Kidung Jemaat
Mark 13:1-37
Kabar Yang Indah Benar [KJ.271]
1. Kabar yang indah benar, kidung besar mengegar,
sabda Rajamu dengar! Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra.
2. Datang seg'ra, datang seg'ra! Mungkin malam saatnya,
Pagi, siang, entah senja. Hari gemilang berlimpah berkat:
Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
3. Gunung, lembah, soraklah; padang kembang, nyanyilah;
maklumkanlah, semesta: Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
Mzm 96:10-13
Mzm 98:7-9
4. Datang seg'ra, datang seg'ra! Mungkin malam saatnya,
Pagi, siang, entah senja. Hari gemilang berlimpah berkat:
Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
5. Di hadapanNya kelak duka nestapa lenyap,
kita sujud menyembah: Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
6. Datang seg'ra, datang seg'ra! Mungkin malam saatnya,
Pagi, siang, entah senja. Hari gemilang berlimpah berkat:
Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!Play Tuhanku Seg'ra 'kan Kembali Ke Dunia [KJ.277]
R:Why 6:10
1. Tuhanku seg'ra 'kan kembali ke dunia. Tak satu pun tahu
akan waktu tibaNya: di pagi cerlang pada saat buana
ditinggalkan sang malam pekat.
Mat 24:42-44
Mrk 13:32
1 Tes 5:2
2 Ptr 3:10
Why 3:3
2. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
3. Dan mungkin datangNya 'kan di tengah hari dan mungkin
di saat menurun mentari, di malam gelap, waktu
orang tak nyana Kristus datang ke dunia.
4. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
5. Dan k'lak membahanalah riuh "Hosana". Malaikat pun
turun mengiring Rajanya. Parasnya cerlang dan penuh
kemuliaan serta kasih 'kan umatNya.
Mrk 11:9-10
Why 1:16
Why 22:4
6. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
7. Enyahlah derita, lenyap ratap tangis dan hilanglah maut,
tanda kuasa Iblis. Hatiku penuh mengenang 'kan detiknya
milik Yesus dit'rimaNya.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
8. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.Play UmatMu Bersembah Sujud [KJ.227]
1. UmatMu bersembah sujud, berdoa dan bernyanyi,
menghadap singgasanaMu, ya Kristus, Tuhan kami.
Segala kuasa dunia akhirNya 'kan mengaku
Engkaulah raja mulia, kar'na kebangkitanMu.
Luk 24:52
Flp 2:9-11
Why 17:14
2. Dengan darahMu yang kudus Engkau sucikan kami
membuat kami bagiMu imamat yang rajawi.
PadaMu diberikanlah mahkota kemenangan:
Di sorga dan di dunia namaMu berkumandang.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
1 Ptr 2:9
Why 5:10
Why 14:14
3. Ya, Jurus'lamat dunia, penuh kemuliaan
Kau datang lagi segera di atas awan-awan.
Semua 'kan memandangMu, termasuk yang menikam;
Semua mengagungkanMu dan mohon pengasihan.
Dan 7:13-14
Mrk 13:26
Za 12:10
Why 1:7
4. Baik lambat atau segera, hariMu pasti datang;
cahaya fajar yang cerah semakin kelihatan.
Ya, haleluya, datanglah, umatMu sudah yakin.
Malaikat dan manusia bersorak, "Amin, amin!"1 Yoh 2:8
Why 22:20
Mark 13:1-37
[Mar 13:7] O Lord Of Hosts, Who Didst Upraise
O Lord of hosts, who didst upraise
Strong captains to defend the right,
In darker years and sterner days,
And armèdst Israel for the fight;
Thou madest Joshua true and strong,
And David framed the battle song.And we must we battle yet? Must we,
Who bear the tender Name divine,
Still barter life for victory,
Still glory in the crimson sign?
