NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 42:3--43:2


weep <01832> [tears.]

day <03117> [while.]


remember <02142> [When.]

weep <08210> [I pour.]

walking along <05674> [for I.]

shouting <06963> [with the voice.]


depressed <07817> [Why art thou cast down. Heb. Why art thou bowed down.]

Wait for <03176> [hope.]

give thanks ....... saving intervention <03034 03444> [praise him. or, give thanks. for the help, etc. or, his presence is salvation.]


<0430> [my God.]

pray <02142> [therefore.]

region ......... Mount <0776 02022> [from the.]

Hermon <02769> [Hermonites.]

Mount Mizar <04706 02022> [the hill Mizar. or, the little hill.]


deep stream calls .... another <08415 07121> [Deep calleth.]

waterfalls <06794> [water-spouts.]

A water-spout is a large tube formed of clouds by means of the electric fluid, the base being uppermost, and the point let down perpendicularly form the clouds. It has a particular kind of circular motion at the point; and, being hollow within, attracts vast quantities of water, which it frequently pours down in torrents upon the earth. These spouts are frequent on the coast of Syria; and no doubt the Psalmist had often seen them, and the ravages which they made.

billows <04867> [all thy.]


decrees <06680> [command.]

night <03915> [in the night.]

God <0410> [the God.]


God <0410> [God.]

ignore <07911> [Why hast.]

<03212> [why go.]

oppress <03906> [because.]


taunts <07524> [As with.]

taunts <07524> [sword. or, killing. while.]


depressed <07817> [cast down.]

saving intervention <03444> [the health.]


[A.M. 2983. B.C. 1021. (Title.)]

This Psalm is evidently a continuation of the preceding, and had the same author; and they are written as one in forty-six MSS. The sameness of subject, similarity of composition, and return of the same burden in both, are sufficient evidence of this opinion.

Vindicate <08199> [Judge.]

Fight for me <07378> [plead.]

ungodly <03808> [ungodly. or, unmerciful. the deceitful. Heb. a man of deceit and iniquity.]


God <0430> [the God.]

reject <02186> [why dost.]

walk <01980> [why go.]

Psalms 43:5


depressed <07817> [cast down]

saving intervention <03444> [health.]

{Yesh“th,} "salvations." or deliverances see Ps 44:4.

Luke 19:41


he wept <2799> [and wept.]

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