Kidung Jemaat
Acts 2:3
Di Hari Pentakosta [KJ.234]
1. Di Hari Pentakosta Roh Kudus turunlah
mengajar murid Yesus berkata, bekerja.
Kis 2:1-13
2. Roh Kudus berbicara di dalam hatiku,
mengajar dan menolong dan menyertaiku.
3. 'Ku suka mendengarkan suara Roh Kudus
yang mengajarkan aku mengikut Penebus.
4. Roh Kudus yang terkasih, kuminta padaMu,
tetap setiap hari diami hatiku.Play Hai Umat, Nyanyilah [KJ.232]
1. Hai umat, nyanyilah, rayakan hari ini!
Mujizat Allahmu masyhurkanlah disini!
T'lah turun Roh Kudus membangkit laskarNya;
Semoga kini pun semua tergerak.
Kis 2:1-13
2. Ya Roh karunia, Penghibur dan Penolong,
sekarang datanglah; berkatMu kami mohon.
Baptisan dan Firman membangun umatMu,
Supaya kami pun berbuahlah penuh.
Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Ef 5:26
Gal 5:22-23
3. Kaupilih umatMu menjadi tubuh Kristus.
Kembali lahirlah umatMu dalam Yesus.
Di PerjamuanNya. Kau hadir bekerja
membuat hambaMu cerminan kasihNya.
1 Kor 12:13
Yoh 3:5-7
Tit 3:5
1 Ptr 1:3, 23
4. Yang hidup oleh Roh, yang bangkit oleh
Firman dan oleh kurnia berbuah kar'na iman,
Muliakan Allahmu dan puji kasihNya,
Yang baru dan segar selama-lamanya.Rat 3:22-23
Play Ya Allah Yang Mahatinggi [KJ.246]
1. Ya Allah yang Mahatinggi, Kau Pencipta dunia ini;
kami juga Tuhan ciptakan, agar Dikau tetap dipuji.
Engkau Bapa yang memberkati tiap orang yang endah hati.
Tolonglah kami sekarang ini dan selamanya.
Why 4:11
1 Kor 8:6
2 Kor 1:3
Yak 1:17
Mat 5:3
2. Ya Allah yang Mahakasih, Engkau lahir di dunia ini;
Engkau mati di kayu salib; Engkau rela mengganti kami.
Dari kubur telah Kau bangkit; kuasa maut tiada lagi.
Pimpinlah kami sebab Engkaulah Jalan yang benar.
Gal 4:4
Ibr 12:2
Flp 2:6-8
1 Kor 15:54-56
Yoh 14:6
3. Ya Allah yang Mahasuci, Engkau turun ke dunia ini;
Kau menyala bagaikan api; memurnikan nurani kami,
Mengobarkan semangat kami agar kami menjadi b'rani.
Utuslah kami ke dunia ini dengan kuasaMu.Kis 2:1-4
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 2:17-18
1 Ptr 1:2
Ef 6:19
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 1:8
Acts 2:3
[Act 2:3] Come, Lord, And Let Thy Pow’r
Come, Lord, and let Thy pow’r
On each and all descend,
While gathered in Thy holy Name,
Before Thy throne we bend.Refrain
Refresh our waiting souls,
Our feeble faith inspire,
And from Thine altar touch our hearts
With coals of sacred fire.Come, Lord, and let Thy pow’r
Each thought of self remove;
And may we feel as ne’er before
Thy pure and perfect love.Refrain
Our waiting, longing eyes,
Are looking up to Thee,
O may we, in Thy smiling face,
Our Father’s glory see.Refrain
Come, Lord, Thy pow’r alone
The work of grace can do;
Now let it consecrate to Thee
Our hearts and lives anew.Refrain
Be ours, with fervent zeal,
Thy bloodstained cross to bear;
Till at Thy feet we lay it down,
A crown of life to wear.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 2:3] It Is For Us All Today
Have you ever felt the power
Of the Pentecostal fire,
Burning up all carnal nature,
Cleansing out all base desire,
Going through and through your spirit,
Cleansing all its stain away?
Oh, I’m glad, so glad to tell you
It is for us all today.Refrain
It is for us all today
If we trust and truly pray.
Consecrate to Christ your all,
And upon the Savior call.
Bless God, it is for us all today.Jesus offers this blest cleansing
Unto all His children dear,
Fully, freely purifying,
Banishing all doubt and fear.
It will help you, O my brother,
When you sing and when you pray.
He is waiting now to give it.
It is for us all today.Refrain
Some have thought they could not live it
While they dwell on earth below,
But in this they were mistaken,
For the Bible tells us so.
And the Spirit now is with us;
He can keep us all the way.
Then by faith why not receive it?
It is for us all today.Refrain
You may now receive the Spirit
As a sanctifying flame
If with all your heart you seek Him,
Having faith in Jesus’ Name.
On the cross He bought this blessing;
He will never say us nay.
He is waiting now to give it,
It is for us all today.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 2:3] Lord, In Thy Presence Dread And Sweet
Lord, in Thy presence dread and sweet,
Thine own dear Spirit we entreat
His sevenfold gifts to shed
On us, who fall before Thee now,
Bearing the cross upon our brow
On which our Master bled.Spirit of wisdom! turn our eyes
From earth and earthly vanities,
To heavenly truth and love.
Spirit of understanding true!
Our souls with holy light endue
To seek the things above.Spirit of counsel! be our guide;
Teach us by earthly struggles tried
Our heavenly crown to win.
Spirit of fortitude! Thy power
Be with us in temptation’s hour,
To keep us pure from sin.Spirit of knowledge! lead our feet
In Thine own paths secure and sweet,
By angel footsteps trod;
Where Thou our Guardian true shalt be,
Spirit of gentle piety!
To keep us close to God.But most of all, be ever near,
Spirit of God’s most holy fear,
In our heart’s inmost shrine:
Our souls with loving reverence fill,
To worship His most holy will,
All righteous and divine.So, dearest Lord, through peace or strife,
Led us to everlasting life,
Where only rest may be.
What matter where our lot is cast,
If only it may end at last
In paradise with Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Act 2:3] O Spirit Of The Living God (1)
O Spirit of the living God, Thou light and fire divine,
Descend upon Thy church once more, and make it truly Thine.
Fill it with love and joy and power, with righteousness and peace;
Till Christ shall dwell in human hearts, and sin and sorrow cease.Blow, wind of God! With wisdom blow until our minds are free
From mists of errors, clouds of doubt, which blind our eyes to Thee.
Burn, winged fire! Inspire our lips with flaming love and zeal,
To preach to all Thy great good news, God’s glorious common weal.Teach us to utter living words of truth which all may hear,
The language all may understand when love speaks loud and clear;
Till every age and race and clime shall blend their creeds in one,
And earth shall form one family by whom Thy will is done.So shall we know the power of Christ Who came this world to save;
So shall we rise with Him to life which soars beyond the grave;
And earth shall win true holiness, which makes Thy children whole;
Still, perfected by Thee, we reach creation’s glorious goal!Play source: Cyberhymnal