The Crucified between us stands,
And lifts on high His wounded hands.Lord, we are weak and willful yet,
The fault is in our clouded eyes;
But Thou, through anguish and regret,
Dost make Thy faithless children wise;
Through wrong, through hate, Thou dost approve
The far off victories of love.And so, from out the heart of strife,
Diviner echoes peal and thrill,
The scorned delights, the lavished life,
The pain that serves a nation’s will:
Thy comfort stills the mourner’s cries,
And love is crowned by sacrifice.As rains that weep the clouds away,
As winds that leave a calm in heaven,
So let the slayer cease to slay;
The passion healed, the wrath forgiven,
Draw nearer, bid the tumult cease,
Redeemer, Savior, Prince of Peace!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:8] The Lord Will Come! The Earth Shall Quake
The Lord will come! the earth shall quake,
The hills their fixèd seat forsake;
And, withering from the vault of night,
The stars withdraw their feeble light.The Lord will come! but not the same
As once in lowly form He came,
A silent Lamb to slaughter led,
The bruised, the suffering, and the dead.The Lord will come! a dreadful form,
With wreath of flame, and robe of storm,
On cherub wings, and wings of wind,
Anointed Judge of humankind.Can this be He once wont to stray
A pilgrim on the world’s highway,
By power oppressed, and mocked by pride
O God! is this the Crucified?Go, tyrants, to the rocks complain!
Go, seek the mountain’s cleft in vain!
But faith, victorious o’er the tomb,
Shall sing for joy, “The Lord is come!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] He Is Coming, He Is Coming
He is coming, He is coming,
Not as once He came before,
Wailing Infant born in weakness
On a lowly stable floor;
But upon His cloud of glory,
In the crimson tinted sky,
Where we see the golden sunrise,
In the rosy distance lie.He is coming, He is coming,
Not in pain, and shame, and woe,
With the thorn crown on His forehead,
And the blood drops trickling slow;
But with diadem upon Him,
And the scepter in His hand,
And the dead all ranged before Him,
Raised from death, hell, sea and land.He is coming, He is coming,
Not as once He wandered through
All the hostile land of Judah,
With His followers poor and few;
But with all the holy angels
Waiting round His judgment seat,
And the chosen twelve Apostles,
Sitting crownèd at His feet.He is coming, He is coming,
Let His lowly first estate,
And His tender love, so teach us
That in faith and hope we wait,
Till in glory eastward burning,
Our redemption draweth near,
And we see the sign in heaven
Of our Judge and Savior dear.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] I Know That Some Day
I know that some day from His heavenly throne,
The blessèd Redeemer of men
Will come in His glory to gather His own;
He is coming, is coming again.Refrain
Perhaps in the morning His face I shall see,
The Redeemer and Savior of men;
And oh, what a glorious day that will be!
He is coming, is coming again!I know when He comes it will be as a King,
Forever and ever to reign;
So watching and waiting for Him will I sing,
He is coming, is coming again.Refrain
Some day amid angels of heavenly light
And glorified loved ones He’ll come;
Come quickly, Lord Jesus, in splendor and might:
He is coming, is coming again.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] Jesus Came, The Heavens Adoring
Jesus came, the heav’ns adoring,
Came with peace from realms on high;
Jesus came for man’s redemption,
Lowly came on earth to die.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Came in deep humility.Jesus comes again in mercy,
When our hearts are bowed with care;
Jesus comes again in answer
To an earnest, heartfelt prayer;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Comes to save us from despair.Jesus comes to hearts rejoicing,
Bringing news of sins forgiven;
Jesus comes in sounds of gladness,
Leading souls redeemed to Heav’n;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Now the gate of death is riv’n.Jesus comes in joy and sorrow,
Shares alike our hopes and fears;
Jesus comes, whate’er befalls us,
Glads our hearts, and dries our tears;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Cheering e’en our failing years.Jesus comes on clouds triumphant,
When the heav’ns shall pass away;
Jesus comes again in glory;
Let us then our homage pay,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Till the dawn of endless day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] Just As I Am, Thine Own To Be
Just as I am, Thine own to be,
Friend of the young, who lovest me,
To consecrate myself to Thee,
O Jesus Christ, I come.In the glad morning of my day,
My life to give, my vows to pay,
With no reserve and no delay,
With all my heart I come.I would live ever in the light,
I would work ever for the right;
I would serve Thee with all my might;
Therefore, to Thee I come.Just as I am, young, strong, and free,
To be the best that I can be
For truth, and righteousness, and Thee,
Lord of my life, I come.With many dreams of fame and gold,
Success and joy to make me bold,
But dearer still my faith to hold,
For my whole life, I come.And for Thy sake to win renown,
And then to take the victor’s crown,
And at Thy feet to cast it down,
O Master, Lord, I come.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] Thou God Of Glorious Majesty
Thou God of glorious majesty,
To Thee, against myself, to Thee,
A worm of earth, I cry;
A half-awakened child of man;
An heir of endless bliss or pain;
A sinner born to die!Lo! on a narrow neck of land,
’Twixt two unbounded seas I stand,
Secure, insensible;
A point of time, a moment’s space,
Removes me to that heavenly place,
Or shuts me up in hell.O God, mine inmost soul convert!
And deeply on my thoughtful heart
Eternal things impress:
Give me to feel their solemn weight,
And tremble on the brink of fate,
And wake to righteousness.Before me place, in dread array,
The pomp of that tremendous day,
When Thou with clouds shalt come,
To judge the nations at Thy bar;
And tell me, Lord, shall I be there
To meet a joyful doom?Be this my one great business here,
With serious industry and fear
Eternal bliss to ensure;
Thine utmost counsel to fulfill,
And suffer all Thy righteous will,
And to the end endure.Then, Savior, then my soul receive,
Transported from this vale to live
And reign with Thee above;
Where faith is sweetly lost in sight,
And hope in full supreme delight,
And everlasting love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] We Shall See The King
There’s a blessèd time that’s coming, coming soon (coming soon),
It may be evening, morning or at noon (or at noon),
The wedding of the bride, united with the Groom,
We shall see the King when He comes.Refrain
We shall see the King, We shall see the King,
We shall see the King when He comes;
He is coming in pow’r, we’ll hail the blessèd hour,
We shall see the King when he comes.Are you ready should the Savior call today? (call today)
Would Jesus say, “Well done” or “Go away”? (Go away)
My home is for the pure, the vile can never stay,
We shall see the King when He comes.Refrain
Oh, my brother, are you ready for the call? (for the call)
To crown your Savior King and Lord of all? (Lord of all)
The kingdoms of this world shall soon before Him fall,
We shall see the king when He comes.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] When Each Others Face We See
In the glory of the Father
When our Lord shall come again,
By His angel guards attended,
In His majesty to reign,Refrain
What a hallelujah chorus,
What a shouting there will be,
When we gather in the morning,
And each others face we see!At the sounding of the trumpet,
When the dead in Christ will rise,
And the brightness of His presence
Shall adorn the glowing skies,Refrain
When the book of life is opened,
With our names recorded there,
And with all the saints triumphant
We shall meet Him in the air.Refrain
O that day of joy is coming,
And its dawn is drawing nigh;
We are watching, we are waiting,
We shall hail it by and by.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:26] When Through The Whirl Of Wheels
When through the whirl of wheels, and engines humming,
Patiently powerful for the sons of men,
Peals like a trumpet promise of His coming,
Who in the clouds is pledged to come again.When through the night the furnace fires aflaring,
Shooting out tongues of flame like leaping blood,
Speak to the heart of love, alive, and daring,
Sing of the boundless energy of God.When in the depths the patient miner striving
Feels in his arms the vigor of the Lord,
Strikes for a kingdom and his King’s arriving,
Holding his pick more splendid than the sword.When on the sweat of labor and its sorrow,
Toiling in twilight flickering and dim,
Flames out the sunshine of the great tomorrow,
When all the world looks up because of Him.Then will He come with meekness for His glory,
God in a workman’s jacket as before,
Living again th’eternal Gospel story,
Sweeping the shavings from His workshop floor.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:31] God Of All Power And Truth And Grace
God of all power, and truth, and grace,
Which shall from age to age endure,
Whose Word, when Heaven and earth shall pass,
Remains and stands for ever sure;That I Thy mercy may proclaim,
That all mankind Thy truth may see,
Hallow Thy great and glorious Name,
And perfect holiness in me.Thy sanctifying Spirit pour,
To quench my thirst, and make me clean;
Now, Father, let the gracious shower
Descend, and make me pure from sin.Purge me from every sinful blot;
My idols all be cast aside;
Cleanse me from every sinful thought,
From all the filth of self and pride.Give me a new, a perfect heart,
From doubt, and fear, and sorrow free;
The mind which was in Christ impart,
And let my spirit cleave to Thee.O take this heart of stone away!
Thy sway it doth not, cannot own;
In me no longer let it stay,
O take away this heart of stone!O that I now, from sin released,
Thy Word may to the utmost prove,
Enter into the promised rest,
The Canaan of Thy perfect love!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:31] I Am Standing On The Word Of God
I am standing on the Word of God,
Which came to men of old;
The Holy Book our fathers loved,
And treasured more than gold.Refrain
I am standing, standing on the Word,
Though the earth change and decay,
It shall never, never pass away,
I am standing on the Word of God.I am standing on the Word of God,
’Tis holy and ’tis true;
Through ages it has been our light,
With splendor ever new.Refrain
I am standing on the Word of God,
’Tis full of life divine;
God’s Spirit lives in ev’ry word,
And moves in ev’ry line.Refrain
I am standing on the Word of God,
And thus I am secure;
Though blows the tempest wild and hard,
’Twill evermore endure.Refrain
I am standing on the Word of God,
And on my dying bed
I’ll share its consolations, Lord,
When death’s dark vale I tread.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:32] He Is Near
I know not when the Lord will come,
Or at what hour He may appear,
Whether at midnight or at morn,
Or at what season of the year.Refrain
I only know that He is near,
And that His voice I soon shall hear;
I only know that He is near,
And that His voice I soon shall hear;I know not what of time remains,
To run its course, in this low sphere,
Or what awaits of calm or storm,
Of joy or grief, or hope or fear.Refrain
I know not what is yet to run
Of spring or summer, green or sear,
Of death or life, of pain or peace,
Of shade or shine, of song or tear.Refrain
The centuries have come and gone,
Dark centuries of absence drear;
I dare not chide the long delay,
Nor ask when I His voice shall hear.Refrain
I do not think it can be long,
Till in His glory He appear;
And yet I dare not name the day,
Nor fix the solemn advent year.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:33] O’er The Distant Mountains Breaking
O’er the distant mountains breaking
Comes the reddening dawn of day;
Rise, my soul, from sleep awaking,
Rise, and sing, and watch, and pray;
’Tis the Savior, blessèd Lord,
On His bright returning way.O Thou long expected! Weary
Waits my anxious soul for Thee;
Life is dark, and earth is dreary,
When Thy light I do not see;
O my Savior, blessèd Lord,
When wilt Thou return to me?Long, too long, in sin and sadness,
Far away from Thee I pine;
When, O when, shall I the gladness
Of Thy Spirit feel in mine?
O, my Savior, blessèd Lord,
When shall I be wholly Thine?Nearer is my soul’s salvation,
Spent the night, the day at hand;
Keep me in my lowly station,
Watching for Thee, till I stand,
O my Savior, blessèd Lord,
In Thy bright, Thy promised land.With my lamp well trimmed and burning,
Swift to hear and slow to roam,
Watching for Thy glad returning
To restore me to my home.
Come, my Savior, blessèd Lord,
Thou hast promised, quickly come!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:33] Watch And Pray
Watch and pray that when the Master cometh,
If at morning, noon or night,
He may find a lamp in every window,
Trimmed and burning clear and bright.Refrain
Watch and pray, the Lord commandeth;
Watch and pray, ’twill not be long:
Soon He’ll gather home His loved ones,
To the happy vale of song.Watch and pray; the tempter may be near us;
Keep the heart with jealous care,
Lest the door, a moment left unguarded,
Evil thoughts may enter there.Refrain
Watch and pray, nor let us ever weary;
Jesus watched and prayed alone:
Prayed for us when only stars beheld Him,
While on Olive’s brow they shone.Refrain
Watch and pray, nor leave our post of duty,
Till we hear the Bridegroom’s voice:
Then, with Him the marriage feast partaking,
We shall evermore rejoice.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:34] Oh, What Are You Going To Do?
Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?
You have thought of some useful labor,
But what is the end in view?
You are fresh from the home of your boyhood,
And just in the bloom of youth!
