archon <758>
arcwn archon
Pronunciation | : | ar'-khone |
Origin | : | present participle of 757 |
Reference | : | TDNT - 1:488,81 |
PrtSpch | : | n m (noun masculine) |
In Greek | : | arconta 6, arcontav 3, arcontev 9, arconti 4, arcontov 1, arcontwn 5, arcousin 1, arcwn 8 |
In NET | : | rulers 15, ruler 11, a ruler 5, Rulers 1, authorities 1, magistrate 1, ruler's 1, ruling council 1, leader 1 |
In AV | : | ruler 22, prince 11, chief 2, magistrate 1, chief ruler 1 |
Count | : | 37 |
Definition | : |
1) a ruler, commander, chief, leader
present participle of 757; a first (in rank or power): KJV -- chief (ruler), magistrate, prince, ruler. see GREEK for 757 |
Related Hebrew | : | hrqp <06486>; erp <06545>; xlu <06744>; dqdq <06936>; Nyuq <07101>; var <07218>; br <07227>; hdr <07287>; Nzr <07336>; jbv <07626>; ryv <07891>; Nwjlv <07984>; rs <08269>; rwx <02356>; qqx <02710>; ynda <0113>; la <0410>; vwna <0582>; leb <01167>; Klm <04428>; lvm <04911>; dygn <05057>; bydn <05081>; Kyon <05257>; aysn <05387>; Ngo <05461>; Nro <05633>; dbe <05650>; dwte <06260>; hxp <06346>; roy <03256>; dty <03489>; Mal <03816>; Uwl <03887> |
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