Job 12:16-22
strength <05797> [With.]
one who goes astray <07683> [the deceived.]
trusted .... speech <08193 0539> [the speech of the trusty. Heb. the lip of the faithful.]
takes <03947> [taketh.]
pours <08210> [poureth.]
Ex 8:2 16:24 1Ki 21:23,24 2Ki 9:26,34-37 Ps 107:40 Isa 23:9
Isa 24:21,22 37:38 Da 2:21,22 4:32,33 Mt 2:12,13 Ac 12:23 [All]
[weakened the strength of the mighty. or, looseth the girdle of the strong.]
reveals <01540> [discovereth.]
brings <03318> [bringeth.]