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Revelation 13:2-7


like <2258 3664> [was like.]

Now ........... but its feet ...... and its ............. his ... his ... and <2532 846 4228> [and his feet.]

Now ........... but its ....... and its mouth ...... mouth ....... his ... his ... and <2532 846 4750> [and his mouth.]

dragon <1404> [dragon.]

gave <1325> [gave.]


<3391> [one.]

to have been killed <4969> [wounded. Gr. slain. and his.]

whole <3650> [all.]


they worshiped ............. and they worshiped ........... and <2532 4352> [And they.]

they worshiped ............. and they worshiped ........... and <2532 4352> [and they.]

Who ... like ..... Who <5101 3664> [Who is like.]

Who ....... Who is able <5101 1410> [who is able.]


a mouth <4750> [a mouth.]

and ... and ....... ruling authority ... forty-two <2532 1849> [and power.]

to exercise <4160> [to continue. or, to make war.]


opened <455> [he opened.]

So ..... his .......... his ... and his <2532 846> [and his.]

So ................ and ......... dwell <2532 4637> [and them.]


to go <4160> [to make.]

and .... He .... ruling authority ....... and <2532 1849> [and power.]

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