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Joshua 1:8

This book
of the law
shall not depart
<04185> (8799)
out of thy mouth
but thou shalt meditate
<01897> (8804)
therein day
and night
that thou mayest observe
<08104> (8799)
to do
<06213> (8800)
according to all that is written
<03789> (8803)
therein: for then thou shalt make
<06743> (0)
thy way
<06743> (8686)_,
and then thou shalt have good success
<07919> (8686)_.
{have...: or, do wisely}

Psalms 1:2

But his delight
[is] in the law
of the LORD
and in his law
doth he meditate
<01897> (8799)
and night

Psalms 19:14

Let the words
of my mouth
and the meditation
of my heart
be acceptable
in thy sight
my strength
and my redeemer
<01350> (8802)_.
{strength: Heb. rock}

Psalms 49:3

My mouth
shall speak
<01696> (8762)
of wisdom
and the meditation
of my heart
[shall be] of understanding

Psalms 63:6

When I remember
<02142> (8804)
thee upon my bed
[and] meditate
<01897> (8799)
on thee in the [night] watches

Psalms 77:12

I will meditate
<01897> (8804)
also of all thy work
and talk
<07878> (8799)
of thy doings

Psalms 104:34

My meditation
of him shall be sweet
<06149> (8799)_:
I will be glad
<08055> (8799)
in the LORD

Psalms 105:5

<02142> (8798)
his marvellous works
<06381> (8737)
that he hath done
<06213> (8804)_;
his wonders
and the judgments
of his mouth

Psalms 119:15

I will meditate
<07878> (8799)
in thy precepts
and have respect
<05027> (8686)
unto thy ways

Psalms 119:23

also did sit
<03427> (8804)
[and] speak
<01696> (8738)
against me: [but] thy servant
did meditate
<07878> (8799)
in thy statutes

Psalms 119:48

My hands
also will I lift up
<05375> (8799)
unto thy commandments
which I have loved
<0157> (8804)_;
and I will meditate
<07878> (8799)
in thy statutes

Psalms 119:97

MEM. O how love I
<0157> (8804)
thy law
it [is] my meditation
all the day

Psalms 119:99

I have more understanding
<07919> (8689)
than all my teachers
<03925> (8764)_:
for thy testimonies
[are] my meditation

Psalms 119:148

Mine eyes
<06923> (8765)
the [night] watches
that I might meditate
<07878> (8800)
in thy word

Psalms 143:5

I remember
<02142> (8804)
the days
of old
I meditate
<01897> (8804)
on all thy works
I muse
<07878> (8787)
on the work
of thy hands

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