Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 104:2
- Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
1. Allahkulah kuatku dan mazmurku;
namaNya dan karyaNya mahaagung; segala alam milikNya.
Mzm 118:14
2. Terciptalah semua oleh firman;
yang ada itu pun lenyap dan hilang jikalau dititahkanNya.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 33:6-9
Mzm 104:29-30
3. PakaianNya semarak bercahaya;
Dialah Raja untuk selamaNya; yang adil dasar takhtaNya.
Mzm 104:1-2
Mzm 97:1-2
4. Ya Tuhanku, Engkau selalu hadir;
Allahku tanpa awal, tanpa akhir, siapa menandingiMu?
1 Tim 1:17
Yes 40:25
5. Di tanganMu aku ten'tram dan aman;
Engkau kenal yang bakal kurancangkan, Engkau periksa hatiku.
Mzm 139:4, 23
6. Engkau dekat, jalanku Kaumaklumi
ke batas laut dan ke ujung bumi, di tiap waktu dan tempat.
Mzm 139:7-12
7. Pikiranku dan hasratku Kaubaca;
setiap tindak, yang benar dan salah, terbuka bagi mataMu.
Mzm 139:1-3
8. MilikMulah segala yang 'ku punya;
dengan semua patut kuagungkan namaMu, Tuhan, s'lamanya.
1 Kor 6:19-20
9. Kembang kecil cerminan hikmat Tuhan;
udara, laut, padang, pegunungan memuji Dikau bertahlil.
Mat 6:28-29
Mzm 148:7-10
10. Engkau beri segala keperluan;
Kausiram tanah, padi Kautumbuhkan: Kaubuka sumber rezeki.
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 104:10-18
Mzm 104:27-28
11. Tanpa Engkau tiada pipit jatuh;
hidupku pun berada di tanganMu: rahmatMu, Bapa, tidak jauh.
Mat 10:29-31
12. Pelindungku Engkau, ya Sumber s'lamat;
'ku tak gentar: di dunia dan akhirat Engkau tempatku berteduh.Mzm 142:6
Play - Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4]
O Worship the King
1. Hai mari sembah Yang Maha besar,
Nyanyian syukur dengan bergemar.
Perisai umatNya, Yang Maha esa,
Mulia namaNya, takhtaNya megah
2. Hai masyhurkanlah keagunganNya;
cahaya terang itu jubahNya.
Gemuruh suaraNya di awan kelam;
Berjalanlah Dia di badai kencang.
Mzm 104:1-7
3. Buana penuh mujizat ajaib,
ya Khalik, Engkau membuatnya baik.
Engkau memisahkan daratan dan laut
Dengan kuasa firman : besarlah Engkau!
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 104:7-9
4. PengasuhanMu betapa megah:
udara dan t'rang menyatakannya,
embun bertetesan dan hutan sejuk,
lembah maupun bukit cermin kasihMu!
Mzm 104:10-18
5. UmatMu lemah dan dari debu,
tetap memegang janjiMu teguh.
Kasih setiaMu berlimpah terus,
Ya Khalik, Pembela dan Kawan kudus!
Mzm 103:14-18
6. Ya Mahabesar, kekal kasihMu;
malaikat memb'ri pujian merdu,
pun kami, mahlukMu kecil dan lemah,
mengangkat pujian serta menyembah.Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Play - Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63]
Many and Great, O God
1. Tuhan, karyaMu sungguh besar, ya Khalik semesta:
bintang dan bulan, surya terang, gunung, lembah yang tinggi rendah,
sungai kecil ciptaan firmanMu.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 104
2. Tuhan, curahkanlah kasihMu, lindungi umatMu.
Biarlah RohMu tinggal serta dan memb'ri kami hidup kekal.
Tuhan, dengarlah doa syukur, pujian padaMu.
Revelation 1:16-17
- T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Mzm 45; Kdg. Agung
1. T'rang Bintang Fajar berseri, cerminan sorga memberi karunia, kebenaran.
Ya Anak Daud, Rajaku, Engkau Pengantin umatMu; hatiku Kau besarkan!
Mahamurah dan mulia, Kau sedia melimpahkan sukacita pengharapan.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16-17
Ef 5:25-27
2. Engkaulah mutiaraku, Putra mahkota BapaMu, Pangeran Mahamulia!
Kau bunga bakung hatiku; betapa harum InjilMu, lipuran yang sempurna!
Hosiana! Kau dandanan dan santapan yang sorgawi: Kau sertaku tiap hari!
Mat 13:44-46
Kid 2:1
Yoh 6:32-58
3. Pancarkanlah di batinku cahaya sinar kasihMu, Permata yang abadi!
Ya Pokok-anggur yang benar, buatlah rantingMu segar berbuah yang sejati!
Kaulah Nyala pengasihan, kebajikan dalam hati: rindu lama Kauobati!
Yoh 15:1-8
4. WajahMu mencerminkan t'rus pribadi Allah yang kudus penuh kemurahanNya.
Ya Yesus, b'rilah sabdaMu dan Roh KudusMu yang teguh sertaku selamanya!
Lihat, ingat akan daku dan Kauhapus air mataku: t'rima aku di mejaMu!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
5. Ya Bapa mahamulia, sebelum ada dunia telah Kaupilih aku.
Di dalam Putra TunggalMu Kau menerima diriku: padaNya 'ku terpadu.
Haleluya! Hidup sorga yang sempurna diberiNya: sukacita tak terhingga!
Ef 1:4
Gal 4:4-6
6. Pujianmu, hai dunia, dengan musik iringilah demi PerjamuanNya!
Muliakanlah Sang Mempelai di singgasana yang permai; bersuka, hai umatNya!
Nyanyi, tari bergiliran, bergembira puji Tuhan, Maharaja Keagungan!
Why 19:6-9
7. Alangkah riang hatiku, sebab 'ku jadi milikMu, ya Alfa dan Omega!
Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Kau dan Pohon Hidup di firdaus, Engkau harapan g'reja!
Amin, amin, Kurindukan Dikau, Tuhan; 'ku berkata: oleh Rohmu:"Maranata!"Why 1:8, 17
Why 22:13
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
1 Kor 16:22
Why 22:20
Play - Tuhanku Seg'ra 'kan Kembali Ke Dunia [KJ.277]
R:Why 6:10
1. Tuhanku seg'ra 'kan kembali ke dunia. Tak satu pun tahu
akan waktu tibaNya: di pagi cerlang pada saat buana
ditinggalkan sang malam pekat.
Mat 24:42-44
Mrk 13:32
1 Tes 5:2
2 Ptr 3:10
Why 3:3
2. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
3. Dan mungkin datangNya 'kan di tengah hari dan mungkin
di saat menurun mentari, di malam gelap, waktu
orang tak nyana Kristus datang ke dunia.
4. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
5. Dan k'lak membahanalah riuh "Hosana". Malaikat pun
turun mengiring Rajanya. Parasnya cerlang dan penuh
kemuliaan serta kasih 'kan umatNya.
Mrk 11:9-10
Why 1:16
Why 22:4
6. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
7. Enyahlah derita, lenyap ratap tangis dan hilanglah maut,
tanda kuasa Iblis. Hatiku penuh mengenang 'kan detiknya
milik Yesus dit'rimaNya.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
8. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.Play
Revelation 21:3
- Ada Kota Yang Indah Cerah [KJ.266]
In the Sweet By and By /
There's a Land That Is Fairer than Day
1. Ada kota yang indah cerah, nampaklah bagi mata iman:
rumah Bapa di sorga baka bagi orang yang sudah menang.
Ibr 11:10
Ibr 13:14
Yoh 14:2
2. Indahnya saatnya kita jumpa di kota permai.
Indahnya saatnya kita jumpa dikota permai.
3. Nun di sana bersama teman kita nyanyi pujian merdu,
selamanya sentosa tent'ram, rasa duka terhapus penuh.
4. Indahnya saatnya kita jumpa di kota permai.
Indahnya saatnya kita jumpa dikota permai.
5. Pada Bapa, Pemurah kita patut bersyukur tetap:
tiap hari kasihNya besar, hidup kita teriring berkat.
6. Indahnya saatnya kita jumpa di kota permai.
Indahnya saatnya kita jumpa dikota permai.Play - Aku Tahu Satu Kota [KJ.268]
1. Aku tahu satu kota; bukan sinilah tempatnya,
situ Yesus jadi Raja: kota suci cemerlang.
2. Kota Sion namanya, t'rus kekal selamanya.
Jangan cemas! Mari kemas untuk masuk dalamnya.
3. Dalam kota suci itu orang timpang, tuli, bisu
jadi sehat dan gembira: tiada tangis dan perang.
4. Kota Sion namanya, t'rus kekal selamanya.
Jangan cemas! Mari kemas untuk masuk dalamnya.Play - Bunga 'Kan Layu Kering [KJ.279]
1. Bunga 'kan layu kering, sian diganti malam;
soal sandang pangan masih terus penting.
Mzm 103:15-16
2. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
3. Bila kaurasa sepi, siapa yang memahami?
Jika kau menangis, siapa yang mengerti?
4. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
5. Yang kauterima lebih masih kaurasa kurang
dan yang kauperlukan tak pasti diberi.
6. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
7. Takkan di sana perlu surya dan sinar bulan,
kar'na wajah Tuhan 'kan menyinarimu.
Yes 60:18-19
Why 21:23
8. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
9. Hilanglah rasa sedih, Tuhan beserta kita;
hidup bahagia tak akan berhenti.
1 Tes 4:17
10. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!
11. Songsonglah Hari Kekal! Nyanyilah bagi Allah;
kita selamanya olehNya dikenal.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
12. Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru;
Nanti ada hidup kekal, semua jadi baru!Play
Revelation 22:5
- Hai Bangkit Bagi Yesus [KJ.340]
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
1. Hai bangkit bagi Yesus, pahlawan salibNya! Anjungkan panji
Raja dan jangan menyerah. Dengan semakin jaya Tuhanmu ikutlah,
Sehingga tiap lawan berlutut menyembah.
2. Hai angkit bagi Yesus, dengar panggilanNya! Hadapilah tantangan,
hariNya inilah! Dan biar tak terbilang pasukan kuasa g'lap,
semakin berbahaya, semakin kau tegap.
Rm 5:3-4
Yak 1:2-4
3. Hai bangkit bagi Yesus, pohonkan kuatNya; tenagamu sendiri tentu
tak cukuplah. Kenakan perlengkapan senjata Roh Kudus;
berjaga dan berdoa supaya siap t'rus!
2 Kor 10:3-4
Mrk 14:38
Kol 4:2
4. Hai bangkit bagi Yesus! Tak lama masa p'rang: gaduhnya 'kan diganti
nyanyian pemenang. Yang jaya diberikan mahkota yang baka, bersama
raja mulia berkuasa s'lamanya.2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Why 22:5
Habakkuk 3:4
[Hab 3:4] Sunshine In The Soul
There is sunshine in my soul today,
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my Light.Refrain
O there’s sunshine, blessèd sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.There is music in my soul today,
A carol to my King,
And Jesus, listening, can hear
The songs I cannot sing.Refrain
There is springtime in my soul today,
For, when the Lord is near,
The dove of peace sings in my heart,
The flowers of grace appear.Refrain
There is gladness in my soul today,
And hope and praise and love,
For blessings which He gives me now,
For joys “laid up” above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 21:3
[Rev 21:3] And Will The Great Eternal God
And will the great eternal God
On earth establish His abode?
And will He, from His radiant throne,
Accept our temple for His own?These walls we to Thy honor raise;
Long may they echo with Thy praise;
And Thou, descending, fill the place
With choicest tokens of Thy grace.Here let the great Redeemer reign,
With all the graces of His train;
While power divine His Word attends,
To conquer foes, and cheer His friends.And in that great decisive day,
When God the nations shall survey,
May it before the world appear
That crowds were born to glory here.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 21:3] Great King Of Glory, Come
Great King of glory, come,
And with Thy favor crown
This temple as Thy home,
This people as Thine own;
Beneath this roof, O deign to show
How God can dwell with men below.In sweet, exalted strains
The King of glory praise;
O’er Heav’n and earth He reigns
Through everlasting days;
He, with a nod, the world controls
Sustains or sinks the distant poles.To earth He bends His throne,
His throne of grace divine;
Wide is His bounty known,
And wide His glories shine;
Fair Salem still His chosen rest
Is with His smiles and presence blest.Here may Thine ears attend
Our interceding cries,
And grateful praise ascend,
Like incense, to the skies:
Here may Thy Word melodious sound,
And spread celestial joys around.Here may our unborn sons
And daughters sound Thy praise,
And shine, like polished stones,
Through long succeeding days;
Here, Lord, display Thy saving power,
While temples stand and men adore.Here may the listening throng
Receive Thy truth in love;
Here Christians join the song
Of seraphim above;
Till all, who humbly seek Thy face,
Rejoice in Thy abounding grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 21:3] We Hail Thee Now, O Jesu
We hail Thee now, O Jesu,
Upon Thine altar-throne,
Though sight and touch have failed us,
And faith perceives alone!
Thy love has veiled Thy Godhead
And hid Thy power divine,
In mercy to our weakness,
Beneath an earthly sign.We hail Thee now, O Jesu;
In silence hast Thou come;
For all the hosts of Heaven
With wonderment are dumb;
So great the condescension,
So marvelous the love,
Which for our sakes, O Savior,
Have drawn Thee from above.We hail Thee now, O Jesu;
For law and type have ceased,
And Thou in each communion
Art Sacrifice and Priest;
We make this great memorial
In union, Lord, with Thee,
And plead Thy death and passion
To cleanse and set us free.We hail Thee now, O Jesu;
For death is drawing near,
And in Thy presence only
Its terrors disappear.
Dwell with us, sweetest Savior,
And guide us through the night,
Till shadows end in glory,
And faith be lost in sight.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 21:3] When God Is Seen With Men To Dwell
When God is seen with men to dwell,
And all creation makes anew,
What tongues can half the wonders tell,
What eye the dazzling glories view?Celestial streams shall gently flow,
The wilderness shall joyful be;
On parchèd ground shall lilies grow
And gladness spring on every tree;The weak be strong, the fearful bold,
The deaf shall hear, the dumb shall sing,
The lame shall walk, the blind behold,
And joy through all the earth shall ring.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 22:5
[Rev 22:5] City Of Gold
There’s a city that looks o’er the valley of death,
And the glories can never be told;
There the sun never sets, and the leaves never fade,
In that beautiful city of gold.Refrain
There the sun never sets, and the leaves never fade;
And the eyes of the faithful our Savior behold,
In that beautiful city of gold.There the King, our Redeemer, the Lord Whom we love,
All the faithful with rapture behold;
There the righteous forever shall shine as the stars,
In that beautiful city of gold.Refrain
Every soul we have led to the foot of the cross,
Every lamb we have brought to the fold,
Shall be kept as bright jewels our crown to adorn,
In that beautiful city of gold.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:5] Come, Blessed Spirit! Source Of Light
Come, blessèd Spirit! Source of light,
Whose power and grace are unconfined,
Dispel the gloomy shades of night,
The thicker darkness of the mind.To mine illumined eyes, display
The glorious truth Thy Word reveals;
Cause me to run the heavenly way,
Thy book unfold, and loose the seals.Thine inward teachings make me know
The mysteries of redeeming love,
The vanity of things below,
And excellence of things above.While through this dubious maze I stray,
Spread, like the sun, Thy beams abroad,
To show the dangers of the way,
And guide my feeble steps to God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:5] O Christ, Who Art The Light And Day
O Christ, who art the Light and Day,
Thou drivest darksome night away!
We know Thee as the Light of light
Illuminating mortal sight.All holy Lord, we pray to Thee,
Keep us tonight from danger free;
Grant us, dear Lord, in Thee to rest,
So be our sleep in quiet blest.Let not the tempter round us creep
With thoughts of evil while we sleep,
Nor with his wiles the flesh allure
And make us in Thy sight impure.And while the eyes soft slumber take,
Still be the heart to Thee awake,
Be Thy right hand upheld above
Thy servants resting in Thy love.Yea, our Defender, be Thou nigh,
To bid the powers of darkness fly;
Keep us from sin, and guide for good
Thy servants purchased by Thy blood.Remember us, dear Lord, we pray,
While in this mortal flesh we stay:
’Tis Thou Who dost the soul defend—
Be present with us to the end.Blest Thee in One and One in Three,
Almighty God, we pray to Thee,
That Thou wouldst now vouchsafe to bless
Our fast with fruits of righteousness.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:5] I Wandered In The Shades Of Night
I wandered in the shades of night,
Till Jesus came to me,
And with the sunlight of His love
Bid all my darkness flee.Refrain
Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today,
Sunlight, sunlight all along the way;
Since the Savior found me, took away my sin,
I have had the sunlight of His love within.Tho’ clouds may gather in the sky,
And billows round me roll,
However dark the world may be
I’ve sunlight in my soul.Refrain
I cross the wide extended fields,
I journey o’er the plain,
And in the sunlight of His love
I reap the golden grain.Refrain
Soon I shall see Him as He is,
The Light that came to me;
Behold the brightness of His face,
Throughout eternity.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:5] Light’s Abode, Celestial Salem
Light’s abode, celestial Salem,
Vision whence true peace doth spring,
Brighter than the heart can fancy,
Mansion of the highest King;
O how glorious are the praises
Which of thee the prophets sing!There for ever and for ever
Alleluia is outpoured
For unending and unbroken
Is the feast day of the Lord;
All is pure and all is holy
That within thy walls is stored.There no cloud nor passing vapor
Dims the brightness of the air;
Endless noonday, glorious noonday,
From the Sun of suns is there;
There no night brings rest from labor,
For unknown are toil and care.O how glorious and resplendent,
Fragile body, shalt thou be,
When endued with so much beauty,
Full of health, and strong, and free,
Full of vigor, full of pleasure
That shall last eternally!Now with gladness, now with courage,
Bear the burden on thee laid,
That hereafter these thy labors
May with endless gifts be paid,
And in everlasting glory
Thou with brightness be arrayed.Laud and honor to the Father,
Laud and honor to the Son,
Laud and honor to the Spirit,
Ever Three, and ever One,
Consubstantial, Co-eternal,
While unending ages run.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:5] Morning Land, The
O how light to the soul are its crosses,
And how easy our burdens to bear,
When we think of that land over Jordan,
And the joy that will crown us there.Refrain
O the bright morning land, the dear morning land,
The land where all sorrow is o’er!
We shall sit beneath the ray of a golden summer day,
Where the shadows will return no more.O how light to the soul are its crosses,
And the conflicts and trials we meet;
We shall soon lay down them over Jordan,
We shall lay them at Jesus’ feet.Refrain
O how light to the soul are its crosses,
O the mercy of Jesus, our Friend!
We shall praise Him for all over Jordan,
In our beautiful home beyond.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:5] O Christ, Who Art The Light And Day
O Christ, who art the Light and Day,
Thou drivest darksome night away!
We know Thee as the Light of light
Illuminating mortal sight.All holy Lord, we pray to Thee,
Keep us tonight from danger free;
Grant us, dear Lord, in Thee to rest,
So be our sleep in quiet blest.Let not the tempter round us creep
With thoughts of evil while we sleep,
Nor with his wiles the flesh allure
And make us in Thy sight impure.And while the eyes soft slumber take,
Still be the heart to Thee awake,
Be Thy right hand upheld above
Thy servants resting in Thy love.Yea, our Defender, be Thou nigh,
To bid the powers of darkness fly;
Keep us from sin, and guide for good
Thy servants purchased by Thy blood.Remember us, dear Lord, we pray,
While in this mortal flesh we stay:
’Tis Thou Who dost the soul defend—
Be present with us to the end.Blest Thee in One and One in Three,
Almighty God, we pray to Thee,
That Thou wouldst now vouchsafe to bless
Our fast with fruits of righteousness.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 22:5] Shadows
When we cross the valley there need be no shadows,
When life’s day is ended and its sorrows o’er;
When the summons comes to meet the blessèd Savior,
When we rise to dwell with Him forevermore.Refrain
Shadows! no need of shadows
When at last we lay life’s burdens down;
Shadows! no need of shadows!
When at last we gain the victor’s crown.When our loved ones leave us there need be no shadows,
If their faith is fixed in Jesus as their Lord;
For they go to be with Him Who died to save them,
To be with the One Whom they have long adored.Refrain
When He comes to meet us there need be no shadows,
When He comes in all His glorious array;
When the trump of God shall sound and loved ones waken,
When He leads us onward with triumphant sway.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal