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Leviticus 6:28


Leviticus 7:15


eaten <0398> [be eaten.]

[See on]

set <03240> [he shall not.]

Mr. Harmer supposes that this law refers to the custom of drying flesh, that had been devoted to a religious purpose, which is practised among the Mohammedans at the present day, on the their pilgrimage to Mecca. "It would not have suited," he observes, "the genius of the Mosaic dispensation, to have allowed them to have dried the flesh of their peace offerings, whether in thanksgiving, in consequence of a vow, or merely voluntary, and have afterwards eaten the flesh very commonly in a sparing manner, or communicated only some small portion of it to their particular friends: their peace offerings were to be eaten, on the contrary, with festivity, communicated to their friends with liberality, and bestowed on the poor with great generosity, that they might partake with them of these sacred repasts with joy before the Lord."

Exodus 29:31-32


ram <0352> [the ram.]

cook ... meat <01320 01310> [seethe his flesh.]


Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]

bread <03899> [and the bread.]

Deuteronomy 12:6-7


burnt offerings <05930> [your burnt.]

tithes <04643> [tithes.]


feast <0398> [And there.]

feast ......... rejoice <0398 08055> [ye shall.]

Deuteronomy 12:1


[the statues.]

long <03117> [all the days.]

Deuteronomy 2:13-17


Wadi <05158> [brook. or, valley.]

Nu 13:23 *marg:

Zered <02218> [Zered.]

The brook or torrent Zered, takes its rise in the mountains of Moab, and, running from east to west, falls into the Dead Sea. It seems to be the stream which Burckhardt calls Wady Beni Hammad, south of the Modjeb or Arnon, and about five hours north of Kerek.



Kadesh Barnea <06947> [Kadesh-barnea.]

generation <01755> [until all the generation.]


hand .... Lord <03027 03068> [the hand of the.]

Ezekiel 46:20-24


boil ... guilt offering <01310 0817> [boil the trespass.]

bake ... grain offering <0644 04503> [bake the meat.]

holiness <06942> [to sanctify.]


court ........ corners .... court ....... every corner .... court ..... court <02691 04740> [in every corner of the court there was a court. Heb. a court in the corner of a court; and a court in a corner of a court.]


court .... courts <02691> [courts.]

These courts in the corners of the outer court, or court of the people, appear to have been a kind of uncovered apartments, surrounded with little chambers for the cooks, and used for dressing the peace offerings of the people. On these their families and friends feasted; and portions were sent to the poor, the widow, and the orphan; and thus the spirit of devotion preserved the spirit of mercy, charity, and benevolence, in the land.

small <07000> [joined. or, made with chimneys. corners. Heb. cornered.]


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