NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Numbers 36:7-13


one <0376> [for every one.]

That is, he shall not endeavour to obtain any part of the inheritance of another tribe by marrying an heiress.

inheritance .................... retain .... heritage <01692 05159> [keep himself. Heb. cleave]


daughter <01323> [every daughter.]




families ................... family <04940> [into the families. Heb. to some that were of the families.]


commandments <04687> [the commandments.]

plains ... Moab <06160 04124> [in the plains of Moab.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS. Thus terminates the book of Numbers; a book containing a series of the most astonishing providences and events. Every where and in every circumstance God appears; and yet there is no circumstance or occasion which does not justify those signal displays of his grace and mercy; and in every relation we perceive the consistency of the divine intentions, and the propriety of those laws which he established.

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