Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 91:11
Di Badai Topan Dunia [KJ.440] ( A Shelter in the Time of Storm / The Lords Our Rock )
1. Di badai topan dunia Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu;
kendati goncang semesta, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu!
Mzm 18:3
Mzm 46
Mzm 91
Mzm 93
2. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.
3. Baik siang maupun malam g'lap, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu;
niscaya takutmu lenyap, Tuhanlah perlindunganmu!
Mzm 121:6
4. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.
5. Dan biar badai menyerang, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu;
padaNya kau tetap tent'ram, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu!
6. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.
7. Ya Gunung Batu yang tetap, Engkaulah Perlindunganku;
di tiap waktu dan tempat Engkaulah Perlindunganku!
8. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.Play
Matthew 4:6
Bumi dan Langit, Pujilah [KJ.286] ( Praise to the Holiest in the Height )
1. Bumi dan langit, pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus:
FirmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Mzm 69:35
2. Betapa kasih hikmatNya! Kendati kita aib:
Sang Adam Baru menjelma, Penolong yang ajaib.
Rm 5:18-19
1 Kor 15:45-47
3. O hikmat kasih! Dialah tak jatuh diserang:
di dalam darah-daging pun berjuang dan menang.
Mat 4:1-11
1 Ptr 2:24
4. Tak sekedar karunia yang dimilikiNya:
hakekat Allah yang kekal yaitu kodratNya.
Yoh 1:1-3
5. Dialah Insan yang benar: set'ru dibantingNya.
Hukuman bagi insan pun ditanggung olehNya.
Kol 1:15
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
Yes 53:5
6. DukaNya di Getsemani, wafatNya di salib
teladan bagi muridNya menanggung yang pedih.
Mrk 14:32-42
Yoh 21:19
2 Tim 2:3
1 Ptr 2:21-24
7. Bumi dan langit pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus;
firmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Play Mari, Tuturkan Kembali [KJ.145] ( Tell Me the Story of Jesus )
1. Mari tuturkan kembali kisah yang indah benar,
warta berharga sekali, Yesus pahlawan besar.
Bahwa di malam lahirNya malak menyanyi merdu:
"Hormat dib'ri bagi Allah; dunia beroleh restu."
Mari tuturkan kembali kisah yang indah benar,
Waktu berharga sekali, Yesus Pahlawan besar.
Kis 8:35
Luk 2:14
2. Waktu Almasih puasa di padang tandus gersang,
untuk dosaku digoda, tap akhirnya menang.
Mari tuturkan derita dan sengsaraNya pedih;
Untuk manusia yang hina Ia disiksa perih.
Mat 4:1-11
Mrk 15:15-26
3. Tuhan dipaku di salib, tubuh memar didera,
matiNya nista dan aib, lalu dikubur seg'ra.
Warta gembira sekali: "Kubur tak dapat menang;
Tuhan t'lah hidup kembali!" Kita beroleh senang.Mrk 15:33-37
Mrk 15:42-47
Mrk 16:6
Kis 2:24
Matthew 4:1
Bumi dan Langit, Pujilah [KJ.286] ( Praise to the Holiest in the Height )
1. Bumi dan langit, pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus:
FirmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Mzm 69:35
2. Betapa kasih hikmatNya! Kendati kita aib:
Sang Adam Baru menjelma, Penolong yang ajaib.
Rm 5:18-19
1 Kor 15:45-47
3. O hikmat kasih! Dialah tak jatuh diserang:
di dalam darah-daging pun berjuang dan menang.
Mat 4:1-11
1 Ptr 2:24
4. Tak sekedar karunia yang dimilikiNya:
hakekat Allah yang kekal yaitu kodratNya.
Yoh 1:1-3
5. Dialah Insan yang benar: set'ru dibantingNya.
Hukuman bagi insan pun ditanggung olehNya.
Kol 1:15
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
Yes 53:5
6. DukaNya di Getsemani, wafatNya di salib
teladan bagi muridNya menanggung yang pedih.
Mrk 14:32-42
Yoh 21:19
2 Tim 2:3
1 Ptr 2:21-24
7. Bumi dan langit pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus;
firmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Play Mari, Tuturkan Kembali [KJ.145] ( Tell Me the Story of Jesus )
1. Mari tuturkan kembali kisah yang indah benar,
warta berharga sekali, Yesus pahlawan besar.
Bahwa di malam lahirNya malak menyanyi merdu:
"Hormat dib'ri bagi Allah; dunia beroleh restu."
Mari tuturkan kembali kisah yang indah benar,
Waktu berharga sekali, Yesus Pahlawan besar.
Kis 8:35
Luk 2:14
2. Waktu Almasih puasa di padang tandus gersang,
untuk dosaku digoda, tap akhirnya menang.
Mari tuturkan derita dan sengsaraNya pedih;
Untuk manusia yang hina Ia disiksa perih.
Mat 4:1-11
Mrk 15:15-26
3. Tuhan dipaku di salib, tubuh memar didera,
matiNya nista dan aib, lalu dikubur seg'ra.
Warta gembira sekali: "Kubur tak dapat menang;
Tuhan t'lah hidup kembali!" Kita beroleh senang.Mrk 15:33-37
Mrk 15:42-47
Mrk 16:6
Kis 2:24
Matthew 6:13
Dalam Dana Penuh Kerusuhan [KJ.260]
1. Dalam dunia penuh kerusuhan, ditengah kemelut permusuhan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di Gereja yang harus bersatu, agar nyata
manusia baru, datanglah KerajaanMu!
Yoh 17:21-23
Ef 4:24
Kol 3:10-11
2. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
3. Memerangi gelap kemiskinan, menyinarkan terang keadilan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di lautan, di gunung, di ladang
dan di badai, di pasar, di jalan datanglah KerajaanMu!
Luk 3:10-14
4. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
5. Dalam hati dan mulut dan tangan dengan kasih, dengan
kebenaran datanglah KerajaanMu; kar'na Kaulah empunya semua,
demi Kristus umatMu berdoa: datanglah KerajaanMu!
Mat 5:3-10
Mat 6:13
6. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu! Play
Matthew 2:4
Dari Terbitnya Surya T'rang [KJ.137]
1. Dari terbitnya surya t'rang sampai dibarat terbenam
Sang Kristus dimuliakanlah, yang dilahirkan Maria.
Mzm 113:3
Mal 1:11
2. Maha Pencipta dunia menjadi hamba terendah
dan menebus manusia dari bencana dosanya.
Flp 2:6-8
3. T'lah lahir Sang Imanuel yang diwartakan Gabriel;
Yohanes mengelukanNya dalam kandungan bundanya.
Mat 1:32Luk 1:26-38
Luk 1:41, 44
4. Walaupun Raja semesta, palungan tak ditolakNya;
Yang menghidupi burung pun, kini menyusu tersenyum.
Mzm 147:9
Luk 2:7
5. Biduan sorga mulia memuji Allah, BapaNya,
dan kaum gembala mendengar tentang Gembala yang Besar.
Luk 2:8-14
6. Orang Majusi dari jauh melihat bintang Putra Daud,
pergi memandang T'rang Baka, mempersembahkan hartanya.
Mat 2:1-11
7. Herodes, kau mengapakah cemas menyambut datangNya
yang sungguh tidak akan mau berkuasa seperti engkau?
Mat 2:3
8. Ratapan ibu terdengar di pembunuhan yang besar
oleh Herodes yang kejam terhadap tunas Betlehem.
Yer 31:15
Mat 2:16-18
9. Para sarjana Alkitab menguji Dia yang berhak
bermukim s'lama-lamanya di dalam rumah BapaNya.
Luk 2:46-49
10. Berdiri, putih cemerlang, Sang Anakdomba di Yordan:
pertanda kerelaanNya menghapus dosa dunia.
