Romans 15:4-13
everything <3745> [whatsoever.]
For ........... for our instruction <1063 1519 2251 1319> [for our learning.]
Rather, "for our instruction."
so that <2443> [that.]
God <2316> [the God.]
comfort <3874> [consolation.]
give <1325> [grant.]
[according to. or, after the example of.]
together <3661> [with.]
Father <3962> [the.]
Receive ......... received <4355> [receive.]
just as <2531> [as.]
to <1519> [to.]
I tell <3004> [I say.]
<2424> [Jesus.]
on behalf .... truth <5228 225> [for the.]
truth <225> [truth.]
for ........ Because <5228 1223> [For.]
<2071> [There.]
And ........... and ..... rises <2532 450> [and he.]
God <2316> [the God.]
fill <4137> [fill.]
abound <4052> [abound.]