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Romans 6:1-23

6:1 tioun eroumenamartia inah carivpleonash <4121> (5661)

6:2 mhgenoito apeyanomenamartia pwveti zhsomenauth

6:3 hagnoeite osoiebaptisyhmen criston[ihsoun] eivton yanatonautou ebaptisyhmen <907> (5681)

6:4 sunetafhmenautw diatou baptismatoveiv tonyanaton inawsper hgeryhek nekrwndia thvdoxhv toupatrov outwvkai hmeiven kainothtizwhv peripathswmen <4043> (5661)

6:5 eigar sumfutoigegonamen omoiwmatitou yanatouautou allakai thvanastasewv esomeya <1510> (5704)

6:6 toutoginwskontev opalaiov hmwnanyrwpov sunestaurwyhkatarghyh swmathv amartiavtou mhketidouleuein thamartia

6:7 ogar apoyanwnthv amartiav

6:8 eide apeyanomencristw pisteuomenkai suzhsomen

6:9 eidotevcristov egeryeivnekrwn ouketiapoynhskei autououketi kurieuei <2961> (5719)

6:10 ogar apeyanenamartia apeyaneno dezh yew

6:11 outwvkai umeivlogizesye einaimen thamartia zwntavtw yewen cristwihsou

6:12 mhoun basileuetwamartia entw ynhtwumwn swmatieiv toupakouein epiyumiaivautou

6:13 mhdeparistanete melhumwn oplaadikiav thamartia allaparasthsate twyew wseiek nekrwnzwntav tamelh umwnopla dikaiosunhvtw yew

6:14 amartiagar umwnou kurieuseigar estenomon allaupo carin

6:15 tioun amarthswmenouk esmennomon allaupo carinmh genoito <1096> (5636)

6:16 oukoidate wparistanete doulouveiv upakohndouloi esteupakouete amartiaveiv yanatonh upakohveiv dikaiosunhn

6:17 carivde twyew otihte thvamartiav uphkousateek kardiaveiv onparedoyhte didachv

6:18 eleuyerwyentevapo thvamartiav edoulwyhtedikaiosunh

6:19 anyrwpinonlegw thnasyeneian thvsarkov umwnwsper garparesthsate melhumwn doulath akayarsiakai thanomia [eiv thnanomian] outwvnun parasthsatemelh umwndoula thdikaiosunh eivagiasmon

6:20 otegar douloihte amartiaveleuyeroi htedikaiosunh

6:21 tinaoun karponeicete efoiv nunepaiscunesye gartelov ekeinwnyanatov

6:22 nunide eleuyerwyentevthv amartiavdoulwyentev twyew ecetekarpon umwneiv agiasmonto detelov zwhnaiwnion

6:23 tagar oqwniathv amartiavyanatov tode carismatou yeouzwh aiwnioven cristwihsou twkuriw hmwn

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