Mrk 1:9-11
Yoh 1:29
11. Air jadi anggur yang terbaik mukjizat kuasaNya ajaib:
yang kosong dipenuhiNya dengan berkat karunia!Yoh 2:1-11
Play Dari Timur, Jauh Benar [KJ.129]
1. Dari Timur, jauh benar, kami cari Raja besar.
Lewat gurun, naik turun, dituntun binatangNya.
2. O, bintang pandu yang cerah, bintang Raja mulia.
Jalan kami kausinari, langkah kami tuntunlah!
3. Lahir Raja damai baka. Mas kubawa kepadaNya,
kar'na Ia, memerintah, sampai selamanya.
Yes 9:5-6
4. O, bintang pandu yang cerah, bintang Raja mulia.
Jalan kami kausinari, langkah kami tuntunlah!
5. Aku bawa dupa menyan, lambang doa yang beriman.
Ya Tuhanku, pujianku kiranya berkenan.
6. O, bintang pandu yang cerah, bintang Raja mulia.
Jalan kami kausinari, langkah kami tuntunlah!
7. Damar pahit yang kuberi, lambang dukacita pedih
dan sengsara tak bertara dan kubur yang sepi.
8. O, bintang pandu yang cerah, bintang Raja mulia.
Jalan kami kausinari, langkah kami tuntunlah!
9. Agunglah kebangkitanNya, Raja, Tuhan, Kurban esa.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Pujilah bergema!
Ibr 9:12
10. O, bintang pandu yang cerah, bintang Raja mulia.
Jalan kami kausinari, langkah kami tuntunlah!Play Datang Orang Asing [KJ.130]
1. Datang orang asing bawa masing-masing dari neg'rinya
mas, menyan dan mira, mahal tak terkira, untuk Rajanya.
2. Datang dari jauh dengan niat mau lihat Rajanya,
menghormati Dia, Anak Manusia, ingin menyembah.
3. Sanalah berbaring dalam kain lampin Jurus'lamatnya.
Masuklah mereka girang dan bersuka, lalu menyembah.Play Hai Bintang Timur [KJ.133]
1. Hai bintang Timur, terbitlah kembali dalam semarak
cahaya terang, sama dengan kau pernah menyinari
orang Majusi di malam kelam.
2. Mari, tunjukkan tempat Yesus lahir! Sungguhkah Dia
di kandang rendah? Bayi lembut di palungan terbaring,
langit dan bumi KerajaanNya.
3. Kami berlutut bersama Majusi: bagiMu, Tuhan,
Pujian syukur! T'rimalah hati yang Kaubuat suci
Bagai pengganti menyan, mas dan mur.Mzm 72:15
Play Hai Malaikat dari Sorga [KJ.97]
1. Hai malaikat dari sorga, sayapmu bentangkanlah;
nyanyi di seluruh dunia: lahir Kristus, Rajanya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:8-14
2. Hai gembala yang menjaga dombamu di efrata,
Allah beserta manusia; mari menyaksikannya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
3. Hai Majusi dari Timur, karyamu tinggalkanlah;
carilah Harapan Dunia, ikut sinar bintangNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Mat 2:1-11
4. Hai kaum saleh yang menunggu dalam dunia yang resah,
lihat, Allahmu sendiri turun dalam PutraNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:25-38
5. Langit, bumi, mari ikut muliakanlah terus
Khalik, Penebus, Pembaru: Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!Play Hai Mari Berhimpun [KJ.109] ( Adeste fideles / O Come, All Ye Faithful )
1. Hai mari, berhimpun dan bersukaria!
Hai mari semua ke Betlehem!
Lihat yang lahir, Raja Balasorga!
Sembah dan puji Dia, sembah dan puji Dia,
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Yes 30:29
Yes 60:1-5
Luk 2:15
2. Terang yang ilahi, Allah yang sejati,
t'lah turun menjadi manusia.
Allah sendiri dalam rupa insan!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Yoh 1:9, 14
Yoh 8:12
2 Kor 4:6
Flp 2:6-8
3. Gembala dipanggil dari padang raya
menuju palunganNya yang rendah.
