Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 37:5-6
Serahkan pada Tuhan [KJ.417]
1. Serahkan pada Tuhan seluruh jalanmu;
kuatirmu semua ditanggungNya penuh.
Sedangkan angin lalu dituntun tanganNya,
Pun jalan di depanmu, Tuhan mengaturnya.
Mzm 37:5
1 Ptr 5:7
2. Hendaklah kau percaya kepada Tuhanmu;
niscaya kau bahagia, kerjamu pun teguh.
Usahamu sendiri takkan menolongmu;
Tuhanmu mengingini doamu yang tekun.
Mzm 1:3
Yoh 15:5
3. Ya Bapa yang rahmani, Kau sungguh mengenal
yang baik bagi kami di dalam tiap hal.
Setia kaulakukan maksudMu yang tetap;
Terwujudlah semua sempurna dan lengkap.
Rm 8:28
4. Dan waktu setan maju berontak menyerang,
tak usah ragu-ragu: Allahmu yang menang!
Mustahil Allah mundur di dalam maksudNya;
RencanaNya tak luntur, teguh selamanya.
Luk 10:17-18
Ef 4:27
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Why 12:9
5. Beban kekuatiran lepaskan sajalah;
segala kesedihan tinggalkan segera.
Tak mampu kauatasi segala-galanya;
Rajamu yang abadi menyelesaikannya.
Mat 6:25-34
Mat 11:28-30
1 Ptr 5:7
1 Tes 5:24
6. Tentulah kadang-kadang tak nampak tanganNya,
bagaikan t'lah terhadang terang anugerah,
seolah-olah Tuhan tak lagi mendengar
keluhan dan seruan di saat kau gentar.
Mzm 13:2-3
Mzm 28:1
7. Tetap senantiasa percayalah teguh;
tak mungkin kau binasa di pergumulanmu.
Tuhanmu mengalihkan yang paling susah
pun menjadi kebajikan di jalan hidupmu.
Mzm 13:6
1 Kor 10:13
8. Alihkanlah, ya Tuhan, segala kemelut
dan ajar kami pula berjuang bertekun.
Setia Kau menjaga, membimbing umatMu
Di dalam perjalanan menuju sorgaMu.Play Yang Diperbuat Allahku [KJ.378]
1. Yang diperbuat Allahku, kebaikan semuanya.
RancanganNya tetap teguh; 'ku berserah padanya.
Tuhankulah selamanya yang ingin kuandalkan:
PadaNya aku aman.
Mzm 25:10
Mzm 37:5
2. Yang diperbuat Allahku, tak usah kuragukan
dan jalan lurus kutempuh berkat pimpinan Tuhan.
Anug'rah dan kasihNya pedoman di bahaya:
Hidupku di tanganNya.
Mzm 23:3
Mzm 25:253. Yang diperbuat Allahku dengan pengasuhanNya
membuat jiwaku sembuh: tepat pengobatanNya.
Mujarablah nasihatNya: aku percaya Dia,
Tabibku yang setia.
4. Yang diperbuat Allahku tak sungkan kuterima;
tetap di marabaya pun Terang hidupku Dia.
Di waktuNya ternyatalah betapa mengagumkan
tujuan kasih Tuhan.
5. Yang diperbuat Allahku, mengubah kepahitan,
sehingga cawan duka pun mengandung kemanisan
dan akhirnya bahagia mengisi lubuk hati;
resah pun tiada lagi.
6. Yang diperbuat Allahku pegangan abadi;
bencana, maut, kemelut tak risau kuhadapi:
terasalah rangkulanNya tempat hatiku aman,
kuasaNya kuandalkan.Play
Matthew 6:3-6
Aku Suka membagi [KJ.433]
1. Aku suka membagi pada orang tak punya,
agar Tuhan dipuji tiap orang di dunia.
2 Kor 9:6-15
1 Tim 6:18-19
Ibr 13:16
Yak 2:14-17
1 Yoh 3:17-18
2. Pun kepada Tuhanku kuberi persembahan;
tangan kiri tak tahu apa laku yang kanan.Mat 6:3
3. Janda miskin pun layak persembahan syukurnya,
memberi lebih banyak daripada yang kaya.Mrk 12:41-44
Luke 11:33
Dalam Rumah Yang Gembira [KJ.447]
1. Dalam rumah yang gembira bunga Injil berseri; dalam kasih
yang setia 'ku berbakti tak henti. Rut, Deborah dan Maria
jadi contoh bagiku. 'Ku berjanji dan sedia, mara dapat kutempuh.
