Leviticus 4:14-23
young bull <06499 01241> [young bullock.]
elders <02205> [the elders.]
lay <05564> [lay.]
horns <07161> [upon the.]
pour <08210> [and shall pour out.]
The reason for pouring out the blood, which is so constantly and strictly required by the law, was in opposition to an idolatrous custom of the ancient Zabii, who "were accustomed to eat of the blood of their sacrifices, because they imagined this to be the food of their gods, with whom they thought they had such communion, by eating their meat, that they revealed to them future things."--Maimonides
bull ........ bull <06499> [with the.]
atonement <03722> [an atonement.]
burn ...... burned <08313> [as he.]
sin offering <02403> [a sin offering.]
leader ..... sins <02398 05387> [a ruler hath sinned.]
Under the term {nasi,} that is, one preferred or elevated above others, from {nasa,} to exalt, it is probable that any person is meant who held any kind of political dignity among the people; and it evidently means the head of a tribe as in Nu 1:4, 16; 7:2. But the Rabbins generally understand it of the prince of the great sanhedrin, who, when they were under the regal form of government, was the king. A kid of the goats was the sacrifice in this case; and the rites were nearly the same as in the preceding, only the fat was burnt as that of the peace offering. (ver. 26.)
violates ............... violated <06213> [and done.]
sin <02403> [if his sin.]
male <08163> [a kid.]