Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 32:1-11
'Ku Diberi Belas Kasihan [KJ.39]
1. 'Ku diberi belas kasihan, walau tak layak hatiku;
tadi 'ku angkuh, kini heran: Tuhan, besarlah rahmatMu!
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia,
Kidung imanku bergema: rahmatMu sungguh mulia!
Mzm 32:1
Mzm 130:3-4
Ef 2:4-9
2. Walau 'ku patut dihukumkan, Kaulah penuh anugerah:
darah PutraMu dicurahkan membasuh dosa dan cela.
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu,
Di manakah selamatku? Hanyalah dalam rahmatMu.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Ini tetap pengakuanku, jikalau orang ingin tahu:
hanya berkat pengasihanMu rukunlah aku dan Engkau.
'Ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu,
'ku merendahkan diriku dan kuagungkan rahmatMu.
4. Jangan seseorang pun di dunia merampas harta hatiku:
dasar percaya yang 'ku punya dan alas doa yang teguh;
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam,
hidup dan mati 'ku tent'ram: rahmatMu, Tuhan, kugenggam!
Rm 14:8
5. Ya Tuhan, jangan ambil rahmat yang Kauberi kepadaku,
kar'na dengannya aku s'lamat sampai ke dalam rumahMu:
di sana kumuliakanlah rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya,
di sana kumuliakan rahmatMu s'lama-lamanya!Mzm 23:6
Play Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24a]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, dosaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu,
Tak dapat 'ku bertahan.
Rat 3:55
2. Namun, ya Tuhan, padaMu terdapat pengampunan;
kesalahanku Kautebus, kasihMu Kautunjukkan.
Tiada insan yang benar, tetapi rahmatMu yang besar:
Terpujilah namaMu!
Mzm 32:1
3. 'Ku menantikanMu teguh, rahmatMu kudambakan;
tak kuandalkan jasaku, firmanMu kuharapkan.
Lebih dari pengawal pun menunggu fajar bertekun,
Kutunggu Dikau, Tuhan!
4. Hai Israel, berharaplah kepada Tuhan saja!
Maha Pengasih Dialah, Penolong kaum percaya.
UmatNya dibebaskanNya dari segala dosanya;
Dib'riNya hidup baru!Mat 1:21
Tit 2:14
Dari Lembah Sengsaraku [KJ.24b]
1. Dari lembah sengsaraku 'ku berseru, ya Tuhan!
Dengarlah suara hambaMu, doaku pun kabulkan!
Jikalau kesalahanku terus teringat olehMu, tak dapat 'ku bertahan
Psalms 32:1-11
[Psa 32:1] Blest Is The Man, Forever Blest
Blest is the man, forever blest,
Whose guilt is pardoned by his God;
Whose sins with sorrow are confessed,
And covered with his Savior’s blood.Blest is the man to whom the Lord
Imputes not his iniquities;
He pleads no merit of reward,
And not on works, but grace relies.From guile his heart and lips are free;
His humble joy, his holy fear,
With deep repentance well agree,
And join to prove his faith sincere.How glorious is that righteousness
That hides and cancels all his sins,
While a bright evidence of grace
Through his whole life appears and shines!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:1] How Blest Is He Whose Trespass
How blest is he whose trespass
Hath freely been forgiv’n,
Whose sin is wholly covered
Before the sight of Heav’n.
But he to whom Jehovah
Will not impute his sin,
Who has a guileless spirit,
Whose heart is true within.While I kept guilty silence
My strength was spent with grief;
Thy hand was heavy on me,
My soul found no relief;
But when I owned my trespass,
My sin hid not from Thee,
When I confessed transgression,
Then Thou forgavest me.So let the godly seek Thee
In times when Thou art near;
No whelming floods shall reach them,
Nor cause their hearts to fear.
In Thee, O Lord, I hide me,
Thou savest me from ill,
And songs of Thy salvation
My heart with rapture thrill.I graciously will teach thee
The way that thou shalt go,
And with Mine eye upon thee
My counsel make thee know.
