus the term most likely refers to some sort of adverse sea conditions rather than a topographical feature like a reef or sandbar.
[27:41] 104 tn Or “violence” (BDAG 175 s.v. βία a).
[27:2] 109 tn Grk “Going on board.” The participle ἐπιβάντες (epibante") has been translated as a finite verb due to requirements of contemporary English style.
[27:2] 110 sn Adramyttium was a seaport in Mysia on the western coast of Asia Minor.
[27:2] 112 tn Grk “Asia”; in the NT this always refers to the Roman province of Asia, made up of about one-third of the west and southwest end of modern Asia Minor. Asia lay to the west of the region of Phrygia and Galatia. The words “the province of” are supplied to indicate to the modern reader that this does not refer to the continent of Asia.
[27:2] 113 tn BDAG 62 s.v. ἀνάγω 4 states, “as a nautical t.t. (ἀ. τὴν ναῦν put a ship to sea), mid. or pass. ἀνάγεσθαι to begin to go by boat, put out to sea.”
[27:2] 114 sn A Macedonian. The city of Thessalonica (modern Salonica) was in the Roman province of Macedonia in Greece.
[27:2] 115 map For location see JP1 C1; JP2 C1; JP3 C1; JP4 C1.
[1:25] 115 tn BDAG 697 s.v. οἰκονομία 1.b renders the term here as “divine office.”
[1:25] 116 tn See BDAG 828 s.v. πληρόω 3. The idea here seems to be that the apostle wants to “complete the word of God” in that he wants to preach it to every person in the known world (cf. Rom 15:19). See P. T. O’Brien, Colossians, Philemon (WBC), 82.