Joshua 5:1-11
kings ............. kings <04428> [all the kings.]
Canaanite <03669> [Canaanites.]
west ............. seacoast <03220> [which were by.]
When <08085> [heard.]
breathe <07307> [neither was.]
flint knives <02719 06697> [sharp knives. or, knives of flints.]
Before the use of iron was common, all the nations of the earth had their edge tools made of stones, flints, etc. Our ancestors had their arrows and spearheads made of flint; which are frequently turned up by the plough. And even when iron became more common, stone knives seem to have been preferred for making incisions in the human body. The Egyptians used such to open the bodies for embalming; and the tribe of Alnajab in Ethiopia, who follow the Mosaic institution, perform the rite of circumcision, according to Ludolf, {cultris lapidibus,} with knives made of stone.
circumcise <04135> [circumcise.]
Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]
Hill .... Foreskins <06190 01389> [the hill of the foreskins. or, Gibeah haaraloth.]
circumcised .................. uncircumcised <04135> [they had not.]
traveled <01980> [walked.]
sworn ............. see ...... sworn <07650 07200> [sware that.]
land ........... land <0776> [a land.]
sons <01121> [their children.]
<08552> [when they, etc. Heb. when the people had made an end to be circumcised. till they were whole.]
taken away <01556> [I rolled away.]
Gilgal <01537> [Gilgal.]
That is, rolling.
celebrated ... Passover <06453 06213> [kept the passover.]
produce <05669> [old corn.]
The people would find abundance of old corn in the deserted granaries of the affrighted inhabitants: and the barley harvest being ripe, after offering the sheaf of first-fruits, they ate also new parched corn; and thus the manna being no longer necessary, ceased, after having been sent them regularly for almost forty years. To Christians the manna for their souls shall never fail, till they arrive at the Canaan above, to feast on its rich and inexhaustible provisions.
unleavened bread <04682> [unleavened cakes.]