Zechariah 7:4-8
Lord who rules over all <06635 03068> [Lord of hosts.]
fasted .................. fast <06684> [When.]
seventh <07637> [seventh.]
seventy <07657> [seventy.]
From the eleventh year of Zedekiah to the fourth of Darius Hystapses are just seventy years.
fasted .................. fast <06684> [did.]
eat ... drink ..... doing <0398 08354> [did not ye eat for. or, be not ye they that did eat for, etc.]
words <01697> [Should ye not hear the words. or, Are not these the words, etc.]
cried <07121> [cried.]
1:3-6 Isa 1:16-20 Jer 7:5,23 36:2,3 Eze 18:30-32 Da 9:6-14
Ho 14:1-3 Am 5:14,15 Mic 6:6-8 Zep 2:1-3 [All]
former <07223> [former. Heb. the hand of former. the south.]