NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 137:8


daughter <01323> [daughter.]

devastated <07703> [who art.]

devastated <07703> [destroyed. Heb. wasted. happy.]

[rewardeth. etc. Heb. recompenseth unto thee thy deed which thou didst unto us.]

Deuteronomy 7:1-2


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Hittites <02850> [the Hittites.]

With respect to the situation of these nations in the land of Canaan, Calmet remarks, that the Canaanites chiefly inhabited Phoenecia; the Hittites, the mountains south of the promised land; the Hivites, mount Ebal, and Gerizim, and towards Hermon; the Girgashites, beyond Jordan, towards the lake of Gennesareth, the Jebusistes, about Jerusalem; the Amorites, the mountains west of the Dead Sea, and part of the land of Moab; and that the Perizzites were probably not a distinct nation, but villagers scattered through the country.

many ................ numerous <07227> [greater.]


over <05414> [deliver.]

utterly annihilate <02763> [utterly.]

Make ... treaty <03772 01285> [make no.]

Deuteronomy 32:42-43


arrows <02671> [make mine.]

chief <06546> [revenges.]

The word {par“th,} rendered revenges, a sense in which it never seems to be used, has rendered this passage very obscure. As the word {paira} signifies the hair of the head, both in Hebrew and Arabic, Mr. Parkhurst and others render {mairosh par“th,} "from the hairy head;" but to have this sense, the words should rather have been {mippar“th rosh,} according the Hebrew idiom. The word {far“u,} in Arabic, however, also denotes a prince or chief; and the words may be literally rendered, with the LXX., [apo kephales archonton echthron,] "from the head of the chiefs of the enemies." The hyperbaton, or transposition of words from their grammatical order, is very observable in this verse; the third member forming a continuation of the first, and the fourth of the second.


Cry <07442> [Rejoice. or, Praise his people, ye nations; or, Sing ye.]

O ye nations.

avenge <05358> [avenge.]

take <07725> [render.]

atonement <03722> [will be.]

Isaiah 14:22-23


rise <06965> [I will.]

remembrance <08034> [the name.]

people <07605> [remnant.]


turn ... into <07760> [make.]

sweeps <02894> [I will sweep.]

Revelation 17:14-16


will make war <4170> [shall make.]

Lamb .... Lamb will conquer <721 3528> [the Lamb shall.]

Lord of lords <2962> [Lord.]

with .... but ............. and ..... and ... accompanying ........ and <2532 3326> [and they.]

but ............. and ..... and .......... and faithful <2532 4103> [and faithful.]


waters <5204> [The waters.]

<1526> [are.]


ten <1176> [the ten.]

these <3778> [these.]

The ten horns, which the angel explained of "ten kings" or kingdoms, and which once exalted and supported her ecclesiastical tyranny, will hate, desolate, strip, and devour her. They will be the principal instruments in the destruction of popery and the ruin of Rome itself.

and ......... and ..... and naked ....... and <2532 1131> [and naked.]

They will consume <5315> [eat.]

and ......... and ..... and ........ and burn ... up <2532 2618> [and burn.]

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