But be ye not unruly,
Or slow to understand,
Be not perverse, but willing
To heed My wise command.The sorrows of the wicked
In number shall abound,
But those that trust Jehovah,
His mercy shall surround.
Then in the Lord be joyful,
In song lift up your voice;
Be glad in God, ye righteous,
Rejoice, ye saints, rejoice.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:1] O Blessèd Souls Are They
O blessèd souls are they
Whose sins are covered o’er;
Divinely blessed, to whom the Lord
Imputes their guilt no more.They mourn their follies past,
And keep their hearts with care;
Their lips and lives without deceit
Shall prove their faith sincere.While I concealed my guilt,
I felt the painful wound,
Till I confessed my sins to Thee,
And ready pardon found.Let sinners learn to pray,
Let saints keep near the throne;
Our help in times of deep distress
Is found in God alone.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:2] Happy The Man To Whom His God
Happy the man to whom his God
No more imputes his sin,
But, washed in the Redeemer’s blood,
Hath made his garments clean!Happy beyond expression he
Whose debts are thus discharged;
And from the guilty bondage free,
He feels his soul enlarged.His spirit hates deceit and lies,
His words are all sincere;
He guards his heart, he guards his eyes,
To keep his conscience clear.While I my inward guilt suppressed,
No quiet I could find;
Thy wrath lay burning in my breast,
And racked my tortured mind.Then I confessed my troubled thoughts,
My secret sins revealed;
Thy pardoning grace forgave my faults,
Thy grace my pardon sealed.This shall invite Thy saints to pray;
When like a raging flood
Temptations rise, our strength and stay
Is a forgiving God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:3] While I Keep Silence, And Conceal
While I keep silence, and conceal
My heavy guilt within my heart,
What torments doth my conscience feel!
What agonies of inward smart!I spread my sins before the Lord,
And all my secret faults confess;
Thy Gospel speaks a pardoning word,
Thine Holy Spirit seals the grace.For this shall every humble soul
Make swift addresses to Thy seat;
When floods of huge temptations roll,
There shall they find a blest retreat.How safe beneath Thy wings I lie,
When days grow dark and storms appear;
And when I walk, Thy watchful eye
Shall guide me safe from every snare.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:5] I Know God’s Promise Is True
For God so loved this sinful world,
His Son He freely gave,
That whosoever would believe
Eternal life should have.Refrain
’Tis true, O yes, ’tis true,
God’s wonderful promise is true;
For I’ve trusted, and tested, and tried it,
And I know God’s promise is true.I was a wayward, wand’ring child,
A slave to sin and fear,
Until this blessèd promise fell
Like music on my ear.Refrain
The “whosoever” of the Lord,
I trusted was for me,
I took Him at His gracious word;
From sin He set me free.Refrain
Eternal life, begun below,
Now fills my heart and soul.
I’ll sing His praise forevermore
Who has redeemed my soul.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:7] Dark Is The Night
Dark is the night, and cold the wind is blowing,
Nearer and nearer comes the breakers’ roar;
Where shall I go, or whither fly for refuge?
Hide me, my Father, till the storm is o’er.Refrain
With His loving hand to guide, let the clouds above me roll,
And the billows in their fury dash around me.
I can brave the wildest storm, with His glory in my soul,
I can sing amidst the tempest—Praise the Lord!Dark is the night, but cheering is the promise,
He will go with me o’er the troubled wave;
Safe He will lead me through the pathless waters,
Jesus, the mighty One, and strong to save.Refrain
Dark is the night, but lo! the day is breaking,
Onward my bark, unfurl thy every sail,
Now at the helm I see my Father standing,
Soon will my anchor drop within the veil.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:7] Hide Thou Me
In Thy cleft, O Rock of Ages, hide Thou me!
When the fitful tempest rages, hide Thou me!
