Revelation 9:18
A third <5154> [the third.]
Revelation 9:20
rest ............................. and ......... and <2532 3062> [And the.]
That is, those of the Latin and Greek churches, who escaped destruction, still persisted in their idolatrous worship of demons, etc.
cannot ... or ... or <3777> [yet.]
they did .... worshiping <4352> [worship.]
Le 17:7 De 32:17 2Ki 22:17 2Ch 34:25 Ps 106:37 Isa 2:8
Jer 25:6 44:8 Ac 7:41 19:26 1Co 10:20,21 1Ti 4:1 [All]
and idols ........ and <2532 1497> [and idols.]
Ps 115:4-8 135:15-18 Isa 40:19,20 41:7 42:17,18 44:9-20 46:5-7
Jer 10:3-5,8,9,14,15 15:19,20 51:17 Da 5:23 Hab 2:18-20
Ac 17:29 Ro 1:21-23 [All]