Kidung Jemaat
Luke 1:31
Dalam Rumah Yang Gembira [KJ.447]
1. Dalam rumah yang gembira bunga Injil berseri; dalam kasih
yang setia 'ku berbakti tak henti. Rut, Deborah dan Maria
jadi contoh bagiku. 'Ku berjanji dan sedia, mara dapat kutempuh.
Hak 4-5
Rut 1:16
Luk 1:26-56
2. Dukacita dan keluhan tak menggoncang hatiku. Sukacita sabda
Tuhan, itulah pelitaku. Lihatlah sesama kita dalam susah terbenam,
Mari angkatlah pelita dan pancarkanlah terang.
Mzm 119:105
2 Ptr 1:19
Mrk 4:21
Luk 11:33
3. Menyebarkan sukacita dan menghibur yang lelah, itulah panggilan
kita dalam dunia yang resah. Kita binalah bersama tunas bangsa
yang besar dalam hidup sederhana, dalam kasih yang segar.Play Dari Terbitnya Surya T'rang [KJ.137]
1. Dari terbitnya surya t'rang sampai dibarat terbenam
Sang Kristus dimuliakanlah, yang dilahirkan Maria.
Mzm 113:3
Mal 1:11
2. Maha Pencipta dunia menjadi hamba terendah
dan menebus manusia dari bencana dosanya.
Flp 2:6-8
3. T'lah lahir Sang Imanuel yang diwartakan Gabriel;
Yohanes mengelukanNya dalam kandungan bundanya.
Mat 1:32Luk 1:26-38
Luk 1:41, 44
4. Walaupun Raja semesta, palungan tak ditolakNya;
Yang menghidupi burung pun, kini menyusu tersenyum.
Mzm 147:9
Luk 2:7
5. Biduan sorga mulia memuji Allah, BapaNya,
dan kaum gembala mendengar tentang Gembala yang Besar.
Luk 2:8-14
6. Orang Majusi dari jauh melihat bintang Putra Daud,
pergi memandang T'rang Baka, mempersembahkan hartanya.
Mat 2:1-11
7. Herodes, kau mengapakah cemas menyambut datangNya
yang sungguh tidak akan mau berkuasa seperti engkau?
Mat 2:3
8. Ratapan ibu terdengar di pembunuhan yang besar
oleh Herodes yang kejam terhadap tunas Betlehem.
Yer 31:15
Mat 2:16-18
9. Para sarjana Alkitab menguji Dia yang berhak
bermukim s'lama-lamanya di dalam rumah BapaNya.
Luk 2:46-49
10. Berdiri, putih cemerlang, Sang Anakdomba di Yordan:
pertanda kerelaanNya menghapus dosa dunia.
Mrk 1:9-11
Yoh 1:29
11. Air jadi anggur yang terbaik mukjizat kuasaNya ajaib:
yang kosong dipenuhiNya dengan berkat karunia!Yoh 2:1-11
Play S'lamat, S'lamat Datang [KJ.123]
1. S'lamat, s'lamat datang, Yesus, Tuhanku!
Jauh dari sorga tinggi kunjunganMu.
S'lamat datang, Tuhanku, ke dalam dunia;
Damai yang Kaubawa tiada taranya, Salam, salam!
Yes 9:5-6
2. "Kyrie eleison": Tuhan, tolonglah!
Semoga kidung kami tak bercela.
BundaMu Maria diberi karunia
Melahirkan Dikau kudus dan mulia.
Salam, salam!
Luk 1:30-33
3. Nyanyian malaikat nyaring bergema;
gembala mendengarnya di Efrata:
"Kristus sudah lahir, hai percaya kabarku!
Dalam kandang domba kau dapat bertemu."
Salam, salam!
Luk 2:8-14
4. Datang orang Majus ikut bintangNya,
membawa pemberian dan menyembah.
Yang dipersembahkan: kemenyan, emas dan mur;
Pada Jurus'lamat mereka bersyukur.
Salam, salam!Mat 2:1-11
Mzm 72:15
Yes 60:3, 5
Luke 2:27
Hai Malaikat dari Sorga [KJ.97]
1. Hai malaikat dari sorga, sayapmu bentangkanlah;
nyanyi di seluruh dunia: lahir Kristus, Rajanya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:8-14
2. Hai gembala yang menjaga dombamu di efrata,
Allah beserta manusia; mari menyaksikannya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
3. Hai Majusi dari Timur, karyamu tinggalkanlah;
carilah Harapan Dunia, ikut sinar bintangNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Mat 2:1-11
4. Hai kaum saleh yang menunggu dalam dunia yang resah,
lihat, Allahmu sendiri turun dalam PutraNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:25-38
5. Langit, bumi, mari ikut muliakanlah terus
Khalik, Penebus, Pembaru: Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!Play
Luke 23:8
Jurus'lamat Dunia [KJ.165]
1. Jurus'lamat dunia, walau tak bersalah,
bagai maling disergap pada waktu malam
dan dihina, dicela didepan mahkamah,
diludahi, dicerca oleh kaum ulama.
