Matthew 24:5
in <1909> [in.]
Matthew 24:24
will appear <1453> [there.]
and ...... and perform .... and ....... even <2532 1325> [and shall.]
to <5620> [insomuch.]
if <1487> [if.]
Matthew 7:15
but <1161> [Beware.]
false prophets <5578> [false.]
who <3748> [which.]
<1526> [are.]
Mark 13:22
if possible <1487 1415> [if it.]
Acts 20:30
from among your own group <1537 5216> [of your.]
teaching <2980> [speaking.]
to draw .... away <645> [to draw.]
Acts 20:1
After <3326> [after.]
saying farewell <782> [embraced.]
to go <4198> [to go.]
Acts 4:1-2
<2409> [the priests.]
commander <4755> [the captain. or, the ruler.]
Sadducees <4523> [the Sadducees.]
angry <1278> [grieved.]
announcing <2605> [preached.]
Acts 2:1
day <2250> [the day.]
<2258> [they.]
Acts 2:1
day <2250> [the day.]
<2258> [they.]
Acts 2:18
on my .... men ........ my <1909 3450 1401> [on my servants.]
both .............. and they will prophesy <2532 4395> [and they.]
Acts 2:26
my ...... my tongue ... my <3450 1100> [my tongue.]
Acts 4:1
<2409> [the priests.]
commander <4755> [the captain. or, the ruler.]
Sadducees <4523> [the Sadducees.]
Jude 1:4
have secretly slipped in <3921> [crept.]
<3588> [who.]
ungodly men <765> [ungodly.]
have turned <3346> [turning.]
deny <720> [denying.]
only <3441> [only.]
Revelation 19:20
beast ................................ beast <2342> [the beast.]
false prophet <5578> [the false.]
Both <1417> [These.]
burning <2545> [burning.]