John 2:1
Context2:1 Now on the third day there was a wedding at Cana 1 in Galilee. 2 Jesus’ mother 3 was there,
John 2:11
Context2:11 Jesus did this as the first of his miraculous signs, 4 in Cana 5 of Galilee. In this way he revealed 6 his glory, and his disciples believed in him. 7
John 4:46
Context4:46 Now he came again to Cana 8 in Galilee where he had made the water wine. 9 In 10 Capernaum 11 there was a certain royal official 12 whose son was sick.

[2:1] 1 map For location see Map1 C3; Map2 D2; Map3 C5.
[2:1] 2 sn Cana in Galilee was not a very well-known place. It is mentioned only here, in 4:46, and 21:2, and nowhere else in the NT. Josephus (Life 16 [86]) says he once had his quarters there. The probable location is present day Khirbet Cana, 8 mi (14 km) north of Nazareth, or Khirbet Kenna, 4 mi (7 km) northeast of Nazareth.
[2:1] 3 tn Grk “in Galilee, and Jesus’ mother.”
[2:11] 4 tn This sentence in Greek involves an object-complement construction. The force can be either “Jesus did this as,” or possibly “Jesus made this to be.” The latter translation accents not only Jesus’ power but his sovereignty too. Cf. also 4:54 where the same construction occurs.
[2:11] 5 map For location see Map1 C3; Map2 D2; Map3 C5.
[2:11] 6 tn Grk “in Cana of Galilee, and he revealed.”
[2:11] 7 tn Or “his disciples trusted in him,” or “his disciples put their faith in him.”
[4:46] 7 map For location see Map1 C3; Map2 D2; Map3 C5.
[4:46] 8 sn See John 2:1-11.
[4:46] 10 sn Capernaum was a town on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, 680 ft (204 m) below sea level. It was a major trade and economic center in the North Galilean region.
[4:46] 11 tn Although βασιλικός (basiliko") has often been translated “nobleman” it is almost certainly refers here to a servant of Herod, tetrarch of Galilee (who in the NT is called a king, Matt 14:9, Mark 6:14-29). Capernaum was a border town, so doubtless there were many administrative officials in residence there.