Kita pun turut bergegas ke sana!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Luk 2:8-12
4. Melihat bintangNya, datang orang Majus
menghantar emas, kemenyan dan mur.
Marilah kita persembahkan hati.
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Mzm 72:15
Mat 2:1-11
5. Cahaya abadi dari Allah Bapa
kentara berwujud di dunia:
Anak ilahi berbalutkan lampin.
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Yoh 1:9
Luk 2:7, 12
6. Demi kita ini Ia sudah lahir.
Peluk Dia dalam iman teguh:
Cinta kasihNya patut kita balas
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
7. Hai para malaikat, angkatlah suaramu,
biduan sorgawi, bernyanyilah!
Muliakanlah Allah, Bapa dalam sorga!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Luk 2:14
8. Ya Tuhan yang lahir pada hari ini,
ya Yesus, terpujilah namaMu!
Firman abadi yang menjadi daging!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!Yoh 1:14
Play S'lamat, S'lamat Datang [KJ.123]
1. S'lamat, s'lamat datang, Yesus, Tuhanku!
Jauh dari sorga tinggi kunjunganMu.
S'lamat datang, Tuhanku, ke dalam dunia;
Damai yang Kaubawa tiada taranya, Salam, salam!
Yes 9:5-6
2. "Kyrie eleison": Tuhan, tolonglah!
Semoga kidung kami tak bercela.
BundaMu Maria diberi karunia
Melahirkan Dikau kudus dan mulia.
Salam, salam!
Luk 1:30-33
3. Nyanyian malaikat nyaring bergema;
gembala mendengarnya di Efrata:
"Kristus sudah lahir, hai percaya kabarku!
Dalam kandang domba kau dapat bertemu."
Salam, salam!
Luk 2:8-14
4. Datang orang Majus ikut bintangNya,
membawa pemberian dan menyembah.
Yang dipersembahkan: kemenyan, emas dan mur;
Pada Jurus'lamat mereka bersyukur.
Salam, salam!Mat 2:1-11
Mzm 72:15
Yes 60:3, 5
Play Siapakah Yang Menerima [KJ.124]
1. Siapakah yang menerima kabar mulia sorgawi?
Bukan para ahli Kitab, bukan pula para nabi,
Bukan raja Yerusalem, bukan kaisar dari Roma:
Hanyalah gembala di Betlehem.
Mat 2:3-4
, Luk 1:1-20
2. Apakah berita baru yang disiarkan malaikat?
Bukan kabar peperangan, bukan pengumuman iklan,
Bukan mengenai wabah, bukanlah bencana alam:
Raja damai lahir di Betlehem.
Yes 9:5
3. Dan di manakah tempatnya Anak Raja dilahirkan?
Bukan di rumah sakit, diawasi bidan ahli,
Bukanlah tempat yang mewah, rumah orang pangkat tinggi,
Tapi kandang domba di betlehem.
4. Lalu, siapakah di sana menunggui Bayi Yesus?
Bapak Yusuf, 'bu Maria yang merawat dan menjaga,
Biri-biri ikut juga dan gembala sederhana.
Bayi tidur aman di Betlehem.Play
Matthew 4:1
Bumi dan Langit, Pujilah [KJ.286] ( Praise to the Holiest in the Height )
1. Bumi dan langit, pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus:
FirmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Mzm 69:35
2. Betapa kasih hikmatNya! Kendati kita aib:
Sang Adam Baru menjelma, Penolong yang ajaib.
Rm 5:18-19
1 Kor 15:45-47
3. O hikmat kasih! Dialah tak jatuh diserang:
di dalam darah-daging pun berjuang dan menang.
Mat 4:1-11
1 Ptr 2:24
4. Tak sekedar karunia yang dimilikiNya:
hakekat Allah yang kekal yaitu kodratNya.
Yoh 1:1-3
5. Dialah Insan yang benar: set'ru dibantingNya.
Hukuman bagi insan pun ditanggung olehNya.
Kol 1:15
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
Yes 53:5
6. DukaNya di Getsemani, wafatNya di salib
teladan bagi muridNya menanggung yang pedih.
Mrk 14:32-42
Yoh 21:19
2 Tim 2:3
1 Ptr 2:21-24
7. Bumi dan langit pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus;
firmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Play Mari, Tuturkan Kembali [KJ.145] ( Tell Me the Story of Jesus )
1. Mari tuturkan kembali kisah yang indah benar,
warta berharga sekali, Yesus pahlawan besar.
Bahwa di malam lahirNya malak menyanyi merdu:
"Hormat dib'ri bagi Allah; dunia beroleh restu."
Mari tuturkan kembali kisah yang indah benar,
Waktu berharga sekali, Yesus Pahlawan besar.
Kis 8:35
Luk 2:14
2. Waktu Almasih puasa di padang tandus gersang,
untuk dosaku digoda, tap akhirnya menang.
Mari tuturkan derita dan sengsaraNya pedih;
Untuk manusia yang hina Ia disiksa perih.
Mat 4:1-11
Mrk 15:15-26
3. Tuhan dipaku di salib, tubuh memar didera,
matiNya nista dan aib, lalu dikubur seg'ra.
Warta gembira sekali: "Kubur tak dapat menang;
Tuhan t'lah hidup kembali!" Kita beroleh senang.Mrk 15:33-37
Mrk 15:42-47
Mrk 16:6
Kis 2:24
Psalms 91:11
[Psa 91:11] All Praise Be To God
All praise be to God, whom all things obey,
From angels and men for ever and aye:
Who sendeth on earth the powers of His throne,
His providence good and love to make known.His angels are they of countenance fair,
The arm of His strength, His hand of kind care:
His message of peace to us they reveal,
His wisdom most high they seal or unseal.By martyrs of old they stood in the flame,
And bade them not flinch, but call on God’s Name.
Thro’ torment, thro’ shame, thro’ darkness of death
They led without fear the sires of our faith.They stand with the few, they fight for the free,
God’s reign to advance o’er land and o’er sea:
And when the brave die or fall in the fight,
Their spirits they bear to rest in God’s sight.For patience and toil a crown they prepare;
They found for the meek a kingdom full fair;
No famine nor plague ’gainst them doth prevail;
Their bread cannot lack, their cruse cannot fail.We pray Thee, who art Thy angels’ reward,
Thy flock to defend forget not, O Lord;
But prosper their aid, that us they may bring
To see the true face of Jesus, our King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Around The Throne Of God A Band
Around the throne of God a band
Of bright and glorious angels stand;
Sweet harps within their hands they hold,
And on their heads are crowns of gold.Some wait around Him ready still
To sing His praise and do His will,
And some, when He commands them, go
To guard His servants here below.Lord, give Thine angels every day
Command to guard us on our way,
And bid them every evening keep
Their watch around us while we sleep.So shall no wicked thing draw near
To do us harm or cause us fear;
And we shall dwell, when life is past,
With angels round Thy throne at last.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Call Jehovah Thy Salvation
Call Jehovah thy salvation, rest beneath th’Almighty’s shade.
In His secret habitation dwell, and never be dismayed.
There no tumult shall alarm thee, thou shalt dread no hidden snare.
Guile nor violence can harm thee, in eternal safeguard there.From the sword at noonday wasting, from the noisome pestilence,
In the depth of midnight blasting, God shall be thy sure defense.
He shall charge His angel legions watch and ward over thee to keep.
Though thou walk through hostile regions, though in desert wilds thou sleep.Since, with pure and firm affection, thou on God hast set thy love,
With the wings of His protection, He will shield thee from above.
Thou shalt call on Him in trouble, He will hearken, He will save.
Here for grief reward thee double, crown with life beyond the grave.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Christ, The Fair Glory Of The Holy Angels
Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels,
Thou Who hast made us, Thou Who o’er us rulest,
Grant of Thy mercy unto us Thy servants
Steps up to Heaven.Send Thy archangel, Michael, to our succor;
Peacemaker blessèd, may he banish from us
Striving and hatred, so that for the peaceful
All things may prosper.Send Thy archangel, Gabriel, the mighty;
Herald of Heaven, may he from us mortals
Spurn the old serpent, watching o’er the temples
Where Thou art worshipped.Send thy archangel, Raphael, the restorer
Of the misguided ways of men who wander,
Who at Thy bidding strengthens soul and body
With Thine anointing.Father almighty, Son and Holy Spirit,
God ever blessèd, be Thou our Preserver;
Thine is the glory which the angels worship,
Veiling their faces.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Jesus, Brightness Of The Father
Jesus, Brightness of the Father,
Life and Strength of all who live,
For creating guardian angels
Glory to Thy Name we give
And Thy wondrous praise rehearse,
Singing in harmonious verse.Blessèd Lord, by their protection
Shelter us from harm this day,
Keep us pure in flesh and spirit,
Save us from the Foe, we pray,
And vouchsafe us by Thy grace
In Thy paradise a place.Glory to th’almighty Father
Sing we with the heav’nly host;
Glory to the great Redeemer,
Glory to the Holy Ghost;
Three in One and One in Three,
Throughout all eternity!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Lord, I Would Own Thy Tender Care
Lord, I would own Thy tender care,
And all Thy love to me;
The food I eat, the clothes I wear,
Are all bestowed by Thee.’Tis Thou preservest me from death
And dangers every hour;
I cannot draw another breath
Unless Thou give me power.Kind angels guard me every night,
As round my bed they stay:
Nor am I absent from Thy sight
In darkness or by day.My health, and friends, and parents dear,
To me by God are giv’n;
I have not any blessing here
But what is sent from Heav’n.Such goodness, Lord, and constant care,
I never can repay;
But may it be my daily prayer,
To love Thee and obey.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Now All The Woods Are Sleeping
Now all the woods are sleeping,
And night and stillness creeping
O’er city, man, and beast;
But thou, my heart, awake thee,
To prayer awhile betake thee,
And praise thy Maker ere thou rest.My Jesus, stay Thou by me,
And let no foe come nigh me,
Safe sheltered by Thy wing;
But would the foe alarm me,
O let him never harm me,
But still Thine angels round me sing!My loved ones, rest securely,
From every peril surely
Our God will guard your heads;
And happy slumbers send you,
And bid His hosts attend you,
And golden armed watched o’er your beds.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Onward, Christian, Though The Region
Onward, Christian, though the region
Where thou art be drear and lone;
God has set a guardian legion
Very near thee; press thou on.By the thorn road, and none other,
Is the mount of vision won;
Tread it without shrinking, brother,
Jesus trod it; press thou on.Be this world the wiser, stronger,
For thy life of pain and peace;
While it needs thee, oh, no longer
Pray thou for thy quick release.Pray thou, Christian, daily rather
That thou be a faithful son,
By the prayer of Jesus, “Father
Not my will, but Thine, be done.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 91:11] Softly Sighs The Breath Of Evening
Softly sighs the breath of evening,
Stealing through the shadowy grove,
While the stars, in heaven shining,
Keep their silent watch above.Heav’nly Father, while we’re sleeping,
Send Thy guardian angels bright,
Faithful watch above us keeping,
To protect us through the night.When the morning, gently breaking,
Tints the sky with golden rays,
May Thy loving children, waking,
Sing their heav’nly Father’s praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 4:1
[Mat 4:1] Jesu, Our Lenten Fast Of Thee
Jesu, our Lenten fast of Thee
We duteous learn to keep,
A healing time, by Thy decree,
For all Thy wounded sheep.A time in which towards paradise,
Once lost by carnal sense,
The souls redeemed by Thee may rise
Through chastening abstinence.Now with Thy Church be present, Lord,
In all Thy saving grace,
And hear us as with one accord
Mourning, we seek Thy face.Most Merciful, forgive the past,
The sins which we deplore;
Thy sheltering arms around us cast,
That we may sin no more.To Thee our sacrifice we bring
Of Lenten fast and prayer,
Till, cleansed by Thee, our God and King,
Thy Paschal joy we share.Grant this, O Father, through Thy Son,
And through the Spirit blest,
Who art with Them forever One,
Eternally confessed.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:1] Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
Lord, who throughout these forty days
For us didst fast and pray,
Teach us with Thee to mourn our sins
And close by Thee to stay.As Thou with Satan didst contend,
And didst the victory win,
O give us strength in Thee to fight,
In Thee to conquer sin.As Thou didst hunger bear, and thirst,
So teach us, gracious Lord,
To die to self, and chiefly live
By Thy most holy Word.And through these days of penitence,
And through Thy passiontide,
Yea, evermore in life and death,
Jesus, with us abide.Abide with us, that so, this life
Of suffering over past,
An Easter of unending joy
We may attain at last.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:1] O Jesu Christ, From Thee Began
O Jesu Christ, from Thee began
This healing for the soul for man,
By fasting sought, by fasting found
Through forty days of yearly round;That he who fell from high delight,
Borne down to sensual appetite,
By dint of stern control may rise
To climb the hills of Paradise.Therefore behold Thy Church, O Lord,
And grace of penitence accord
To all who seek with generous tears
Renewal of their wasted years.Forgive the sin that we have done,
Forgive the course that we have run,
And show henceforth in evil day
Thyself our succor and our stay.But now let every heart prepare,
By sacrifice of fast and prayer,
To keep with joy magnifical
The solemn Easter festival.Father and Son and Spirit blest,
To Thee be every prayer addrest,
Who art in threefold Name adored,
From age to age, the only Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 4:1
[Mat 4:1] Jesu, Our Lenten Fast Of Thee
Jesu, our Lenten fast of Thee
We duteous learn to keep,
A healing time, by Thy decree,
For all Thy wounded sheep.A time in which towards paradise,
Once lost by carnal sense,
The souls redeemed by Thee may rise
Through chastening abstinence.Now with Thy Church be present, Lord,
In all Thy saving grace,
And hear us as with one accord
Mourning, we seek Thy face.Most Merciful, forgive the past,
The sins which we deplore;
Thy sheltering arms around us cast,
That we may sin no more.To Thee our sacrifice we bring
Of Lenten fast and prayer,
Till, cleansed by Thee, our God and King,
Thy Paschal joy we share.Grant this, O Father, through Thy Son,
And through the Spirit blest,
Who art with Them forever One,
Eternally confessed.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:1] Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
Lord, who throughout these forty days
For us didst fast and pray,
Teach us with Thee to mourn our sins
And close by Thee to stay.As Thou with Satan didst contend,
And didst the victory win,
O give us strength in Thee to fight,
In Thee to conquer sin.As Thou didst hunger bear, and thirst,
So teach us, gracious Lord,
To die to self, and chiefly live
By Thy most holy Word.And through these days of penitence,
And through Thy passiontide,
Yea, evermore in life and death,
Jesus, with us abide.Abide with us, that so, this life
Of suffering over past,
An Easter of unending joy
We may attain at last.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 4:1] O Jesu Christ, From Thee Began
O Jesu Christ, from Thee began
This healing for the soul for man,
By fasting sought, by fasting found
Through forty days of yearly round;That he who fell from high delight,
Borne down to sensual appetite,
By dint of stern control may rise
To climb the hills of Paradise.Therefore behold Thy Church, O Lord,
And grace of penitence accord
To all who seek with generous tears
Renewal of their wasted years.Forgive the sin that we have done,
Forgive the course that we have run,
And show henceforth in evil day
Thyself our succor and our stay.But now let every heart prepare,
By sacrifice of fast and prayer,
To keep with joy magnifical
The solemn Easter festival.Father and Son and Spirit blest,
To Thee be every prayer addrest,
Who art in threefold Name adored,
From age to age, the only Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal