Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 45:1
- T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Mzm 45; Kdg. Agung
1. T'rang Bintang Fajar berseri, cerminan sorga memberi karunia, kebenaran.
Ya Anak Daud, Rajaku, Engkau Pengantin umatMu; hatiku Kau besarkan!
Mahamurah dan mulia, Kau sedia melimpahkan sukacita pengharapan.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16-17
Ef 5:25-27
2. Engkaulah mutiaraku, Putra mahkota BapaMu, Pangeran Mahamulia!
Kau bunga bakung hatiku; betapa harum InjilMu, lipuran yang sempurna!
Hosiana! Kau dandanan dan santapan yang sorgawi: Kau sertaku tiap hari!
Mat 13:44-46
Kid 2:1
Yoh 6:32-58
3. Pancarkanlah di batinku cahaya sinar kasihMu, Permata yang abadi!
Ya Pokok-anggur yang benar, buatlah rantingMu segar berbuah yang sejati!
Kaulah Nyala pengasihan, kebajikan dalam hati: rindu lama Kauobati!
Yoh 15:1-8
4. WajahMu mencerminkan t'rus pribadi Allah yang kudus penuh kemurahanNya.
Ya Yesus, b'rilah sabdaMu dan Roh KudusMu yang teguh sertaku selamanya!
Lihat, ingat akan daku dan Kauhapus air mataku: t'rima aku di mejaMu!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
5. Ya Bapa mahamulia, sebelum ada dunia telah Kaupilih aku.
Di dalam Putra TunggalMu Kau menerima diriku: padaNya 'ku terpadu.
Haleluya! Hidup sorga yang sempurna diberiNya: sukacita tak terhingga!
Ef 1:4
Gal 4:4-6
6. Pujianmu, hai dunia, dengan musik iringilah demi PerjamuanNya!
Muliakanlah Sang Mempelai di singgasana yang permai; bersuka, hai umatNya!
Nyanyi, tari bergiliran, bergembira puji Tuhan, Maharaja Keagungan!
Why 19:6-9
7. Alangkah riang hatiku, sebab 'ku jadi milikMu, ya Alfa dan Omega!
Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Kau dan Pohon Hidup di firdaus, Engkau harapan g'reja!
Amin, amin, Kurindukan Dikau, Tuhan; 'ku berkata: oleh Rohmu:"Maranata!"Why 1:8, 17
Why 22:13
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
1 Kor 16:22
Why 22:20
Psalms 104:34
- Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4]
O Worship the King
1. Hai mari sembah Yang Maha besar,
Nyanyian syukur dengan bergemar.
Perisai umatNya, Yang Maha esa,
Mulia namaNya, takhtaNya megah
2. Hai masyhurkanlah keagunganNya;
cahaya terang itu jubahNya.
Gemuruh suaraNya di awan kelam;
Berjalanlah Dia di badai kencang.
Mzm 104:1-7
3. Buana penuh mujizat ajaib,
ya Khalik, Engkau membuatnya baik.
Engkau memisahkan daratan dan laut
Dengan kuasa firman : besarlah Engkau!
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 104:7-9
4. PengasuhanMu betapa megah:
udara dan t'rang menyatakannya,
embun bertetesan dan hutan sejuk,
lembah maupun bukit cermin kasihMu!
Mzm 104:10-18
5. UmatMu lemah dan dari debu,
tetap memegang janjiMu teguh.
Kasih setiaMu berlimpah terus,
Ya Khalik, Pembela dan Kawan kudus!
Mzm 103:14-18
6. Ya Mahabesar, kekal kasihMu;
malaikat memb'ri pujian merdu,
pun kami, mahlukMu kecil dan lemah,
mengangkat pujian serta menyembah.Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Play - Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63]
Many and Great, O God
1. Tuhan, karyaMu sungguh besar, ya Khalik semesta:
bintang dan bulan, surya terang, gunung, lembah yang tinggi rendah,
sungai kecil ciptaan firmanMu.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 104
2. Tuhan, curahkanlah kasihMu, lindungi umatMu.
Biarlah RohMu tinggal serta dan memb'ri kami hidup kekal.
Tuhan, dengarlah doa syukur, pujian padaMu.
Psalms 19:14
[Psa 19:14] Christ Is The World’s Redeemer
Christ is the world’s Redeemer,
The lover of the pure,
The Fount of heavenly wisdom,
Our trust and hope secure;
The Armor of His soldiers,
The Lord of earth and sky;
Our Health while we are living,
Our Life when we shall die.Christ hath our host surrounded
With clouds of martyrs bright,
Who wave their palms in triumph,
And fire us for the fight.
Christ the red cross ascended,
To save a world undone,
And, suffering for the sinful,
Our full redemption won.All glory to the Father,
The unbegotten One;
All honor be to Jesus,
His sole begotten Son;
And to the Holy Spirit—
The perfect Trinity.
Let all the worlds give answer,
“Amen—so let it be.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 19:14] Glorious God, Accept A Heart
Glorious God, accept a heart
That pants to sing Thy praise!
Thou without beginning art,
And without end of days:
Thou, a Spirit invisible,
Dost to none Thy fullness show;
None Thy majesty can tell,
Or all Thy Godhead know.All Thine attributes we own,
Thy wisdom, power, and might;
Happy in Thyself alone,
In goodness infinite,
Thou Thy goodness hast displayed,
On Thine every work impressed;
Lov’st whate’er Thy hands have made,
But man Thou lov’st the best.Willing Thou that all should know
Thy saving truth, and live,
Dost to each, or bliss or woe,
With strictest justice give:
Thou with perfect righteousness
Renderest every man his due;
Faithful in Thy promises,
And in Thy threatenings, too.Thou art merciful to all
Who truly turn to Thee;
Hear me then for pardon call,
And show Thy grace to me;
Me, through mercy reconciled,
Me, for Jesus’ sake forgiv’n,
Me receive, Thy favored child
To sing Thy praise in Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 19:14] My Dear Redeemer And My Lord
My dear Redeemer and my Lord,
I read my duty in Thy Word;
But in Thy life the law appears,
Drawn out in living characters.Such was Thy truth, and such Thy zeal,
Such deference to Thy Father’s will,
Such love and meekness so divine,
I would transcribe and make them mine.Cold mountains and the midnight air
Witnessed the fervor of Thy prayer:
The desert Thy temptations knew,
Thy conflict, and Thy victory, too.Be Thou my Pattern; make me bear
More of Thy gracious image here;
Then God the Judge shall own my name
Amongst the followers of the Lamb.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 45:1
[Psa 45:1] Goodly Theme Is Mine, A
A goodly theme is mine,
And eagerly I sing;
For bounteous words flow from my lips
As I salute the King.
Supremely fair He is,
In beauty peerless He;
For Him the favor of the Lord
Doth grace eternally.Gird on Thy sword, O King,
Put on Thy majesty;
Ride out in full regalia,
And richest panoply.
Triumph in very truth,
In meekness and in right,
Let fly the arrows of revenge,
And vanquish in Thy might.Thy throne is ever sure,
Establishèd of God;
Its scepter is of righteousness,
Of equity its rod.
Thou lovest perfect right,
Hatest iniquity;
Therefore with oil of festive joy
The Lord anointed Thee.Thy garments breathe of myrrh,
Of spices rich and rare;
Glad strains of joyous music ring
Throughout Thy palace fair.
Amid Thy glorious train
King’s daughters waiting stand,
And on Thy right the queen adorned
In gold from Ophir land.O royal bride, give heed,
This King is now thy Lord;
Forsake thy former loyalties,
Full fealty accord.
Thy beauty and thy grace
Will then delight the King;
And they to thee, since thou art His,
Their precious gifts will bring.Enthroned in royal state
And glorious thou shalt dwell,
With garments fair, inwrought with gold,
His bride He loveth well.
And they who honor thee
Shall in thy train attend,
And to the palace of the King
Shall joyfully ascend.Then in Thy Father’s place
The sons of royal birth
Thou wilt endow with regal gifts
As princes of the earth.
Thy Name shall be proclaimed
Through all succeeding days,
And all the peoples everywhere
Shall give Thee endless praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 45:1] I’ll Speak The Honors Of My King
I’ll speak the honors of my King,
His form divinely fair;
None of His sons of mortal race
May with the Lord compare.Sweet is Thy speech, and heav’nly grace
Upon Thy lips is shed;
Thy God, with blessings infinite,
Hath crowned Thy sacred head.Gird on Thy sword, victorious Prince,
Ride with majestic sway;
Thy terrors shall strike through Thy foes,
And make the world obey.Thy throne, O God, for ever stands;
Thy word of grace shall prove
A peaceful scepter in Thy hands,
To rule the saints by love.Justice and truth attend Thee still,
But mercy is Thy choice;
And God, Thy God, Thy soul shall fill
With most peculiar joys.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 45:1] My Heart Doth Overflow
My heart doth overflow, a goodly theme is mine;
My eager tongue with joyful song doth praise the King divine.
Supremely fair Thou art, Thy lips with grace o’erflow;
His richest blessing evermore doth God on Thee bestow.Now gird Thee with Thy sword, O strong and mighty One;
In splendid majesty arrayed, more glorious than the sun.
Triumphantly ride forth for meekness, truth and right;
Thine arm shall gain the victory in wondrous deeds of might.Thy strength shall overcome all those that hate the King,
And under Thy dominion strong the nations Thou shalt bring.
Thy royal throne, O God, forevermore shall stand;
Eternal truth and justice wield the scepter in Thy hand.Since Thou art sinless found, the Lord, Thy God, confessed,
Anointeth Thee with perfect joy, Thou art supremely blessed.
Thy garments breathe of myrrh and spices sweet and rare;
Glad strains of heav’nly music ring throughout Thy palace fair.Amid Thy glorious train kings’ daughters waiting stand,
And fairest gems bedeck Thy bride, the queen at Thy right hand.
O royal bride, give heed, and to my words attend;
For Christ, the King, forsake the world and every former friend.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 104:34
[Psa 104:34] How Sweet And Silent Is The Place
How sweet and silent is the place,
My God, alone, with Thee!
Awaiting here Thy touch of grace,
Thy heav’nly mystery.So many ways Thou hast, dear Lord,
My longing heart to fill:
Thy lovely world, Thy spoken word,
The doing Thy sweet will.Giving Thy children living bread,
Leading Thy weak ones on,
The touch of dear hands on my head,
The thought of loved ones gone.Lead me by many paths, dear Lord,
But always in Thy way;
And let me make my earth a Heav’n
Till next communion day.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 104:34] Savior! O What Endless Charms, The
The Savior! O what endless charms,
Dwell in the blissful sound!
Its influence every fear disarms,
And spreads sweet comforts round.Here pardon, life and joys divine,
In rich effusion flow,
For guilty rebels, lost in sin,
And doomed to endless woe.Th’Almighty former of the skies
Stooped to our vile abode;
While angels viewed with wondering eyes,
And hailed th’incarnate God.O the rich depths of love divine,
Of bliss, a boundless store!
Dear Savior, let me call Thee mine—
I cannot wish for more.Play source: Cyberhymnal