Kidung Jemaat
John 8:32
Sertai Kami, Tuhan [KJ.345]
1. Sertai kami, Tuhan, dengan anug'rahMu; berilah
pertolongan melawan si set'ru.
Ul 31:6, 8
Yos 1:5-9
Mzm 27:9
Ef 4:27
Ef 6:11
Ibr 13:5
Yak 4:7
2. Sertai kami, Tuhan, di dalam FirmanMu,
sehingga kebajikan dan s'lamat pun penuh.
3. Setai kami, Tuhan, dengan cahayaMu;
jadikan kebenaran pemandu yang teguh.
Yoh 8:32
4. Sertai kami, Tuhan; berkatMu turunlah.
KuasaMu kaulimpahkan penuh karunia.
Ef 4:7-8
5. Sertai kami, Tuhan, Pelindung yang teguh,
supaya tak termakan muslihat penyemu.
6. Sertai kami, Tuhan, dengan setiaMu;
berilah keteguhan di tiap kemelut.2 Tim 2:13
John 8:32
[Joh 8:32] Dusky Hands
Dusky hands are reaching for the bread of life
Far across the rolling sea;
Shall they perish in their misery and strife,
Shall they always hungry be?Refrain
Send the Gospel tidings over land and sea,
Let the hungry souls be satisfied,
Till the pow’r of Jesus sets the captives free,
O lead them to the Master’s side.Dusky hands are bound in chains of want and woe
In the far off heathen lands;
Shall we not in haste unto their borders go,
Set them free, as God commands?Refrain
We cannot be idle any longer now,
While the souls in darkness die;
Gather them as jewels for the Savior’s brow,
While the days are passing by.Refrain
Dusky faces look to us for hope and peace,
Shall they look to us in vain?
Jesus can redeem them, cause their sighs to cease,
Rend their chains of sin in twain.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] Holy Lord God! I Love Thy Truth
Holy Lord God! I love Thy truth,
Nor dare Thy least commandment slight;
Yet pierced by sin, the serpent’s tooth,
I mourn the anguish of the bite.But though the poison lurks within,
Hope bids me still with patience wait;
Till death shall set me free from sin,
Free from the only thing I hate.Had I a throne above the rest,
Where angels and archangels dwell;
One sin, unslain, within my breast,
Would make that Heav’n as dark as hell.The prisoner, sent to breathe fresh air,
And blessed with liberty again,
Would mourn, were he condemned to wear
One link of all his former chain.But O! no foe invades the bliss,
When glory crowns the Christian’s head;
One view of Jesus as He is,
Will strike all sin forever dead.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] In Lands Across The Sea
Let freemen’s hearts grow bolder;
Let freedom’s banner fly
Where God’s four winds unfold her
To God’s uncharted sky.
His Word and not another’s
Is pledged to liberty;
His hand hath made men brothers,
His truth shall make men free.Where freedom’s flag is flying
In lands across the sea
On Thee we are relying,
Great God, we count on Thee!
For right is right forever,
Though men have crowned the wrong,
And truth shall perish never—
Great God, how long? how long?When our brave lads are dying
In lands across the sea,
On Thee we are relying,
Great God, they die for Thee!
And if we lay them sleeping
In lands beyond the sea,
God, have them in Thy keeping—
We leave them there with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] I’ve Pitched My Tent In Beulah
I long ago left Egypt for the promised land,
I trusted in my Savior, and to His guiding hand;
He led me out to vict’ry through the great Red Sea,
I sang a song of triumph, and shouted, I am free!Refrain
You need not look for me, down in Egypt’s sand,
For I have pitched my tent far up in Beulah land;
You need not look for me, down in Egypt’s sand,
For I have pitched my tent far up in Beulah land.I followed close beside Him, and the land soon found,
I did not halt or tremble, for Canaan I was bound;
My Guide I fully trusted, and He led me in,
I shouted, Hallelujah! my heart is free from sin!Refrain
I started for the highlands where the fruits abound,
I pitched my tent near Hebron, there grapes of Eschol found,
With milk and honey flowing, and new wine so free;
I have no love for Egypt, it has no charms for me.Refrain
My heart is so enraptured as I press along,
Each day I find new blessings which fill my heart with song;
I’m ever marching onward to that land on high,
Some day I’ll reach my mansion that’s builded in the sky.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] O Jesus, Youth Of Nazareth
O Jesus, Youth of Nazareth,
Preparing for the bitter strife,
Wilt Thou impart to every heart
Thy perfect purity of life?O Christ Whose words make dear the fields
And hillsides green of Galilee,
Grant us to find with reverent mind
The truth Thou saidst should make us free.O suffering Lord on Calvary,
Whom love led on to mortal pain,
We know Thy cross is not a loss
If we Thy love shall truly gain.O Master of abundant life,
From natal morn to victory’s hour,
We look to Thee, heed Thou our plea,
Teach us to share Thy ageless power.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] O Thou, Before Whose Presence
O Thou before Whose presence naught evil may come in,
Yet Who dost look in mercy down on this world of sin,
O give us noble purpose to set the sin bound free,
And Christlike tender pity to seek the lost for Thee.Fierce is our subtle foeman: the forces at his hand
With woes that none can number despoil the pleasant land;
All they who war against them, in strife so keen and long,
Must in their Savior’s armor be stronger than the strong.So hast Thou wrought among us the great things that we see!