Luk 22:47-53
Luk 22:63-71
2. Waktu fajar merekah,Yesus pun dibawa
ke Pilatus, dan seg'ra tak terbukti salah.
Ke Herodes yang kejam Yesus pun diseret;
Raja dan pengawalnya tak segan mengejek.
Luk 23:1-7
Luk 23:8-12
3. Jam sembilan paginya, balik ke Pilatus,
Tuhan kita disesah oleh kaum serdadu;
Jubah ungu diberi dan mahkota duri;
Olokannya: "Hai tabik, Raja kaum Yahudi!"
Luk 23:13-16
Yoh 19:1-3
4. Palang dihelakanNya pada tengah hari
dan di bukit Golgota Ia pun disalib,
menderita tiga jam; ada yang menghujat.
Matahari pun kelam dan menutup muka.
Yoh 19:17-19
Mat 27:45
5. Pukul tiga yang sepi, Yesus, hampir mati,
berseru: "Eli, Eli, lamma sabakhtani?"
Lalu putus nyawaNya dan di Bait Suci
Tabir koyak terbelah; ada gempa bumi.
Mat 27:46
Mzm 22:2
Mat 27:50-51
6. Waktu menjelang senja, yang kena hukuman
dipatahkan tulangnya agar diturunkan.
Yesus tak demikian, kar'na sudah mati:
Nampak dari lukaNya darah campur air.
Yoh 19:31-37
7. Surya hampir terbenam waktu datang Yusuf
yang termasuk muridNya, minta mayat Yesus;
tubuh diturunkannya, dikapankan lenan
dan di kubur miliknya Yesus dibaringkan.
Yoh 19:38-42
8. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah kami mendalami
aniaya dan cela yang Engkau alami,
agar kami olehMu meninggalkan dosa
kepadaMu bersyukur, jiwa pun sentosa.Play
Luke 1:31
[Luk 1:31] God Whom Earth, And Sea, And Sky, The
The God Whom earth, and sea, and sky,
Adore, and laud, and magnify,
Who o’er their threefold fabric reigns,
The virgin’s spotless womb contains.The God Whose will by moon and sun
And all things in due course is done,
Is borne upon a maiden’s breast,
By fullest heavenly grace possest.How blest the mother, in whose shrine
The great Artificer Divine,
Whose hand contains the earth and sky,
Vouchsafed, as in His ark, to lie!Blest, in the message Gabriel brought;
Blest, by the work the Spirit wrought:
From whom the Great Desire of earth
Took human flesh and human birth.All honor, laud, and glory be,
O Jesu, virgin-born, to Thee!
All glory, as is ever meet,
To Father and to Paraclete.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 1:31] Hail, O Star That Pointest
Hail, O star that pointest
Towards the port of Heaven,
Thou to whom as maiden
God for Son was given.When the salutation
Gabriel had spoken,
Peace was shed upon us,
Eva’s bonds were broken.Bound by Satan’s fetters,
Health and vision needing,
God will aid and light us
At thy gentle pleading.Jesu’s tender mother,
Make thy supplication
Unto Him Who chose thee
At His incarnation;That, O matchless maiden,
Passing meek and lowly,
Thy dear Son may make us
Blameless, chaste and holy.So, as now we journey
Aid our weak endeavor,
Till we gaze on Jesus,
And rejoice forever.Father, Son and Spirit,
Three in One confessing,
Give we equal glory,
Equal praise and blessing.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 10:29
[Luk 10:29] All Nature Feels Attractive Power
All nature feels attractive power,
A strong, embracing force;
The drops that sparkle in the shower,
The planets in their course.In this fine, sympathetic chain
All creatures bear a part;
Their every pleasure, every pain,
Linked to a feeling heart.More perfect bond, the Christian plan
Attaches soul to soul;
Our neighbor is the suffering man
Thou at the farthest pole.To earth below, from Heaven above,
The faith in Christ professed
More clear reveals that God is love,
And whom He loves is blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 10:29] Who Is Thy Neighbor
Who is thy neighbor? He whom thou
Hast power to aid or bless;
Whose aching heart or burning brow
Thy soothing hand may press.Thy neighbor? ’Tis the fainting poor
Whose eye with want is dim;
O enter thou his humble door,
With aid and peace for him.Thy neighbor? He who drinks the cup
When sorrow drowns the brim;
With words of high, sustaining hope,
Go thou and comfort him.Thy neighbor? Yonder toiling slave,
Fettered in thought and limb;
Whose hopes are all beyond the grave,
Go thou, and ransom him.Thy neighbor? Pass no mourner by;
Perhaps thou canst redeem
A breaking heart from misery;
Go, share thy lot with him.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 2:27
[Luk 2:27] In His Temple Now Behold Him
In His temple now behold Him,
See the long expected Lord;
Ancient prophets had foretold Him—
God has now fulfilled His word.
Now to praise Him, His redeemèd
Shall break forth with one accord.In the arms of her who bore Him,
Virgin pure, behold Him lie,
While his agèd saints adore Him
Ere in faith and hope they die.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Lo, th’incarnate God most high.Jesus, by Thy presentation,
Thou, who didst for us endure,
Make us see our great salvation,
Seal us with Thy promise sure.
And present us in Thy glory
To Thy Father, cleansed and pure.Prince and Author of salvation,
Be Thy boundless love our theme!
Jesus, praise to Thee be given
By the world Thou didst redeem.
With the Father and the Spirit,
Lord of majesty supreme!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 9:33
[Luk 9:33] O Master, It Is Good To Be
O Master, it is good to be
High on the mountain here with Thee,
Where stand revealed to mortal gaze
Those glorious saints of other days,
Who once received on Horeb’s height
Th’eternal laws of truth and right,
Or caught the still small whisper, higher
Than storm, than earthquake, or than fire.O Master, it is good to be
With Thee, and with Thy faithful three;
Here, where the Apostle’s heart of rock
Is nerved against temptation’s shock;
Here, where the Son of Thunder learns
The thought that breathes, and word that burns;
Here, where on eagle wings we move
With him whose last best creed is love.O Master, it is good to be
Entranced, enwrapt, alone with Thee;
And watch Thy glistening raiment glow
Whiter than Hermon’s whitest snow;
The human lineaments that shine
Irradiant with a light divine;
Till we too change from grace to grace,
Gazing on that transfigured face.O Master, it is good to be
Here on the holy mount with Thee;
When darkling in the depths of night,
When dazzled with excess of light,
We bow before the heavenly voice
That bids bewildered souls rejoice,
Though love wax cold, and faith be dim,
“This is My Son, O hear ye Him.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 9:33] ’tis Good, Lord, To Be Here
’Tis good, Lord, to be here,
Thy glory fills the night;
Thy face and garments, like the sun,
Shine with unborrowed light.’Tis good, Lord, to be here,
Thy beauty to behold
Where Moses and Elijah stand,
Thy messengers of old.Fulfiller of the past,
Promise of things to be,
We hail Thy body glorified
And our redemption see.Before we taste of death,
We see Thy kingdom come;
We fain would hold the vision bright
And make this hill our home.’Tis good, Lord, to be here.
Yet we may not remain;
But since Thou bidst us leave the mount,
Come with us to the plain.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 9:33] When At This Distance, Lord, We Trace
When at this distance, Lord, we trace
The various glories of Thy face,
What transport pours o’er all our breast,
And charms our cares and woes to rest,
And charms our cares and woes to rest.With Thee in the obscurest cell,
On some bleak mountain would I dwell,
Rather than pompous courts behold,
And share their grandeur and their gold,
And share their grandeur and their gold.Away, ye dreams of mortal joy—
Raptures divine my thoughts employ;
I see the King of glory shine,
And feel His love and call Him mine,
And feel His love and call Him mine.On Tabor thus His servants viewed
His luster when transformed He stood;
And biding earthly scenes farewell,
Cried, “Lord, ’tis pleasant here to dwell,”
Cried, “Lord, ’tis pleasant here to dwell.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 9:33] Where Jesus Is, ’tis Heaven
Since Christ my soul from sin set free,
This world has been a Heav’n to me;
And ’mid earth’s sorrows and its woe,
’Tis Heav’n my Jesus here to know.Refrain
O hallelujah, yes, ’tis Heav’n,
’Tis Heav’n to know my sins forgiv’n,
On land or sea, what matters where?
Where Jesus is, ’tis Heaven there.Once Heaven seemed a far off place,
Till Jesus showed His smiling face;
Now it’s begun within my soul,
’Twill last while endless ages roll.Refrain
What matters where on earth we dwell?
On mountain top, or in the dell,
In cottage, or a mansion fair,
Where Jesus is, ’tis Heaven there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal