Numbers 14:40-45
early <07925> [rose up.]
sinned <02398> [for we have sinned.]
We are sensible of our sin, and repent of it; and are now ready to do as Caleb and Joshua exhorted us. Or, though we have sinned, yet we hope God will make good his promise.
transgressing <05674> [do ye.]
succeed <06743> [but it shall.]
turned <07725> [because.]
dared <06075> [they presumed.]
This miserable people a short time ago, thought that, though Omnipotence was with them, they could not conquer and possess the land! Now they imagine, that though God himself go not with them, yet they shall be sufficient to drive out the inhabitants, and take possession of their country! Man is ever supposing he can do all things, or do nothing: he is therefore sometimes presumptuous, and at other times in despair.
ark <0727> [the ark.]
Amalekites <06003> [the Amalekites.]
Hormah <02767> [Hormah.]