For things that are we thank Thee, and for the things to be.
For bright hope is uplifting faint hands and feeble knees,
To strive beneath Thy blessing for greater things than these.Lead on, O Love and Mercy, O Purity and Power,
Lead on till peace eternal shall close this battle hour:
Till all who prayed and struggled to set their brethren free,
In triumph meet to praise Thee, most holy Trinity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] Our Country
Our country, unrivaled in beauty
And splendor that cannot be told,
How lovely thy hills and thy woodlands,
Arrayed in a sunlight of gold.
The eagle, proud king of the mountain,
Is soaring, majestic and free;
Thy rivers and lakes in their grandeur,
Roll on to the arms of the sea;
Roll on to the arms of the sea.Our country, the birthplace of freedom,
The land where our forefathers trod,
And sang in the isles of the forest
Their hymn of thanksgiving to God;
Their bark they had moored in the harbor,
No more on the ocean to roam;
And there in the wilds of New England,
They founded a country and home,
They founded a country and home.Our country, the past, and its glory,
Still honor the names of thy dead;
The statesmen that crowned thee with laurel,
The heroes and vet’rans that bled.
Mount Vernon, where Washington slumbers,
The soul of thy freedom for years,
A willow droops tenderly ever,
Go hallow his grave with thy tears,
Go hallow his grave with thy tears.Our country, with ardent devotion,
In God may thy children abide;
In Him be the strength of our nation,
His laws and its counsel our guide.
Our banner, that time-honored banner,
That floats o’er the ocean’s bright foam,
God keep them unsullied forever,
Our standard, our union, our home,
Our standard, our union, our home.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] Raise His Praise
Blessèd God, we bow in worship
May this house be filled with praise,
As we turn our eyes on Jesus
Dwell upon His earthly days.
With His blood He paid the ransom,
Broke our fetters, set us free,
Blessed Saviour, Thy salvation
Saves for all eternity.Voices then we all lift heavenward
To the Lord of all Supreme
And like one of old in Scripture
In the temple in a dream.
Cherubim are there before Him,
Seraphim surround and sing,
O this wonder of all wonders
Jesus now is Lord and King.Spread the word to all who love Him,
Raise an anthem to His name.
Jesus Christ the only Saviour
Yester-day, today the same.
Ground of peace and of salvation
O what grace and joy abound,
Grandest theme throughout the ages,
Praise the Lord, redemption ground.Sing His praise and like a clarion,
Loud and long retain the sound.
For ‘tis through His great salvation,
That we are no longer bound.
Sin no more can have dominion,
In His death He set us free;
Shout this message to the nations,
“Jesus Christ brings liberty.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 8:32] What We Stand For
For the Christ of Galilee,
For the truth which makes men free,
For the bond of unity
Which makes God’s children one.Refrain
For these, for these we’ll firmly stand,
’Gainst sin and doubt and wrong,
Till every voice in every land,
Shall join our triumph song.For the love which shines in deeds,
For the life which this world needs,
For the church whose triumph speeds
The prayer, “Thy will be done.”Refrain
For the right against the wrong,
For the weak against the strong,
For the poor who’ve waited long
For the brighter age to be.Refrain
For the faith against tradition,
For the truth ’gainst superstition,
For the hope, whose glad fruition
Our waiting eyes shall see.Refrain
For the city God is rearing,
For the New Earth now appearing,
For the heaven above us clearing
And the song of victory.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 8:36
[Joh 8:36] Glorious Freedom
Once I was bound by sin’s galling fetters;
Chained like a slave, I struggled in vain.
But I received a glorious freedom,
When Jesus broke my fetters in twain.Refrain
Glorious freedom! Wonderful freedom!
No more in chains of sin I repine!
Jesus the glorious Emancipator—
Now and forever He shall be mine.Freedom from all the carnal affections;
Freedom from envy, hatred and strife;
Freedom from vain and worldly ambitions;
Freedom from all that saddened my life!Refrain
Freedom from pride and all sinful follies;
Freedom from love and glitter of gold;
Freedom from evil temper and anger;
Glorious freedom, rapture untold!Refrain
Freedom from fear with all of its torments;
Freedom from care with all of its pain;
Freedom in Christ, my blessèd Redeemer—
He Who has rent my fetters in twain.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal