[23:42] 1 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.
[23:42] 2 sn Jesus, remember me is a statement of faith from the cross, as Jesus saves another even while he himself is dying. This man’s faith had shown itself when he rebuked the other thief. He hoped to be with Jesus sometime in the future in the kingdom.
[23:42] 3 tc ‡ The alternate readings of some
[23:43] 5 tn Grk “Truly (ἀμήν, amhn), I say to you.”
[23:43] 6 sn Jesus gives more than the criminal asked for, because the blessing will come today, not in the future. He will be among the righteous. See the note on today in 2:11.
[23:43] 7 sn In the NT, paradise is mentioned three times. Here it refers to the abode of the righteous dead. In Rev 2:7 it refers to the restoration of Edenic paradise predicted in Isa 51:3 and Ezek 36:35. In 2 Cor 12:4 it probably refers to the “third heaven” (2 Cor 12:2) as the place where God dwells.