Have you tasted the sparkling water,
That flows from the fount of truth?
Is your heart in the Savior’s keeping?
Remember, He died for you!
Then what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Will you honor His cause and kingdom,
Wherever your path may be?
And stand as a bright example,
That others your light may see?
Are you willing to live for Jesus?
And ready the cross to bear?
Are you willing to meet reproaches?
The frowns of the world to share?
Your lot may perhaps be humble,
But God has a work for you!
Then what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
The morning of youth is past;
The vigor and strength of manhood,
My brother, are yours at last.
You are rising in worldly prospects,
And prospered in earthly things:
A duty to those less favored
The smile of your fortune brings.
Go prove that your heart is grateful—
The Lord has a work for you!
Then what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
Your sun at its noon is high!
It shines in meridian splendor,
And rides through a cloudless sky.
You are holding a high position
Of honor, of trust, and fame;
Are you willing to give the glory
And praise to your Savior’s Name?
The regions that sit in darkness
Are stretching their hands to you;
Then, what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Oh, what are you going to do, brother?
The twilight approaches now;
Already your locks are silvered,
And winter is on your brow.
Your talents, your time, your riches,
To Jesus, your Master, give;
Then ask if the world around you
Is better because you live.
You are nearing the brink of Jordan,
But still there is work for you;
Then, what are you going to do, brother?
Say, what are you going to do?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:35] Christ Returneth
It may be at morn, when the day is awaking,
When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking
That Jesus will come in the fullness of glory
To receive from the world “His own.”Refrain
O Lord Jesus, how long, how long
Ere we shout the glad song,
Christ returneth! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Amen.It may be at midday, it may be at twilight,
It may be, perchance, that the blackness of midnight
Will burst into light in the blaze of His glory,
When Jesus receives “His own.”Refrain
While its hosts cry Hosanna, from heaven descending,
With glorified saints and the angels attending,
With grace on His brow, like a halo of glory,
Will Jesus receive “His own.”Refrain
Oh, joy! oh, delight! should we go without dying,
No sickness, no sadness, no dread and no crying.
Caught up through the clouds with our Lord into glory,
When Jesus receives “His own.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:35] I Know Not The Hour
I know not the hour when my Lord will come
To take me away to His own dear home;
But I know that His presence will lighten the gloom,
And that will be glory for me.
And that will be glory for me,
Oh, that will be glory for me!
But I know that His presence will lighten the gloom,
And that will be glory for me.I know not the song that the angels sing,
I know not the sound of the harps’ glad ring;
But I know there’ll be mention of Jesus our King,
And that will be music for me.
And that will be music for me,
Oh, that will be music for me!
But I know there’ll be mention of Jesus our King,
And that will be music for me.I know not the form of my mansion fair,
I know not the name that I then shall bear;
But I know that my Savior will welcome me there,
And that will be Heaven for me.
And that will be Heaven for me,
Oh, that will be Heaven for me.
But I know that my Savior will welcome me there,
And that will be Heaven for me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mar 13:35] O Why Not Tonight?
O do not let the Word depart,
And close thine eyes against the light;
Poor sinner, harden not your heart,
Be saved, O tonight.Refrain
O why not tonight?
O why not tonight?
Wilt thou be saved?
Then why not tonight?Tomorrow’s sun may never rise
To bless thy long deluded sight;
This is the time, O then be wise,
Be saved, O tonight.Refrain
Our Lord in pity lingers still,
And wilt thou thus His love requite?
Renounce at once thy stubborn will,
Be saved, O tonight.Refrain
Our blessèd Lord refuses none
Who would to Him their souls unite;
Believe on Him, the work is done,
Be saved, O tonight.Refrain
Oh, do not let thy Lord depart,
And close thine eyes against the light;
Poor sinner, harden not thy heart;
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?Tomorrow’s sun may never rise
To bless thy long-deluded sight;
This is the time!—oh, then, be wise!
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?Our God in pity lingers still;
Oh, wilt thou thus His love requite?
Renounce at length thy stubborn will,—
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?Our blessèd Lord refuses none
Who would to Him their souls unite;
Then be the work of grace begun:
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?
Thou wouldst be saved—why not tonight?Play source: Cyberhymnal