NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Jude 1:12


dangerous reefs <1526 4694> [are spots.]

love <26> [feasts.]

feeding <4165> [feeding.]

clouds <3507> [clouds.]

<4064> [carried.]

trees <1186> [trees.]

twice <1364> [twice.]

uprooted <1610> [plucked.]

Jeremiah 49:20


what <06098> [the counsel.]

Teman <08487> [Teman.]

little ones ........... land <06810 05116> [Surely.]

The prophet having given the name of the shepherd to the generals of the army, pursues the same metaphor, calling the common soldiers, "the least of the flock;" who shall have strength and courage enough to the defeat the Idumean forces.

land <05116> [make.]

Acts 17:26


he made <4160> [hath made.]

determining <3724> [hath determined.]

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