Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 96:6
Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72] ( The God of Abraham Praise / Yigdol )
1. Agungkan Allahmu, junjungan Abraham,
Yang takhta rahmatNya teguh, Sang Raja Am!
Yang Ada, Yang Esa, dipuji,
disembah di sorga dan di dunia selamanya!
Mzm 95-99
1 Tim 6:15-16
Mzm 69:35
Mzm 148
2. Agungkan Allahmu, Junjungan Abraham
dan sumber sukacitaku, tempat tent'ram.
Kutolak dunia dan harkat yang semu;
Allahku harta yang baka, Perisaiku!
Mzm 16:5, 11
Mzm 73:26
3. Terjamin janjiNya dan itu kupegang:
di sayap rajawalilah 'ku masuk t'rang.
K'lak tampak wajahNya, Kupuji kuasaNya
dan menyanyikan rahmatNya selamanya.
Yes 40:31
4. Di negeri baka bertakhta Pemenang
Sang Raja Damai Dialah dan Raja T'rang
Kekal kuasaNya di Sion yang cerlang
Bersama orang suciNya yang t'lah menang
Yl 3:17
Mi 4:7
Ibr 12:22-23
5. Yang sudah ditebus memuji Tuhannya,
"Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus terpujilah!"
Ya Allah Abraham, Kau juga Allahku;
'ku sujud dan penuh iman memujimu.Mat 3:9
Gal 3:8, 14, 29
Play Bila Kulihat Bintang Gemerlapan [KJ.64]
1. Bila kulihat bintang gemerlapan dan bunyi guruh riuh kudengar,
ya Tuhanku, tak putus aku heran melihat ciptaanMu yang besar.
Maka jiwaku pun memujiMu: "Sungguh besar Kau, Allahku!"
Maka jiwaku pun memujiMu: "Sungguh besar Kau, Allahku!"
Mzm 8:4
Mzm 29
2. Ya Tuhanku, pabila kurenungkan pemberianMu dalam Penebus,
'ku tertegun: bagiku dicurahkan oleh PutraMu darahNya kudus.
Maka jiwaku pun memujiMu: "Sungguh besar Kau, Allahku!"
Maka jiwaku pun memujiMu: "Sungguh besar Kau, Allahku!"
Yoh 3:16
Rm 8:32
Mrk 14:24
3. Pabila nanti Kristus memanggilku, sukacita amatlah besar,
kar'na terkabullah yang kurindukan: melihat Dikau, Tuhanku akbar.
Maka jiwaku pun memujiMu: "Sungguh besar Kau, Allahku!"
Maka jiwaku pun memujiMu: "Sungguh besar Kau, Allahku!"1 Kor 13:12
Why 22:4
Play Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Yang Esa di sorga maha tinggi,
sebab kekal selamanya selamat kita ini;
yang berkenan kepadaNya beroleh damai yang baka,
dendam pun tiada lagi.
Luk 2:14
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujian, hormat dan sembah terimalah, ya Bapa.
Engkaulah Raja semesta kekal segala abad.
KuasaMu tiada bandingnya di sorga dan di dunia;
Engkaulah Allah kami!
Why 4:11
Mzm 95-99
3. Ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, ya Putra Tunggal Allah,
dengan darahMu yang kudus Kauhapus aib dan salah;
ya Anakdomba mulia, seruan doa t'rimalah dan kasihani kami!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Why 5:9, 11
4. Ya roh Kudus berkurnia, Penghibur yang terkarib,
kawananMu kuatkanlah di dalam Yang Tersalib,
supaya kami pun teguh terhadap goda dan keluh;
diami hati kami!Yoh 14:26
Rm 15:13
1 Kor 2:4-6
Psalms 68:24
[Psa 68:24] My God, My King, Thy Praise I Sing
My God, my King, Thy praise I sing,
My heart is all Thine own;
My highest powers, my choicest hours,
I yield to Thee alone.My voice awake, thy part to take;
My soul, the concert join;
Till all around shall catch the sound,
And mix their hymns with mine.But man is weak Thy praise to speak;
Your God, ye angels, sing;
’Tis yours to see, more near than we,
The glories of our King.His truth and grace fill time and space;
As large His honors be
Till all that live their homage give
And praise my God with me.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 77:13-14
[Psa 77:13] O God, Most Holy Are Thy Ways
O God, most holy are Thy ways,
And who like Thee deserves my praise?
Thou only doest wondrous things,
The whole wide world Thy glory sings;
Thine outstretched arm Thy people saved,
Though sore distressed and long enslaved.O God, from Thee the waters fled,
The depths were moved with mighty dread,
The swelling clouds their torrents poured,
And o’er the earth the tempest roared;
’Mid lightning’s flash and thunder’s sound
Great trembling shook the solid ground.Thy way was in the sea, O God,
Through mighty waters, deep and broad;
None understood but God alone,
To man Thy footsteps were unknown;
But safe Thy people Thou didst keep,
Almighty Shepherd of Thy sheep.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 84:2-11
[Psa 84:3] The King’s Business
I am a stranger here, within a foreign land;
My home is far away, upon a golden strand;
Ambassador to be of realms beyond the sea,
I’m here on business for my King.Refrain
This is the message that I bring,
A message angels fain would sing:
“Oh, be ye reconciled,”
Thus saith my Lord and King,
“Oh, be ye reconciled to God.”This is the King’s command: that all men, everywhere,
Repent and turn away from sin’s seductive snare;
That all who will obey, with Him shall reign for aye,
And that’s my business for my King.Refrain
My home is brighter far than Sharon’s rosy plain,
Eternal life and joy throughout its vast domain;
My Sovereign bids me tell how mortals there may dwell,
And that’s my business for my King.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:8] Inspirer And Hearer Of Prayer
Inspirer and hearer of prayer,
Thou Shepherd and Guardian of Thine,
My all to Thy covenant care,
I, sleeping or waking, resign.If Thou art my Shield and my Sun,
The night is no darkness to me;
And, fast as my minutes roll on,
They bring me but nearer to Thee.A sovereign Protector I have,
Unseen, yet for ever at hand;
Unchangeably faithful to save,
Almighty to rule and command.His smiles and His comforts abound,
His grace, as the dew, shall descend;
And walls of salvation surround
The soul He delights to defend.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:8] Lord God Of Hosts, In Mercy
Lord God of hosts, in mercy
My supplication hear;
Almighty and all faithful,
Our fathers’ God, give ear.
Our Shield and great Defender,
No longer hide Thy face,
But look upon Thy servant,
Anointed by Thy grace.In Thy blest courts to worship,
My God, a single day
Is better than a thousand
While far from Thee I stray.
Though in a lowly station,
The service of my Lord
I choose above all pleasures
That sinful ways afford.A sun and shield forever
Is God, the Lord Most High,
To those who walk uprightly
No good will He deny.
His saints, His grace receiving,
Shall soon His glory see;
O Lord of hosts, most blessèd
Are they that trust in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:8] O Lord Of Hosts, To Thee I Cry
O Lord of hosts, to Thee I cry,
Our fathers’ God, to Thee;
Let my petition reach Thine ear,
My prayer accepted be.
O God our Shield, look Thou on us,
Reveal Thyself in grace,
And let Thine own anointed one
Behold Thee face to face.A single day within Thy courts,
Where I Thy beauty see,
Is better than a thousand days,
My God, apart from Thee.
A lowly station in Thy house
Were dearer to my heart
Than in the tents of wickedness
To claim the chiefest part.A Sun and Shield is God, the Lord,
To lighten and defend;
The Lord to such as look to Him
Will grace and glory send.
To those that walk in righteousness
No good will He deny.
O Lord of hosts, how blest are they
Who on Thy grace rely!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:10] How Lovely Are Thy Tents, O Lord
How lovely are Thy tents, O Lord!
Where’er Thou choosest to record
Thy Name, or place Thy house of prayer;
My soul outflies the angel choir,
And faints, o’erpowered with strong desire,
To meet Thy special presence there.My heart and flesh cry out for God;
There would I fix my soul’s abode,
As birds that in the altars nest;
There would I all my young ones bring,
An offering to my God and King,
And in Thy courts for ever rest.Happy the men to whom ’tis given,
To dwell within that gate of Heaven,
And in Thy house record Thy praise;
Whose strength and confidence Thou art,
Who feel Thee, Savior, in their heart,
The Way, the Truth, the Life of grace:Who, passing through the mournful vale,
Drink comfort from the living well,
That flows replenished from above;
From strength to strength advancing here,
Till all before their God appear,
And each receives the crown of love.Better a day Thy courts within
Than thousands in the tents of sin;
How base the noblest pleasure there!
How great the weakest child of Thine!
His meanest task is all divine,
And kings and priests Thy servants are.The Lord protects and cheers His own,
Their light and strength, their shield and sun;
He shall both grace and glory give;
Unlimited His bounteous grant;
No real good they e’er shall want;
All, all is theirs, who righteous live.O Lord of hosts, how blest is he
Who steadfastly believes in Thee!
He all Thy promises shall gain;
The soul that on Thy love is cast
Thy perfect love on earth shall taste,
And soon with Thee in glory reign.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:10] How Lovely, How Divinely Sweet
How lovely, how divinely sweet,
Oh Lord! Thy sacred courts appear;
Fain would my longing passions meet
The glories of Thy presence there.O bless’d the men, bless’d their employ,
Whom Thy indulgent favors raise
To dwell in those abodes of joy,
And sing Thy never ceasing praise.Happy the men whom strength divine
With ardent love and zeal inspires;
Whose steps to Thy blest way incline
With willing hearts and warm desires.One day within Thy sacred gate,
Affords more real joy to me
Than thousands in the tents of state;
The meanest place is bliss with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:10] My Soul, How Lovely Is The Place
My soul, how lovely is the place
To which thy God resorts!
