Romans 9:6
as though <3634 1161> [as though.]
not ........... not <3756> [they are not.]
Romans 9:23-29
to make known <1107> [might.]
he has prepared beforehand <4282> [he had afore.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
whom ..... not ... from ... Jews .... from <3739 3756 1537 2453> [not of the Jews.]
3:29,30 4:11,12 10:12 11:11-13 15:8-16 Ge 49:10 Ps 22:27
Ac 13:47,48 15:14 21:17-20 Ga 3:28 Eph 2:11-13 3:6-8 Col 3:11 [All]
in Hosea <1722 5617> [in Osee.]
[Hosea. I will call.]
unloved ... beloved <25> [beloved.]
there they will be called <1563 2564> [there shall.]
Isaiah <2268> [Esaias.]
[Isaiah. though.]
remnant <2640> [a remnant.]
sentence <3056> [work. or, account. and cut.]
<1722 1343> [in righteousness.]
<1508> [Except.]
of armies <4519> [Sabaoth.]
would <302> [we had been.]
[Sodom, Gomorrah.]