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Nehemiah 4:1-11

But it came to pass, that when Sanballat
<08085> (8804)
that we builded
<01129> (8802)
the wall
he was wroth
<02734> (8799)_,
and took great
<07235> (8687)
<03707> (8799)_,
and mocked
<03932> (8686)
the Jews
And he spake
<0559> (8799)
his brethren
and the army
of Samaria
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
What do
<06213> (8802)
these feeble
will they fortify
<05800> (8799)
themselves? will they sacrifice
<02076> (8799)_?
will they make an end
<03615> (8762)
in a day
will they revive
<02421> (8762)
the stones
out of the heaps
of the rubbish
which are burned
<08313> (8803)_?
{fortify...: Heb. leave to themselves}
Now Tobiah
the Ammonite
[was] by him
and he said
<0559> (8799)_,
Even that which they build
<01129> (8802)_,
if a fox
go up
<05927> (8799)_,
he shall even break down
<06555> (8804)
their stone
<08085> (8798)_,
O our God
for we are despised
and turn
<07725> (8685)
their reproach
upon their own head
and give
<05414> (8798)
them for a prey
in the land
of captivity
{despised: Heb. despite}
And cover
<03680> (8762)
not their iniquity
and let not their sin
be blotted out
<04229> (8735)
from before
thee: for they have provoked [thee] to anger
<03707> (8689)
before the builders
<01129> (8802)_.
So built
<01129> (8799)
we the wall
and all the wall
was joined together
<07194> (8735)
unto the half
thereof: for the people
had a mind
to work
<06213> (8800)_.
But it came to pass, [that] when Sanballat
and Tobiah
and the Arabians
and the Ammonites
and the Ashdodites
<08085> (8804)
that the walls
of Jerusalem
were made up
<0724> <05927> (8804)_,
[and] that the breaches
<06555> (8803)
<02490> (8689)
to be stopped
<05640> (8736)_,
then they were very
<02734> (8799)_,
{were made up: Heb. ascended}
And conspired
<07194> (8799)
all of them together
to come
<0935> (8800)
[and] to fight
<03898> (8736)
against Jerusalem
and to hinder
<06213> (8800) <08442>
it. {to hinder...: Heb. to make an error to it}
Nevertheless we made our prayer
<06419> (8691)
unto our God
and set
<05975> (8686)
a watch
against them day
and night
of them.
And Judah
<0559> (8799)_,
The strength
of the bearers of burdens
is decayed
<03782> (8804)_,
and [there is] much
<07235> (8687)
so that we are not able
<03201> (8799)
to build
<01129> (8800)
the wall
And our adversaries
<0559> (8799)_,
They shall not know
<03045> (8799)_,
neither see
<07200> (8799)_,
till we come
<0935> (8799)
in the midst
them, and slay
<02026> (8804)
them, and cause the work
to cease
<07673> (8689)_.

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