krateo <2902>

kratew krateo

Origin:from 2904
Reference:TDNT - 3:910,466
PrtSpch:v (verb)
In Greek:ekrathsamen 1, ekrathsan 4, ekrathsate 2, ekrathsen 3, ekratounto 1, kekrathkenai 1, kekrathntai 1, kratei 1, kratein 1, krateisyai 1, krateite 2, krateiv 1, krathsai 4, krathsantev 3, krathsate 3, krathsav 6, krathsei 1, krathswsin 1, krathte 1, kratountav 3, kratountev 1, kratountov 1, kratousin 1, kratwmen 1, kratwn 2
In NET:to arrest 3, arrested 3, you did arrest 2, seized 2, had arrested 2, hold on 2, took 2, Arrest 2, who follow 2, grabbed 1, Hold on 1, has a firm grasp 1, has held fast 1, gently took 1, They kept 1, held on 1, arrest 1, They tried to arrest 1, by taking 1, could carry out 1, While was hanging on 1, holding back 1, to restrain 1, to hold fast 1, we arrested 1, were kept 1, you hold fast 1, you continue to cling 1, to be held 1, they are retained 1, you retain 1, hold fast 1, holding fast 1, let us hold fast 1, taking 1, hold 1
In AV:hold 12, take 9, lay hold on 8, hold fast 5, take by 4, lay hold upon 2, lay hand on 2, misc 5
Definition : 1) to have power, be powerful
1a) to be chief, be master of, to rule
2) to get possession of
2a) to become master of, to obtain
2b) to take hold of
2c) to take hold of, take, seize
2c1) to lay hands on one in order to get him into one's power
3) to hold
3a) to hold in the hand
3b) to hold fast, i.e. not discard or let go
3b1) to keep carefully and faithfully
3c) to continue to hold, to retain
3c1) of death continuing to hold one
3c2) to hold in check, restrain
from 2904; to use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively): KJV -- hold (by, fast), keep, lay hand (hold) on, obtain, retain, take (by).
see GREEK for 2904
Related Hebrew:qzx <02388>; Mwq <06965>; bha <0157>; zxa <0270>; hdyxa <0280>; Uma <0553>; qna <0602>; awb <0935>; hdbe <05656>; rue <06113>; Klm <04427>; lvm <04911>; jpv <08199>; spt <08610>; Nqt <08627>; vbk <03533>; rtk <03803>; dkl <03920>

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