Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 110:1
Naik ke Sorga Cemerlang [KJ.218]
1. Naik ke sorga cemerlang, Haleluya,
Kristus, Rajamu yang menang, Haleluya!
Mzm 47:6
Mzm 68:19
Luk 24:51
Kis 1:9
1 Tim 3:16
2. Di kanan Allah, BapaNya, Haleluya,
Dialah Raja semesta, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:19
Ef 1:20-22
Ibr 1:3-4
3. Nubuat Mazmur t'lah genap, Haleluya;
Kristuslah maksud Alkitab, Haleluya!
Mzm 110:1
Ibr 1:13
4. Kepada Dia diberi, Haleluya,
kuasa dan hormat tak henti, Haleluya!
Mat 28:18
Why 5:12
5. Mari bersoraklah terus, Haleluya,
agungkan Kristus, Penebus, Haleluya!
6. Allah Tirtunggal, t'rimalah, Haleluya,
puji syukur selamanya, Haleluya!Play
Psalms 110:1
[Psa 110:1] Lord Unto His Christ Has Said, The
The Lord unto His Christ has said,
“Sit Thou at My right hand,
Until I make Thine enemies
Submit to Thy command.
A scepter prospered by the Lord
Thy mighty hand shall wield;
From Zion Thou shalt rule the world,
And all Thy foes shall yield.“Thy people will be gladly Thine
When Thou shalt come in might,
Like dawning day, like hopeful youth,
With holy beauty bright.
A priesthood that shall never end
The Lord has given Thee;
This He has sworn, and evermore
Fulfilled His Word shall be.“Thou shalt subdue the kings of earth
With God at Thy right hand;
The nations Thou shalt rule in might
And judge in every land.”
The Christ, refreshed by living streams,
Shall neither faint nor fall,
And He shall be the glorious Head,
Exalted over all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 110:1] Unto My Lord Jehovah Said
Unto my Lord Jehovah said,
“At My right hand I throne Thee,
Till at Thy feet, in triumph laid,
Thy foes their Ruler crown Thee.”
From Zion shall Jehovah send
Thy scepter, till before Thee bend
The knees of proud rebellion.Thy saints, to greet Thy day of might,
In holy raiment muster;
As dewdrops in the morning light
Thy youths around Thee cluster.
Jehovah sware and made decree,
“Thou, King of Righteousness, shalt be
A royal Priest forever.”The Lord at Thy right hand shall bring
On rulers desolation;
The Lord shall smite each heathen king,
And judge each rebel nation.
He, swiftly marching in His wrath,
Shall quaff the brook upon His path,
And lift His head in glory.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 2:1-2
[Psa 2:1] O Wherefore Do The Nations Rage?
O wherefore do the nations rage,
And kings and rulers strive in vain,
Against the Lord of earth and Heav’n
To overthrow Messiah’s reign?Their strength is weakness in the sight
Of Him Who sits enthroned above;
He speaks, and judgments fall on them
Who tempt His wrath and scorn His love.By God’s decree His Son receives
The nations for His heritage;
The conqu’ring Christ supreme shall reign
As King of kings, from age to age.Be wise, ye rulers of the earth,
And serve the Lord with godly fear;
With reverent joy confess the Son
While yet in mercy He is near.Delay not, lest His anger rise,
And ye should perish in your way;
Lo, all that put their trust in Him
Are blest indeed, and blest for aye.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 2:1] Wherefore Do The Nations Rage
Wherefore do the nations rage,
And the people vainly dream,
That in triumph they can wage
War against the Lord supreme?
His Anointed they deride,
And the rulers plotting say:
Their dominion be defied,
Let us cast their bonds away.But the Lord will scorn them all,
Calm He sits enthroned on high;
Soon His wrath will on them fall,
Angered then He will reply:
Yet according to My will
I have set My King to reign,
And on Zion’s holy hill
Mine Anointed I maintain.This the word declared to me,
This Jehovah’s firm decree:
Thou art my belovèd Son,
Yea, I have begotten Thee.
Ask and have Thy full demands,
Thine shall all the heathen be,
Thine the utmost of the lands,
They shall be possessed of Thee.Dash them like a potter’s urn,
Thou shalt break them with a rod.
Therefore, kings and judges, learn
Anxiously to serve your God.
Kiss the Son and worship Him,
Lest ye perish in the way;
Blest are all who trust in Him,
Yea, supremely blest are they.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 2:1] Why Did The Gentiles Tumults Raise?
Why did the Gentiles tumults raise?
What rage was in their brain?
Why do the people still contrive
A thing that is but vain?The kings and rulers of the earth
Conspire and are all bent
Against the Lord, and Christ His Son,
Whom He among us sent.Shall we be bound to them? Say they,
Let all Their bonds be broke;
And of Their doctrine and Their law
Let us reject the yoke.But He that in the Heav’n doth dwell,
Their doings will deride;
And make them all as mocking-stocks
Throughout the world so wide.For in His wrath He shall reprove
Their pride and scornful way,
And in His fury trouble them,
And unto them shall say,I have anointed Him My King
Upon My holy hill;
I will therefore, Lord, preach Thy law
According to Thy will:The law whereof the Lord Himself
Hath thus said unto Me,
Thou art My only Son, this day
Have I begotten Thee.The people I will give to Thee,
As heirs at Thy request
The ends and coasts of all the earth
By Thee shall be possessed.Thou shalt them bruise e’en like to those
That under foot are trod,
And as a potter’s vessel break
Them with an iron rod.Now ye, O kings and rulers all,
Be wise therefore and learned,
By who the matters of the world
Are judged and discerned.See that ye serve the Lord above
In trembling and in fear;
See that with reverence ye rejoice
When ye to Him draw near:See that ye do embrace and kiss
His Son without delay;
Lest in His wrath ye suddenly
Perish from the right way.If once His wrath (but little) shall
Be kindled in His breast,
Then only they that trust in Him
Shall happy be and blest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 2:1] Why Did The Jews Proclaim Their Rage?