’Tis heav’n to see His smiling face,
Though in His earthly courts.There the great Monarch of the skies
His saving power displays,
And light breaks in upon our eyes
With kind and quick’ning rays.With His rich gifts the heav’nly Dove
Descends and fills the place,
While Christ reveals His wondrous love,
And sheds abroad His grace.There, mighty God, Thy words declare
The secrets of Thy will;
And still we seek Thy mercy there,
And sing Thy praises still.My heart and flesh cry out for Thee,
While far from Thine abode;
When shall I tread Thy courts, and see
My Savior and my God?The sparrow builds herself a nest,
And suffers no remove;
O make me, like the sparrows, blest,
To dwell but where I love.To sit one day beneath Thine eye,
And hear Thy gracious voice,
Exceeds a whole eternity
Employed in carnal joys.Lord, at Thy threshold I would wait
While Jesus is within,
Rather than fill a throne of state,
Or live in tents of sin.Could I command the spacious land,
And the more boundless sea,
For one blest hour at Thy right hand
I’d give them both away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:10] Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above
Pleasant are Thy courts above,
In the land of light and love;
Pleasant are Thy courts below
In this land of sin and woe;
O, my spirit longs and faints
For the converse of Thy saints,
For the brightness of Thy face,
For Thy fullness, God of grace.Happy birds that sing and fly
Round Thy altars, O most High;
Happier souls that find a rest
In a heavenly Father’s breast;
Like the wandering dove that found
No repose on earth around,
They can to their ark repair,
And enjoy it ever there.Happy souls, their praises flow
Even in this vale of woe;
Waters in the desert rise,
Manna feeds them from the skies;
On they go from strength to strength,
Till they reach Thy throne at length,
At Thy feet adoring fall,
Who hast led them safe through all.Lord, be mine this prize to win,
Guide me through a world of sin,
Keep me by Thy saving grace,
Give me at Thy side a place;
Sun and shield alike Thou art,
Guide and guard my erring heart.
Grace and glory flow from Thee;
Shower, O shower them, Lord, on me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:11] Eternal Sun Of Righteousness
Eternal Sun of righteousness,
Display Thy beams divine,
And cause the glory of Thy face
Upon my heart to shine.Light, in Thy light, oh, may I see,
Thy grace and mercy prove,
Revived, and cheered, and blest by Thee,
The God of pardoning love.Lift up Thy countenance serene,
And let Thy happy child
Behold, without a cloud between,
The Father reconciled.On me Thy promised grace bestow,
The peace by Jesus giv’n;
The joys of holiness below,
And then the joys of Heav’n.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:11] Jesus, Sun And Shield Art Thou
Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou;
Sun and Shield forever:
Never canst Thou cease to shine,
Cease to guard us never.
Cheer our steps as on we go,
Come between us and the foe.Jesus, Bread and Wine art Thou,
Wine and Bread forever:
Never canst Thou cease to feed,
Or refresh us never.
Feed we still on Bread divine,
Drink we still this heavenly Wine.Jesus, Love and Life art Thou,
Life and Love for ever:
Ne’er to quicken shalt Thou cease,
Or to love us never.
All of life and love we need
Is in Thee, in Thee indeed.Jesus, Peace and Joy art Thou,
Joy and Peace for ever:
Joy that fades not, changes not,
Peace that leaves us never.
Joy and peace we have in Thee,
Now and through eternity.Jesus, Song and Strength art Thou,
Strength and Song for ever:
Strength that never can decay,
Song that ceaseth never.
Still to us this strength and song
Through eternal days prolong.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:11] Sun Of My Soul
Sun of my soul, Thou Savior dear,
It is not night if Thou be near;
O may no earthborn cloud arise
To hide Thee from Thy servant’s eyes.When the soft dews of kindly sleep
My wearied eyelids gently steep,
Be my last thought, how sweet to rest
Forever on my Savior’s breast.Abide with me from morn till eve,
For without Thee I cannot live;
Abide with me when night is nigh,
For without Thee I dare not die.If some poor wandering child of Thine
Has spurned today the voice divine,
Now, Lord, the gracious work begin;
Let him no more lie down in sin.Watch by the sick, enrich the poor
With blessings from Thy boundless store;
Be every mourner’s sleep tonight,
Like infants’ slumbers, pure and right.Come near and bless us when we wake,
Ere through the world our way we take,
Till in the ocean of Thy love
We lose ourselves in Heaven above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 84:11] Trust And Obey
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.Refrain
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.Refrain
Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.Refrain
But we never can prove the delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.Refrain
Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet.
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 60:13
[Isa 60:13] Beautiful Christmas
O’er the hills and adown the snowy dells,
As the echoes ring of the Christmas bells,
Angel songs in our hearts resound again,
Singing peace on earth and good will to men!Refrain
Bring pine and fir tree, weave the garlands bright,
Gladden the temple of the King tonight!
Christmas is here! Fill it with cheer;
Make it glorious with joy and light.Bring good will to the suffering and sad;
Speak the tender word that shall make them glad;
Tell them how, o’er the hills of Bethlehem
When the angels sang, ’twas good news for them.Refrain
Peace on earth! bid all strife and tumult cease;
For this night again gives the Lord His peace;
While our hands shall His temple beautify,
Carol, glory be unto God most high.Refrain
So glad hearts on this happy Christmas night
Bring your gifts of love, make His altar bright;
Sing glad songs that shall sweetly sound as when
Angels sang of peace and good will to men.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal