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The Song of Songs 8:4

8:4 o <02654> Upxts <05704> de <0160> hbhah <0853> ta <05782> wrret <04100> hmw <05782> wryet <04100> hm <03389> Mlswry <01323> twnb <0853> Mkta <07650> ytebsh(8:4)

8:4 wrkisa <3726> umav <4771> yugaterev <2364> ierousalhm <2419> en <1722> taiv <3588> dunamesin <1411> kai <2532> en <1722> taiv <3588> iscusesin <2479> tou <3588> agrou <68> ti <5100> egeirhte <1453> kai <2532> ti <5100> exegeirhte <1825> thn <3588> agaphn <26> ewv <2193> an <302> yelhsh <2309>

Ephesians 5:22-33

5:22 aigunaikev toividioiv andrasinwv twkuriw

5:23 otianhr estinthv gunaikovwv kaio cristovkefalh thvekklhsiav autovswthr touswmatov

5:24 allawv hekklhsia upotassetaicristw outwvkai aigunaikev toivandrasin enpanti

5:25 oiandrev agapategunaikav kaywvkai ocristov hgaphsenekklhsian kaieauton paredwkenauthv

5:26 inaauthn agiashloutrw touudatov enrhmati

5:27 inaparasthsh eautwendoxon thnekklhsian mhecousan hrutida hti twntoioutwn allina hkai amwmov

5:28 outwvofeilousin oiandrev agapaneautwn gunaikavwv taeautwn swmatao agapwneautou gunaikaeauton agapa <25> (5719)

5:29 oudeivgar potethn eautousarka emishsenektrefei yalpeikaywv kaio cristovthn ekklhsian

5:30 otimelh esmenswmatov autou

5:31 antitoutou kataleiqei[ton] paterakai [thn] mhterakai proskollhyhsetaithn gunaikaautou kaiesontai duoeiv sarkamian

5:32 tomusthrion toutomega estinde legwcriston kai[eiv] thnekklhsian

5:33 plhnkai umeivoi kayena ekastovthn eautougunaika outwvagapatw eautonh degunh inafobhtai andra

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