NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Lamentations 1:4


roads <01870> [ways.]

gates <08179> [all her gates.]

priests <03548> [her priests.]

Lamentations 1:11


searched for <01245> [seek.]

stay alive <05315 07725> [relieve the soul. Heb. make the soul to come again.]

Look <07200> [see.]

Lamentations 1:21-22


heard .... groan .............. heard <08085 0584> [have heard that.]

glad <07797> [they are.]

Bring about <0935> [thou wilt.]

day <03117> [the day.]

promised <07121> [called. or, proclaimed. they shall.]


wickedness <07451> [all their.]

heart <03820> [my heart.]

Lamentations 2:10


elders <02205> [elders.]

sit <03427> [sit.]

Sitting on the ground was a posture of mourning and deep distress. Hence the coin struck by Vespasian, on the capture of Jerusalem, has on the obverse side a palm tree, the emblem of Judea, and under it a woman, the emblem of Jerusalem, sitting down, with her elbow on her knee, and her head supported by her hand, with the legend {Jud‘a capta.}

silence <01826> [and keep.]

thrown <05927> [cast up.]

dressed <02296> [they have girded.]

young women <01330> [the virgins.]

Jeremiah 4:31


hear <08085> [I have heard.]

cry .......... cry <06963> [the voice.]

<06566> [spreadeth.]

<0188> [Woe.]

life <05315> [for my.]

murderers <02026> [because.]

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