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Psalms 82:1


psalm <04210> [A.M. 3108. B.C. 896. (Title.) A Psalm.]

Some refer this psalm to the time of David, and others to that of Hezekiah; but it is more probable that it was composed when Jehoshaphat reformed the courts throughout his kingdom.

Asaph <0623> [of Asaph. or, for Asaph.]

God ............. gods <0430> [God, etc.]

Or, "God standeth in the assembly of God, {ail,} he judgeth among the judges." {Elohim:} God is among His own people; and presides especially in those courts of justice which Himself has established.

God ............. gods <0430> [the gods.]

Psalms 97:7


ashamed <0954> [Confounded.]

bow <07812> [worship.]

Psalms 97:9


sovereign <05945> [high.]

elevated <03966> [far.]

Exodus 18:11


know <03045> [Now I.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

thing <01697> [in the thing.]

proudly <02102> [proudly.]

Deuteronomy 10:17


God ... God ... gods ........... God <0430 0410> [God of gods.]

lords <0113> [Lord of lords.]

great <01419> [a great.]

unbiased <05375> [regardeth.]

Joshua 22:22


El .... Lord El .... Lord ................. Lord <0410 03068> [Lord God.]

[Yeh“vƒh <\\See definition 03068\\> el“hŒym <\\See definition 0430\\> ˆl <\\See definition 0410\\>,] {El Elohim Yehowah,} literally "The strong God, Elohim Jehovah," which is nearly the version of Luther, {der starte Gott, der Herr,} "The strong God, the Lord."

knows ....... know <03045> [he knoweth.]

Israel <03478> [Israel.]

rebelled <04777> [if it be.]

Joshua 22:2


carried out <08104> [Ye have.]

<08085> [obeyed.]

Joshua 2:5


shut <05462> [of shutting.]

left ........ heading <03318 01980 0582> [the men went out.]

Daniel 2:47


God .... God ... gods <0426> [a God.]

Lord <04756> [a Lord.]

revealer ......... reveal <01541> [a revealer.]

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