Hak 4-5
Rut 1:16
Luk 1:26-56
2. Dukacita dan keluhan tak menggoncang hatiku. Sukacita sabda
Tuhan, itulah pelitaku. Lihatlah sesama kita dalam susah terbenam,
Mari angkatlah pelita dan pancarkanlah terang.
Mzm 119:105
2 Ptr 1:19
Mrk 4:21
Luk 11:33
3. Menyebarkan sukacita dan menghibur yang lelah, itulah panggilan
kita dalam dunia yang resah. Kita binalah bersama tunas bangsa
yang besar dalam hidup sederhana, dalam kasih yang segar.Play
Psalms 37:5-6
[Psa 37:5] Commit Thou All Thy Griefs
Commit thou all thy griefs
And ways into His hands,
To His sure truth and tender care,
Who heaven and earth commands.Who points the clouds their course,
Whom winds and seas obey,
He shall direct thy wandering feet,
He shall prepare thy way.Thou on the Lord rely,
So safe shalt thou go on;
Fix on His work thy steadfast eye
So shall thy work be done.No profit canst thou gain
By self consuming care;
To Him commend thy cause, His ear
Attends the softest prayer.Thy everlasting truth,
Father, Thy ceaseless love,
Sees all Thy children’s wants, and knows
What best for each will prove.Thou everywhere hast sway,
And all things serve Thy might;
Thy every act pure blessing is,
Thy path unsullied light.When Thou arisest, Lord,
What shall Thy work withstand?
Whate’er Thy children want, Thou giv’st;
And who shall stay Thy hand?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 37:5] Commit Whatever Grieves Thee
Commit whatever grieves thee
Into the gracious hands
Of Him Who never leaves thee,
Who Heav’n and earth commands.
Who points the clouds their courses,
Whom winds and waves obey,
He will direct thy footsteps
And find for thee a way.On Him place Thy reliance
If thou wouldst be secure;
His work thou must consider
If thine is to endure.
By anxious sighs and grieving
And self tormenting care
God is not moved to giving;
All must be gained by prayer.Thy truth and grace, O Father,
Most surely surely see and know
Both what is good and evil
For mortal man below.
According to Thy counsel
Thou wilt Thy work pursue;
And what Thy wisdom chooseth
Thy might will always do.Thy hand is never shortened,
All things must serve Thy might;
Thine every act is blessing,
Thy path is purest light.
Thy work no man can hinder,
Thy purpose none can stay,
Since Thou to bless Thy children
Wilt always find a way.Though all the powers of evil
The will of God oppose,
His purpose will not falter,
His pleasure onward goes.
Whate’er God’s will resolveth,
Whatever He intends,
Will always be accomplished
True to His aims and ends.Then hope, my feeble spirit,
And be thou undismayed;
God helps in every trial
And makes thee unafraid.
Await His time with patience,
Then shall thine eyes behold
The sun of joy and gladness
His brightest beams unfold.Arise, my soul, and banish
Thy anguish and thy care.
Away with thoughts that sadden
And heart and mind ensnare!
Thou art not lord and master
Of thine own destiny;
Enthroned in highest Heaven,
God rules in equity.Leave all to His direction;
In wisdom He doth reign,
And in a way most wondrous
His course He will maintain.
Soon He, His promise keeping,
With wonder-working skill
Shall put away the sorrows
That now thy spirit fill.A while His consolation
He may to thee deny,
And seem as though in trial
He far from thee would fly;
A while distress and anguish
May compass thee around,
Nor to thy supplication
An answering voice be found.But if thou perseverest,
Thou shalt deliverance find.
Behold, all unexpected
He will thy soul unbind
And from the heavy burden
Thy heart will soon set free;
And thou wilt see the blessing
He had in mind for thee.O faithful child of Heaven,
How blessèd shalt thou be!
With songs of glad thanksgiving
A crown awaiteth thee.
Into thy hand thy Maker
Will give the victor’s palm,
And thou to thy Deliverer
Shalt sing a joyous psalmGive, Lord, this consummation
To all our heart’s distress;
Our hands, our feet, e’er strengthen,
In death our spirits bless.
Thy truth and thy protection
Grant evermore, we pray,
And in celestial glory
Shall end our destined way.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 6:3-6
[Mat 6:6] Alone With God
When storms of life are round me beating,
When rough the path that I have trod,
Within my closet door retreating,
I love to be alone with God.Refrain
Alone with God, the world forbidden,
Alone with God, O blest retreat!
Alone with God, and in Him hidden,
To hold with Him communion sweet.What tho’ the clouds have gathered o’er me?
What tho’ I’ve passed beneath the rod?
God’s perfect will there lies before me,
When I am thus alone with God.Refrain
’Tis there I find new strength for duty,
As o’er the sands of time I plod;
I see the King in all His beauty,
While resting there alone with God.Refrain
And when I see the moment nearing
When I shall sleep beneath the sod,
When time with me is disappearing,
I want to be alone with God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] He Will Meet You There
Would you gain the victory over every sin?
Would you in each battle for your Captain win?
Hide away with Jesus, yield not to despair;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
He will meet you there, He will meet you there;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there;
If your heart is burdened, if His grace you’d share,
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Would you spend your lifetime in the Lord’s employ?
And the richest blessings from His hand enjoy?
Hide away with Jesus from the world of care;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
Would you walk with Jesus in the narrow way?
Hear His faintest whisper when your feet would stray?
Hide away with Jesus from the tempter’s snare;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
Would you be His jewel when He claims His own?
Would you share His glory shining round the throne?
Hide away with Jesus, keep in constant prayer;
Find your secret closet—He will meet you there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] ’mid All The Traffic Of The Ways
’Mid all the traffic of the ways,
Turmoils without, within,
Make in my heart a quiet place,
And come and dwell therein.A little shrine of quietness,
All sacred to Thyself,
Where Thou shalt all my soul possess,
And I may find myself.A little shelter from life’s stress,
Where I may lay me prone,
And bare my soul in loneliness,
And know as I am known.A little place of mystic grace,
Of self and sin swept bare,
Where I may look upon Thy face,
And talk with Thee in prayer.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Pray, Pray
Pray, pray, when things go wrong,
And gloomy fears around you throng;
The loving God your voice will hear,
Look up to Him, He’s always near.Refrain
Pray, pray though your eyes grow dim,
Go with your troubles straight to Him;
Pray, pray, for God understands;
Have faith, leaving all in His dear hands.Pray, pray, be calm and still,
Whatever comes must be His will;
His promises like buds unfold,
Naught that is good will He withhold.Refrain
Pray, pray till faith grows strong,
And in your heart rings Heaven’s song;
Till self shall die in pure desire,
And every thought to Him aspire.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Pray When The Morn Is Breaking
Pray when the morn is breaking,
Pray when the noon is bright,
Pray with the eve’s declining,
Pray in the hush of night:
With mind made pure of passion,
All meaner thoughts away,
Low in thy chamber kneeling,
Do thou in secret pray.Remember all who love thee,
All who are loved by thee,
And next for those that hate thee
Pray thou, if such there be;
Last for thyself in meekness
A blessing humbly claim,
And link with each petition
Thy great Redeemer’s Name.But if ’tis e’er denied thee
In solitude to pray,
Should holy thoughts come o’er thee
Upon life’s crowded way,
E’en then the silent breathing
That lifts thy soul above
Shall reach the thronèd presence
Of Mercy, Truth, and Love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Secret Prayer
Sweet secret prayer, comfort divine,
There, O my Lord, I know Thou art mine;
Great Master, there in secret with Thee,
Heaven comes nearer and nearer to me.Refrain
Blessings attend and follow us there;
Heaven comes nearer and nearer in prayer.Sweet secret prayer, comfort divine,
There do Thine arms, Lord, round me entwine;
Rivers of love and mercy there flow,
Balm for all sorrow that mortal can know.Refrain
Sweet secret prayer, comfort divine,
There do I feel I truly am Thine;
Heav’n’s windows open, Jesus is near,
Near to my soul, and the Father will hear.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 6:6] Simple, Earnest Prayer, The
In the twilight of the morning,
When the shadows steal away,
And we wake from balmy slumber
To behold another day,
Let us go alone in secret,
And unburden all our care
At the feet of our Redeemer,
In the simple, earnest prayer.Refrain
Let Thy presence, blessèd Savior,
Our protection ever be;
Give us strength for every trial,
Keep, oh, keep us close to Thee.In the noontide, calm and peaceful,
When we pause awhile to rest,
Ere the sun in all its glory
Is declining towards the west;
In the midst of our temptation,
When the cross is hard to bear,
If we cannot go in secret,
God will hear the silent prayer.Refrain
When the toils of day are over,
And we seek the hallowed place
Where by faith we meet our Savior,
And adore Him for His grace;
How we feel our burden lighter,
Till we loose our weight of care,
While we lift our hearts together
In the simple, earnest prayer.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal