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Job 30:4-31

Who cut up
<06998> (8801)
by the bushes
and juniper
[for] their meat
They were driven forth
<01644> (8792)
from among
[men], (they cried
<07321> (8686)
after them as [after] a thief
To dwell
<07931> (8800)
in the clifts
of the valleys
[in] caves
of the earth
and [in] the rocks
{caves: Heb. holes}
Among the bushes
they brayed
<05101> (8799)_;
under the nettles
they were gathered together
<05596> (8792)_.
[They were] children
of fools
yea, children
of base men
they were viler
<05217> (8738)
than the earth
{base...: Heb. men of no name}
And now am I their song
yea, I am their byword
They abhor
<08581> (8765)
me, they flee far
<07368> (8804)
from me, and spare
<02820> (8804)
not to spit
in my face
{and...: Heb. and withhold not spittle from}
Because he hath loosed
<06605> (8765)
my cord
and afflicted
<06031> (8762)
me, they have also let loose
<07971> (8765)
the bridle
Upon [my] right
[hand] rise
<06965> (8799)
the youth
they push away
<07971> (8765)
my feet
and they raise up
<05549> (8799)
against me the ways
of their destruction
They mar
<05420> (8804)
my path
they set forward
<03276> (8686)
my calamity
<01942> (8675) <01962>_,
they have no helper
<05826> (8802)_.
They came
<0857> (8799)
[upon me] as a wide
in [of waters]: in
the desolation
they rolled
<01556> (8701)
themselves [upon me].
are turned
<02015> (8717)
upon me: they pursue
<07291> (8799)
my soul
as the wind
and my welfare
passeth away
<05674> (8804)
as a cloud
{my soul: Heb. my principal one}
And now my soul
is poured out
<08210> (8691)
upon me; the days
of affliction
have taken hold
<0270> (8799)
upon me.
My bones
are pierced
<05365> (8765)
in me in the night season
and my sinews
<06207> (8802)
take no rest
<07901> (8799)_.
By the great
[of my disease] is my garment
<02664> (8691)_:
it bindeth me about
<0247> (8799)
as the collar
of my coat
He hath cast
<03384> (8689)
me into the mire
and I am become like
<04911> (8691)
and ashes
I cry
<07768> (8762)
unto thee, and thou dost not hear
<06030> (8799)
me: I stand up
<05975> (8804)_,
and thou regardest
<0995> (8709)
me [not].
Thou art become
<02015> (8735)
to me: with thy strong
thou opposest
<07852> (8799)
thyself against me. {become...: Heb. turned to be cruel} {thy...: Heb. the strength of thy hand}
Thou liftest me up
<05375> (8799)
to the wind
thou causest me to ride
<07392> (8686)
[upon it], and dissolvest
<04127> (8787)
my substance
<08454> (8675) <07738> (8762)_.
{substance: or, wisdom}
For I know
<03045> (8804)
[that] thou wilt bring
<07725> (8686)
me [to] death
and [to] the house
for all living
Howbeit he will not stretch out
<07971> (8799)
[his] hand
to the grave
though they cry
in his destruction
{grave: Heb. heap}
Did not I weep
<01058> (8804)
for him that was in trouble
<07186> <03117>_?
was [not] my soul
<05701> (8804)
for the poor
{in trouble: Heb. hard of day?}
When I looked
<06960> (8765)
for good
then evil
<0935> (8799)
[unto me]: and when I waited
<03176> (8762)
for light
there came
<0935> (8799)
My bowels
<07570> (8795)_,
and rested
<01826> (8804)
not: the days
of affliction
<06923> (8765)
I went
<01980> (8765)
<06937> (8802)
without the sun
I stood up
<06965> (8804)_,
[and] I cried
<07768> (8762)
in the congregation
I am a brother
to dragons
and a companion
to owls
<01323> <03284>_.
{owls: or, ostriches}
My skin
is black
<07835> (8804)
upon me, and my bones
are burned
<02787> (8804)
with heat
My harp
also is [turned] to mourning
and my organ
into the voice
of them that weep
<01058> (8802)_.

TIP #15: Use the Strong Number links to learn about the original Hebrew and Greek text. [ALL]
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