Why did the Jews proclaim their rage?
The Romans, why their swords employ?
Against the Lord their powers engage,
His dear Anointed to destroy?“Come, let us break His bands,” they say;
“This Man shall never give us laws”:
And thus they cast His yoke away,
And nail’d the Monarch to the cross.But God, who high in glory reigns,
Laughs at their pride, their rage controls;
He’ll vex their hearts with inward pains,
And speak in thunder to their souls.“I will maintain the King I made
On Zion’s everlasting hill;
My hand shall bring Him from the dead,
And He shall stand your Sov’reign still.”His wondrous rising from the earth
Makes His eternal Godhead known;
The Lord declares His heav’nly birth—
“This day I have begot My Son.“Ascend, My Son, to My right hand,
There Thou shalt ask, and I bestow,
The utmost bounds of heathen lands;
To Thee the northern isles shall bow.”But nations that resist His grace
Shall fall beneath His iron stroke;
His rod shall crush His foes with ease,
As potters’ earthen work is broke.Now, ye that sit on earthly thrones,
Be wise, and serve the Lord, the Lamb;
Now at His feet submit your crowns,
Rejoice and tremble at His Name.With humble love address the Son,
Lest He grow angry, and ye die;
His wrath will burn to worlds unknown,
If ye provoke His jealousy.His storms shall drive you quick to hell;
He is a God, and ye but dust;
Happy the souls that know Him well,
And make His grace their only trust.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 2:1] With Restless And Ungoverned Rage
With restless and ungoverned rage
Why do the heathen storm?
Why in such rash attempts engage,
As they can ne’er perform?The great in counsel and in might
Their various forces bring;
Against the Lord they all unite,
And His anointed King.“Must we submit to their commands?”
Presumptuously they say;
“No, let us break Their slavish bands,
And cast Their chains away.”But God, who sits enthroned on high,
And sees how they combine,
Does their conspiring strength defy,
And mocks their vain design.Thick clouds of wrath divine shall break
On His rebellious foes;
And thus will He in thunder speak
To all that dare oppose:“Though madly you dispute My will,
The King that I ordain,
Whose throne is fixed on Zion’s hill,
Shall there securely reign.”Attend, O earth, whilst I declare
God’s uncontrolled decree;
“Thou art my Son, this day My Heir
Have I begotten Thee.“Ask and receive Thy full demands;
Thine shall the heathen be;
The utmost limits of the lands
Shall be possessed by Thee.Thy threat’ning scepter Thou shalt shake,
And crush them every where;
As massy bars of iron break
The potter’s brittle ware.”Learn then, ye princes, and give ear,
Ye judges of the earth;
Worship the Lord with holy fear;
Rejoice with awful mirth.Appease the Son with due respect,
Your timely homage pay;
Lest He revenge the bold neglect,
Incensed by your delay.If but in part His anger rise,
Who can endure the flame?
Then blest are they whose hope relies
On His most holy Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 3:1
[Psa 3:1] My God, How Many Are My Fears
My God, how many are my fears!
How fast my foes increase!
Conspiring my eternal death,
They break my present peace.The lying tempter would persuade
There’s no relief in Heav’n;
And all my swelling sins appear
Too big to be forgiv’n.But Thou, my glory and my strength,
Shalt on the tempter tread,
Shalt silence all my threatening guilt,
And raise my drooping head.I cried, and from His holy hill
He bowed a listening ear;
I called my Father, and my God,
And He subdued my fear.He shed soft slumbers on mine eyes,
In spite of all my foes;
I woke, and wondered at the grace
That guarded my repose.What though the hosts of death and hell
All armed against me stood,
Terrors no more shall shake my soul;
My refuge is my God.Arise, O Lord, fulfill Thy grace,
While I Thy glory sing;
My God has broke the serpent’s teeth,
And death has lost his sting.Salvation to the Lord belongs;
His arm alone can save;
Blessings attend Thy people here,
And reach beyond the grave.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 3:1] O Lord, How Are My Foes Increased
O Lord, how are my foes increased!
Against me many rise;
How many say, in vain for help
He on his God relies.Thou art my Shield and Glory, Lord,
My Savior, O Most High,
The Lord from out His holy hill
Gives answer when I cry.I laid me down and slept, I waked,
Because the Lord sustains;
Though many thousands compass me,
Unmoved my soul remains.Arise, O Lord; save me, my God;
For Thou hast owned my cause;
And oft hast beaten down my foes
Who scorn Thy righteous laws.Salvation to the Lord belongs,
In Him His saints are blest;
O let Thy blessing evermore
Upon Thy people rest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 3:1] O Lord, How Many They
O Lord, how many they
Who deeply trouble me;
How greatly are they multiplied
Who do me injury.There is no help for him,
No help in God, they say;
Thou art my Shield and Glory, Lord,
Thou art my certain Stay.I called to God, He heard
From out His holy hill.
I fell asleep, I woke in peace,
For He sustained me still.Arise and save, O Lord,
For Thou didst smite my foe.
Salvation cometh from the Lord;
His saints His blessings know.Play source: Cyberhymnal