Romans 5:17 
ContextNETBible | For if, by the transgression of the one man, 1 death reigned through the one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, Jesus Christ! |
NIV © biblegateway Rom 5:17 |
For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. |
NASB © biblegateway Rom 5:17 |
For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. |
NLT © biblegateway Rom 5:17 |
The sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over us, but all who receive God’s wonderful, gracious gift of righteousness will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ. |
MSG © biblegateway Rom 5:17 |
If death got the upper hand through one man's wrongdoing, can you imagine the breathtaking recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-gift, this grand setting-everything-right, that the one man Jesus Christ provides? |
BBE © SABDAweb Rom 5:17 |
For, if by the wrongdoing of one, death was ruling through the one, much more will those to whom has come the wealth of grace and the giving of righteousness, be ruling in life through the one, even Jesus Christ. |
NRSV © bibleoremus Rom 5:17 |
If, because of the one man’s trespass, death exercised dominion through that one, much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness exercise dominion in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. |
NKJV © biblegateway Rom 5:17 |
For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.) |
[+] More English
KJV | For <1063> if <1487> by one man's <1520> offence <3900> death <2288> by <1223> one <1520>_; much <4183> more <3123> abundance <4050> of grace <5485> and <2532> of the gift <1431> of righteousness <1343> in <1722> life <2222> by <1223> one <1520>_, Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.) {by one man's...: or, by one offence} |
NASB © biblegateway Rom 5:17 |
For if <1487> by the transgression <3900> of the one <1520> , death <2288> reigned <936> through <1223> the one <1520> , much <4183> more <3123> those <3588> who receive <2983> the abundance <4050> of grace <5485> and of the gift <1431> of righteousness <1343> will reign <936> in life <2222> through <1223> the One <1520> , Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> . |
NET [draft] ITL | For <1063> if <1487> , by the transgression <3900> of the one man <1520> , death <2288> reigned <936> through <1223> the one <1520> , how much <4183> more <3123> will those who receive <2983> the abundance <4050> of grace <5485> and <2532> of the gift <1431> of righteousness <1343> reign <936> in <1722> life <2222> through <1223> the one <1520> , Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> ! |
GREEK | ei gar tw tou enov paraptwmati o yanatov ebasileusen tou enov pollw mallon oi thn perisseian thv caritov kai [thv dwreav] thv dikaiosunhv lambanontev zwh basileusousin tou enov ihsou cristou |
NETBible | For if, by the transgression of the one man, 1 death reigned through the one, how much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, Jesus Christ! |
NET Notes |
1 sn Here the one man refers to Adam (cf. 5:14). |