Psalms 36:5-9
loyal love <02617> [mercy.]
faithfulness <0530> [faithfulness.]
justice <06666> [righteousness.]
highest mountains <02042 0410> [great mountains. Heb. mountains of God.]
fairness <04941> [judgments.]
preserve <03467> [thou.]
precious <03368> [How.]
precious <03368> [excellent. Heb. precious.]
finds shelter <02620> [put their.]
with <07301> [abundantly.]
with <07301> [satisfied. Heb. watered.]
{Yirweyun,} "they shall be saturated," as a thirsty field by showers from heaven.
drink <08248> [and thou.]
delicacies <05730> [thy pleasures.]
Or, {adanacha,} "thy pleasure," as four MSS., read; in which there is probably a reference to the garden of Eden, and the river that ran through, and watered it.
gives and sustains <04726> [For.]
<0216> [in thy.]