Where no mortal arm can sever
From my heart Thy love forever,
Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ages, safe in Thee!From the snare of sinful pleasure, hide Thou me!
Thou, my soul’s eternal Treasure, hide Thou me!
When the world its power is wielding,
And my heart is almost yielding,
Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ages, safe in Thee!In the lonely night of sorrow, hide Thou me!
Till in glory dawns the morrow, hide Thou me!
When we’re nearing Jordan’s billow,
Let Thy bosom be my pillow;
Hide me, O Thou Rock of Ages, safe in Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:7] Thou Art My Hiding Place, O Lord
Thou art my hiding place, O Lord,
In Thee I put my trust;
Encouraged by Thy holy Word,
A feeble child of dust;
I have no argument beside,
I urge no other plea;
And ’tis enough my Savior died,
My Savior died for me.When storms of fierce temptation beat,
And furious foes assail,
My refuge is the mercy seat,
My hope within the veil.
From strife of tongues and bitter words
My spirit flies to Thee:
Joy to my heart the thought affords,
My Savior died for me.’Mid trials heavy to the be borne,
When mortal strength is vain,
A heart with grief and anguish torn,
A body racked with pain,
Ah! what could the sufferer rest,
Bid every murmur flee,
But this, the witness in my breast
That Jesus died for me?And when Thine awful voice commands
This body to decay,
And life, in its last lingering sands,
Is ebbing fast away,
Then, though it be in accents weak,
And faint and tremblingly,
O give me strength in death to speak,
“My Savior died for me.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:8] Father In Heaven, Who Lovest All
Father in Heaven, who lovest all,
O help Thy children when they call,
That they may build from age to age
An undefiled heritage.Teach us to bear the yoke in youth,
With steadfastness and careful truth,
That, in our time, Thy grace may give
The truth whereby the nations live.Teach us to rule ourselves alway,
Controlled and cleanly night and day,
That we may bring, if need arise,
No maimed or worthless sacrifice.Teach us to look in all our ends,
On Thee for Judge, and not our friends,
That we, with Thee, may walk uncowed
By fear or favor of the crowd.Teach us the strength that cannot seek,
By deed or thought, to hurt the weak,
That, under Thee, we may possess
Man’s strength to comfort man’s distress.Teach us delight in simple things,
And mirth that has no bitter springs,
Forgiveness free of evil done,
And love to all men ’neath the sun.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:8] Precious Promise
Precious promise God has given
To the weary passerby,
On the way from earth to Heaven,
“I will guide thee with Mine eye.”Refrain
I will guide thee, I will guide thee,
I will guide thee with Mine eye
On the way from earth to Heaven,
I will guide thee with Mine eye.When temptations almost win thee
And thy trusted watchers fly,
Let this promise ring within thee,
“I will guide thee with Mine eye.”Refrain
When thy secret hopes have perished
In the grave of years gone by,
Let this promise still be cherished,
“I will guide thee with Mine eye.”Refrain
When the shades of life are falling
And the hour has come to die,
Hear thy trusty Pilot calling,
“I will guide thee with Mine eye.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 32:10] The Mercy Of God Is An Ocean Divine
The mercy of God is an ocean divine,
A boundless and fathomless flood.
Launch out in the deep, cut away the shore line,
And be lost in the fullness of God.Refrain
Launch out, into the deep.
Oh let the shore line go.
Launch out, launch out in the ocean divine,
Out where the full tides flow.But many, alas! only stand on the shore,
And gaze on the ocean so wide.
They never have ventured its depths to explore,
Or to launch on the fathomless tide.Refrain
And others just venture away from the land,
And linger so near to the shore
That the surf and the slime that beat over the strand
Dash o’er them in floods evermore.Refrain
Oh, let us launch out on this ocean so broad,
Where floods of salvation o’erflow.
Oh, let us be lost in the mercy of God,
Till the depths of His fullness we know.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal