Matthew 20:1-7
kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]
This parable was intended to illustrate the equity of God's dealings, even when "the first are placed last, and the last first."
a landowner <444> [a man.]
early <260> [early.]
workers <2040> [labourers.]
after agreeing <4856> [he had.]
standard wage <1220> [a penny.]
"The Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after five shillings the ounce is sevenpence halfpenny."
sent <649> [he sent.]
nine ... in the morning <5154> [the third.]
standing around <2476> [standing.]
go <5217> [Go.]
and <2532 3739 1161> [and whatsoever.]
noon <1623> [sixth.]
he did <4160> [and did.]
five o'clock ... afternoon <1734> [the eleventh.]
Why <5101> [Why.]
Because <3754> [Because.]
You go <5217> [Go.]
and <2532> [and.]