John 3:29-34
has <2192> [hath.]
Ps 45:9-17 So 3:11 4:8-12 Isa 54:5 62:4,5 Jer 2:2 Eze 16:8
Ho 2:19 Mt 22:2 2Co 11:2 Eph 5:25-27 Re 19:7-9 21:9 [All]
friend <5384> [the friend.]
This <3778> [this.]
must become more important <1163 837> [must increase.]
<1161> [but.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [that cometh.]
superior ........................... superior <2076 1883> [is above.]
<5607> [he that is.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [he that cometh.]
what <3739> [what.]
and ... but no one <2532 3762> [and no.]
has confirmed clearly <4972> [hath set.]
whom <3739> [he.]
For ..... God ........ God for <1063 2316> [for God.]
17 1:16 5:26 7:37-39 15:26 16:7 Nu 11:25 2Ki 2:9 Ps 45:7
Isa 11:2-5 59:21 62:1-3 Ro 8:2 Eph 3:8 4:7-13 Col 1:19 2:9
Re 21:6 22:1,16,17 [All]